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Posts posted by cypherxv

  1. To avoid talking about wave two here's a few updates they posted about what scale they will do next. Although it seems Kevin wants to change the next era to 15mm. Although in the following update he back pedals his opinion about 6mm not being good and blames those around him instead. There will also be another sham poll this week about 6mm vs 15mm.







    Considering the bombshell Kevin just revealed, in context I think they have more important things to worry about right now than working on other things and directions for the project that they never intended to go with the Kickstarter. It's also worrisome that not only are those exclusives, conventional units, and the Invid (?) the only positive things that he had to say out of the entire two part manifesto of costly mistakes, but it sounds like those have a better chance of getting released before the things people actually pledged for.

    Also, sorry Southern Cross fans (again).

    Something else to consider if it launches before Wave 2 is completed, it SHOULD be heavily lambasted. Why? For two potential reasons.

    Either they have nothing significant to show for it (no digital sculpts, no stats, no rules, no non-recycled artwork), in which case their trustworthiness and competence should be a big warning sign.

    Or, they DO have something significant to show for it. In which case, they've been developing the new stuff while Wave 2 has stagnated.

    There's simply no way they can do another KS without sticking it to the current backers, or being way too vague to the new backers (or being PB, both).

  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, since all I see is macross models in the model section. To the mods please feel free to move this if its in the wrong place. I took one of my old models and repurposed it for games of war hammer 40k. Sorry for the bad pics. All I have is my ipad3 camera.










  3. I wish pb would just focus getting wave two out instead of spending backer money on tangents. One of Kevin's friends who was working on the robotech game was let go last week. Just recently Kevin made known that he's had artwork stolen. I don't know if this is from the crisis of treachery and he's just noticing it or this Jeff person took it recently. Don't know or care, but I'd hate for Kevin to use this as an excuse to delay or not deliver wave two.

  4. Another PB update:

    UPDATE: Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines™ Sourcebook – in production

    I have been working on this title in between directing operations on several Robotech® plans and projects. Robotech® Marines is going to be a crowd pleaser with new mecha, aliens, new character classes, the Invid and more. Author Irvin Jackson outdid himself.

    NEW! Robotech® Dice Bag – Gold imprint on a black bag

    The Robotech® Dice Bag was a hit at AdeptiCon and is a hit with gamers making purchases from the Palladium online store. The Robotech® Dice Bag has gold colored printing on a faux velvet, black, draw-string bag – 7½ x 8 inch bag with flat, round bottom. $8.00 and only available from Palladium Books. More to be revealed for Robotech® soon. See a full description of this item elsewhere in this Update and in the online store.

    UPDATE: Robotech® RPG Tactics™

    So much going on. We continue to hammer out a number of projects and plans we think our Kickstarter backers and all Robotech® supporters will be excited about. We don’t have everything worked out yet, so we are hesitant to discuss them yet, but very soon.

    Meanwhile, work continues on the engineering aspect of Wave Two items, and more comprehensive instruction sheets for building Robotech® RPG Tactics™ are being posted on DriveThruRPG.com with much more free and helpful materials in development.

    Robotech® RPG Tactics™ has shipped to our Kickstarter backers in Europe and continues to ship to Australian backers, with the rest of the world to follow.

    As I noted last week, Palladium has exciting plans in development for expanding the Robotech® RPG Tactics™ game line and gaming experience. I’m anxious to share those with you as soon as possible.

    Beasts of War recently posted an Unboxing of Robotech® RPG Tactics™ video with Carmen Bellaire, co-author of the rules for Robotech® RPG Tactics™, and it is my understanding that 2-3 additional videos will be posted in the weeks ahead. Catch ‘em all and enjoy.

    Don’t miss the Forge the Narrative Podcast we mentioned last week. While at AdeptiCon, Jeff Burke and I did a podcast with Paul Murphy. He also interviewed the guys at Ninja Division and a host of other people. It can be heard at:


  5. I saw this at Robo Toy Fest and came perilously close to pulling the trigger. Has anyone played yet? Is it fun (I mean once you get over the assembly/painting hump that seems to be the main gripe here)?

    Tried out the rules with my son. It does a good job emulating what was seen in the show. We had fun playing it. Next game I won't go easy on the boy so I can unleash full missile spam like in the anime. You can also blow up structures. Handy when the enemy mech is hiding behind it. I need to start painting them. They'll look better if I do.



  6. After all the commotion Kevin stirred up with the GC issue even if he had the boxes to sell, when it comes to demoing the game his whole plan to promote it (for the success of the game as he's said) was to have one or two fan friends demo it in the RPG section as opposed to the minis game room. It's my understanding that the RPG room gets little foot traffic, but the minis room gets lots of foot traffic. According to one of the MA's PB was to cheap to pay for a table in the miniatures area.

    Also with GC days away his demo team doesn't even have the rules yet. So they don't know how to play the game. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    Here's the demo talking about it.

    "Gen con had no issue with us being in the minis room, if we paid the table fee, Which was exorbitant and out of the question. Given we had enough RPG support they allowed us five tables in a section to our selves in the RPG section, and given we had demo's being run at the Palladium booth, the one game of RRT did not make financial sense to put it in the mini's room. When we could place it in the palladium section of the RPG area we where given for free, We also as a MA and long time Palladium freind and fan, didnt want to wake the dreaded something is going to go wrong curse, raise the money and spend it on a table, in which we could put nothing because of a delay of product or other unforseen issue. Plus placing it in the Palladium area will allow people to see what the company has to offer as a package.

    Now would I have liked to put it in the minis room, hell if I had the people and the materials, yes I would have liked to have three or four tables of RRT in the minis room and a couple tables in the card room playing palladium card game, make the entire con about Palladium.

    This is also as NMI said the first year the MA's have really made our selves known, like many we are coming out of the shadows and standing forth to declare Palladium is strong and we will game on.

    Now if you are coming to Gen Con see you in a few days"

  7. What the update left out that was in Kevin's murmur concerning wave two. Apperantly Kevin has a persecution complex.

    "Considering how we are jumped on and ridiculed every time a projected release date is offered and then pushed back, or we face a delay, we are not committing to any specific release date for Wave Two until we have a fairly solid and realistic one from the manufacturing end of things.

    That said, Wayne and Jeff had a conference call with our development partners, Ninja Division, to discuss Wave Two just Tuesday. We have, of course, never stopped making plans for the release of Wave Two items, as well as discussing ideas for future releases of Robotech® RPG Tactics™ products. The possibilities for the future of this game line are nothing short of fantastic and exciting as all get out.

    Right now, the manufacturer and Palladium Books are very much focused on finishing the manufacturing of Wave One products and getting them shipped to the USA. Then we will be focused on the massive shipping operation to get product shipped to our 5,000+ Kickstarter backers (we estimate that will be something like 7,000-10,000 packages!) and then to our distributors.

    I’m dying for the Monster, myself (it is gorgeous and one of my all-time favorite mecha). And the Zentraedi foot soldiers. And the YF-4. And the Jotun, and . . . well, everything! It’s all coming."

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