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Everything posted by Fugly

  1. Fugly


    Oooh...do you have a link?
  2. But the robot mode is WAY different...ahh, I'll shut up. Peace!
  3. what's weird is that when MF had a garland on display, they had it in bike mode, but it was pretty obvious that it was going to be transformable. I'm not an anal-retentive fanboy! I just have standards (and I like to bitch... ). The AS one is NOT the Yamato one, look closely at the crotch (...I didn't just say that, did I?) and you should be able to tell the difference. For starters, the Yamato one is pretty damn ugly, compared to the AS...not that I'm opinionated, or anything.
  4. Fugly


    Hey Panzer, not ALL HK sellahs sell bootlegs! Some are quite nice!
  5. Fugly

    Lego Konig Monster

    Hey max, looks like you got some competion on the gundam side http://news.lugnet.com/build/mecha/?n=12455 Now THAT is a lego gundam, my friends.
  6. Ha ha ha ha...see, what's funny is that now that these pics were released, yamato is either going to be a): not improve that horrible crotch, thus pissin' off fans, b): Change crotch, delay, or finally c): delay and paint horrible crotch. It's funny because if they DO option c) which they probably will, sadly, they'll be screwed because the fans will be posting the AS pictures next to the actual toy, and saying "Look at this! This isn't right, you bastards! Why didn't you make THIS!!!!" Sigh...I really, really, REALLY hope they go with the AS vers. If this story is true (which I hope it really is), then maybe they'll just say fuggit, and release the AS vers. I know fans, and just plain toy lovers, will be happier...
  7. Aha! thanks man...man, I'm stupid...of course it's Henkei Magic!
  8. GAH! In battroid mode, the friggin' cockpit shortens a shitload...look at the MAHQ pics, and you'll see what I mean. I just don't get it...In that 3D animation, the cockpit is the same size, so it looks like it's incredibly well-endowed, but in the anime the cockpit get's A LOT smaller... Ok, here's what I really want to know. Is it possible, without variable cockpits, to make a valk, that's anime-accurate? And sorry for de-railing the thread...it's a habit I have...
  9. Yeah, for some reason Medicom is making a whole new series of the lupin figs, and MAAAAAAAN are they nice...I think they're pretty cool, but my only problem is that they don't capture the soul of Monkey Punch's designs...which would be hard to do, anyway, since his drawing style is so sketchy. Anyway, here's the new figs: http://www.hlj.com/product/MEDSC-47 http://www.hlj.com/product/MEDSC-50 http://www.hlj.com/product/MEDSC-51 http://www.hlj.com/product/MEDSC-52
  10. Anybody here getting the new lupin III figs comin' out? The sculpts are a lot closer to the anime (not so much the manga, sadly), and the Jigen fig comes with a giant machine gun and pink crown....so cool...
  11. Huh...If you look at http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross.htm , they have lots of pics of the original Valks in mech and fighter mode. What I don't get is that the cockpit (especially apparent in the VF-1D) in battroid mode is more then half the size in fighter mode. Where does it go? Please tell me I'm making *some* sense...
  12. Will do! I was just wondering about that cockpit thing...does ANY valk do that?
  13. Hey man, don't diss yourself, it looks good. Why is it all Chrome? Is it actual metal?
  14. Fugly

    Lego Konig Monster

    Dude, if you make a commercially sold Knight Of Gold, I will forever be in awe...nice. I was wondering when you'd update it...and a voltron, too? Sweet! Good luck, please post yer' new website when it comes out!
  15. Anybody want to send me a free 1/48? Wow, good luck with the two-seater...that VF-1d (Not VF-4!) has always been my favorite mech of all time, next to Mazinger Z A quick question though...a couple months back I saw the original macross series for the first time, and when (I forget who) fights the big evil Zentradi guy, the zentradi dude rips off the chest "plate" of the valk in Battroid mode. When he does that, it shows that the whole cockpit of the valk seems to slide up. I was wondering if any of the toy valks do that? Cuz' in the show, the cockpit seems A LOT smaller in battroid mode...
  16. That "yamato" garland, isn't Yamato at all...which BLOWS! In the WF report, you can see that the proportions are way different, there's that ugly gap in the chest, and overall, it's not as nice. If that Atelier Sai Garland WAS the yamato garland, that'd kick ass...but it isn't. I'm sad now...
  17. Fugly

    Lego Konig Monster

    A lot of lego builders (myself included) are hands-on, and bad with L-Draw. L-draw is cool, but it's kinda hard to use, AND it's pretty hard to find those "new-pieces" in 3D. It's a lot easier to just buy the kits, and build from there... It's funny, a couple of years ago I made this beautiful Blue transforming jets with white stripes...it was so cool. I used bricks for the wings (instead of plates) and so the whole thing looked smoother and cooler...man it was neat. Of course, after about a week I took it apart (without taking pictures). That's pretty much what a lot of people do, except for those dedicated people that find enough time to set up a little studio and take pictures... Anyway, instructions are hard. L-Draw usually has only old pieces, so you either have to create the new ones in another 3D program, or find them somewhere else...which is usually (like I said) a bitch. Taking pictures of the step-by-step process is good, but that means you have to have enough balls to take apart something that you put your soul into, and know how to rebuild it. That monster, I would guess, probably took somewhere between 2-3 weeks, and that's if he put a lot of time into it every day (say 3-4 hours). If he worked on it occasionly, then it was probably somewhere between 2-3 months! Ahem, sorry for babbling, hope that made sense...
  18. Bee-yoo-ti-full, man. Wowzers...
  19. Fugly

    Lego Konig Monster

    No offense to anybody, but as a lego builder myself (...I never stopped, even in college...), NOBODY ever makes instructions. Instructions are time-consuming to make, hard to draw/photograph, and many people simply make something (like the Konig) and scrap it for parts, making something else. Sure, it'd be cool if people made instructions, but can you imagine making a 1/72 transforming Valk out of scratch, then trying to make instructions on how you did it? It'd be a bitch! Again, no offense, but questions like that sometimes piss me off, no idea why...
  20. Fugly

    Lego Konig Monster

    Yeah, does anybody know what happend to GlaGla? He had a website that he'd update occasionaly, a real simple one web-page affair with the picture of the current mech he was making, but all the sudden he just...stopped, completely. Pretty frustrating...
  21. Fugly


    I have a quick question, that I hope won't offend If you had, I dunno, a SHE VF-19, and you recasted all the parts (like if you wanted an army of them) and put it together blah blah blah, would that be illegal? I know copying one and SELLing one is illegal, but just recasting for personal enjoyment, is THAT illegal?
  22. Hey, sorry for being OT but how is that Windcharger Alt, by the way?
  23. Man are you guys picky but I can see what you mean, with ordnance piled, and that weird crane...I like that little forklift though, very cute. Personally, I've always been a fan of the gerwalk mode, and that would make more sense then the battroid mode that it's in...then again, the fighter mode would work even better! But cool idea, at least kudos for trying. And a great way to display yer' valks.
  24. Nice, better then anything I could do...a heh heh heh... I was wondering though, are you going to add another joint to the thighs? That way, you could have him do yoga moves
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