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s.t.r. sho

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Everything posted by s.t.r. sho

  1. I started to build the town in SDF-1. As a beginning I made the landscape roughly by a cardboard and a polystylene board. The center road goes through the knee of SDF-1. Trying to make the landscape transform. As SDF-1 stretches the knee, the road and buildings crash.
  2. Hello, thank you for your views and comments. I attended to FabLab last year, planning to build 1/700 mechs by 3D printer, not achieved though. 2013-8-24 FabLab Kannai Night Partyhttp://fablab-kannai.org/archives/132 Today I published a movie on YouTube. Tried a projection of landscape by a projector. I should make a projection mapping on SDF-1, like barrier system, pin-point barrier, Macross cannon launch and... Many dreams but I'll do step by step. SDF-1 Macross 1/700 Scale http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDhV4ubX4oQ
  3. s.t.r. sho

    SDF-1 and projection

    Landscapes, aeroscapes and timescapes are added to SDF-1 by a projector.
  4. Nice high detail isn't it? Love it.
  5. I have not built inside mechanics, there bare cardbords are seen. It'll be a long way to build the city, structures in Daedalus, destroids and so on. You may want make Daedalus attack. The left leg.
  6. Now move on back to SDF-1 body. I mentioned that the body has wooden frames inside. I put cardboard parts on each frame. These cardboards are from cardboard boxes for vegetables or so, you can get them at supermarkets or you may get too much boxes including presents sent from your family. Just use them. You should not trash them and should not buy them. You have to use huge amount of glue though. 3 mm etched Mimmay is in the bridge. I can't see her face. In near future we should construct such figures with digital micro-printing technology. The metal materials on the bridge is not etched parts, they might be laser cut parts from metal construction kits of the empire state building or so. On the breast there are egg packages as rocket boosters.
  7. lol full of lol i'm glad macross story is loved over the world. congratulations from japan. oh back to the model these paintings and markings make me happy, that makes reality to macross mechanics.
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