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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Posts posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. quick pic of GERWALK taken from a psvita camera (low res and grainy) before I go to sleep:1q8q.jpg

    So far ankles hold up fine. There is a lot of friction in mine. It's not going to droop down. If yours are loose maybe it is time to buy yourself a stand for gerwalk mode?

  2. Ok. I just checked and found them so yeah it DOES lock. Nothing to wory about. Did I scare you?

    Will leave this in GERWALK mode over night and see if it hasn't nose-dived by the morning.. I would say this is up to the standard of vf-19 and vf-4 in the build quality.

  3. Oh yeah one other thing:

    the upper body doesn't lock to anything in GERWALK. Were people expecting that? When you pick it up in GERWALK you wil see what I mean.

  4. The ankles on mine are very tight. I have it standing in GERWALK now with nose poining forward and it doesn't look lke it will change.

    For those who have received theirs is this true for you guys too or am I just lucky?

    As for loose gunpod, yes I agree for the price we pay we should not have to fix anything. But whatever.. This is still very big improvement over the old yamato. I hope they do repaints. I would say the only thing I have issue with is the gap where the knees are which lessens the fighter mode's appeal but apart from that, this is a work of art. Hopefully the wings don't go loose and lose friction over time.

  5. Nice pics. Will panel line and add stickers to mine soon. Although it is tempting to put the extra missiles on mine, I feel the YF-19 looks better without them and just having FAST packs on.

    To the guy who said his gunpod felt loose in the hand: Mine seems to be fine.

    What I recommend is put a tiny amount of blutac/earthquake putty onto the little peg on the palm of the hand and it should stay firmly on the hand.

    BTW does anyone miss the idea of oversized clown hands? I wish there were non-posable hands as extras that come with this. The gummy material makes for better grip too.

    One thing that I immediately notice is the diecast makes this feel a lot more 'expensive' than the old one. Like it is solid and has guts in its body. Kind of like the original 1/48 VF-1 FAST packs.

  6. wow my thread exploded. anyway some things i noticed about some of the comments where that macross has no show to push sales worldwide. Well dont they think its about time. Someone has to break that harmony gold license. Its just getting beyond stupid how they are hogging that thing. Maybe then macross stuff might be a little more affordable for the rest of us working schmos. Not that I am complaining. I have quite the macross collection.

    Yeah we all think of HG as the antichrist. At least we got Macross Plus outside japan before they noticed. Perhaps it is time (and this has been discussed elsewhere on the boards) that they rebooted macross under new name hyped it up in such a way to appeal to all the fans of macross, space battleship yamato, gundam etc to reel in a new fanbase for a new franchise that has the feel of all those sci fi shows ...........but with valks in it. (ie robots with three mode transformation we are all familiar with)

    "From the creator of macross"

    Bubblegum crisis for instance had a spin off show called AD police.

    Just treat it like a new unrelated series. Call it Space War II. Refer to events in Space War I as forgotten history. (ie macross, but since that time man has had to rebuild after an extinction level event which wiped out most people around that time - all macross shows that came after dyrl are just myths)

  7. Ok I thought it would be a good idea to put all transformation instructions right in one big thread and round up toys from the old days right up to today. If it's a macross toy whether a valk or a SDF-1, (or variants like the macross quarter) or a VB type robot, it all counts as toy from macross and your video or step by step photo instructions or scans of manuals can all go here for easy reference.

    Whether you need it because you lost your instructions, wanted to archive it yourself but were too lazy, or just want to see how toys you don't own yourself transform, this is the place to put it,

    For me? I generally don't transform my toys very often so whenever I want to do it on the rare occassion that I am too lazy to open up the box where I left them, and read the step by step manual. So what I like to do is go to youtube and watch a video and pause at each step which makes it far easier.

    For those of us who don't open the boxes of your collections you probably have no need for this but for the rest of us this is our place to remind us how something should transform when we forget and want a quick reference. lol I recently sold an old yamato monster to a fan of transforming toys and told him I would love to present the thing in its box in bomber mode but forgot how to transform it without wrecking it or doing steps in the wrong order so I just gave it to him with the empty box and toy in gerwalk mode. lol That's how lazy I can be.

    Maybe along with this you can put in things like sticker guides as well as translated pages of the transformation instruction if you wish so that the japanese text in the pages can be read by english-only speaking people. But the main thing is transformation of toys. Thanks.

    All contributions help us to not wreck these toys as they seem to be getting more expensive so when we first buy them we want to be 100% sure not to make mistake. The community would appreciate it. Especially when you own loads of transformers and other toys which you have to remember steps for. Certain toys I have had I never transformed them more than 3 times. ie My SV-51 for instance. (just because I like fighter mode a LOT)


    basic index for now (click on author's name to jump to the youtube link or post link.)







    YF-19 w Fast Pack Isamu Dyson (considered unofficially as 'version 2' by some Yamato collectors)

    by no3ljm

    VF-0A Shin Kudo

    by Veef

    VF-0D Shin Kudo

    by jenius

    by Veef







    DX Chogokin VF-19 Advance Isamu Dyson

    by Veef part 2 (accessories)

    DX Chogokin VF-25F Alto

    by peaugh

    by Wizartar Fighter to GERWALK to Battroid

    by Wizartar Battroid to Fighter

    Armor pack attachment

    by peaugh

    DX Chogokin VF-25G Mikail

    by peaugh

    Super pack attachment

    by peaugh

    DX Chogokin VF-25F Alto Renewal

    by peaugh

    DX Chogokin VF-25S Armored Valkyrie

    by VF5SS (Collection DX Review)

    by peaugh

    by peaugh guide to attaching Armor pack

    DX Chogokin VF-25S Renewal Ozma Lee

    by VF5SS Collection DX Review

    with Super Pack attached

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    DX Chogokin VF-25S Renewal Ozma Lee Armor pack (Fighter&GERWALK mode)

    by VF5SS (Collection DX guide)

    DX Chogokin VF-25S Renewal Ozma Lee Armor pack (Battroid mode guide for attaching Armor pack)

    by VF5SS (Collection DX guide)

    DX Chogokin RVF-25 Luca

    by peaugh

    DX Chogokin VF-27 Lucifer Brera Sterne

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    by peaugh

    DX Chogokin VF-27 Lucifer Brera Sterne Renewal (not sure it is officially called 'renewal')

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    DX Chogokin GE-49B Lucifer Grace 'OConner Normal Type

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    DX Chogokin VF-171EX Nightmare Plus Alto Saotome Custom

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys review) Attaching the Armor parts

    DX Chogokin YF-29 Durandal

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide) attaching Super pack

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide) Battroid mode to Fighter mode

    by odean

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    by VF5SS (collection DX review) Ozuma Lee Custom

    DX Chogokin YF-30 Chronos

    by jenius

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)




    DX Chogokin X Robot Spirits VB-6 Konig Monster SP

    by JoshB (Collection DX review)


    other scale


    DX Chogokin Macross Quarter

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    by peaugh







    VF-2SS Sylvie Gena

    by Veef (collection DX review)






    VF-0S Phoenix

    by JoshB (Collection DX review)

    VF-1 (version 2)

    by Atom (Collection DX guide)

    VF-1S w Super & Strike Parts Roy Focker (version 2)

    by Atom (Collection DX review)

    by peaugh

    VF-1A w Super & Strike Parts (version 2)

    by Atom (Collection DX review)

    VF-1J w Super Parts (version 2)

    by Atom (Collection DX review

    VT-1 Super Ostrich (version 2)

    by JoshB (Collection DX review)

    VE-1 Elint Seeker (version 2)

    by JoshB (Collection DX review)

    VF-4G Lightning III

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    by pinoi78

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    by yamato toys 1 2 3 4

    VF-1D (version 2) Virgin Road

    by Red Shoulder reviews


    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    VF-11B w FAST Pack

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    VF-11C w Super Pack

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    VF-17S Diamond Force Color

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review) (supplement)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys review) guide to attaching Super parts

    by yamato toys Fighter mode to GERWALK mode

    by yamato toys GERWALK mode to Battroid mode

    VF-19S Emerald Force Color

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide) compilation of Macross 7's VF-19 variants

    VF-19F Emerald Force Color

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide) compilation of Macross 7's VF-19 variants

    VF-19 Custom Fire Valkyrie

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide) compilation of Macross 7's VF-19 variants

    by yamato toys 1 2 3

    YF-19 Isamu Dyson (version 1)

    by JoshB (Collection DX review)

    (adding FP and Fold Booster)

    by Graham Parkes Battroid mode to Fighter mode

    by Graham Parkes Fighter mode to GERWALK mode

    by Graham Parkes Fighter mode to Battroid mode

    YF-19 Double Nuts Prototype No.4 (version 1)

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)

    YF-21 Guld Bowman

    by JoshB (Collection DX review)

    by peolesdru Fighter mode to Battroid mode

    by peolesdru Battroid mode to Fighter mode

    VF-22S Max Jenius Type

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)


    VF-22S Milia Type

    by VF5SS (Collection DX review)


    VF-22S Gamlin Type

    by VF5SS & JoshB (Collection DX review)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide) Fighter mode to Battroid mode

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide) Battroid mode to Fighter mode

    SV-51y Nora Type

    by peolesdru Fighter mode to Battroid mode

    by peolesdru Battroid mode to Fighter mode

    by Knightsaber2k Fighter mode to GERWALK mode

    by Knightsaber2k GERWALK mode to Battroid mode

    SV-51 Ivanov Type

    by jenius




    VF-1A DYRL Max Jenius

    by Atom (Collection DX review) Part 1 of 2

    by Atom (Collection DX review) Part 2 of 2

    VF-1S DYRL Roy Fokker

    by jenius







    SDF01 Macross DYRL

    by Atom (Collection DX Review)

    by jenius (Scorched Earth Toys guide)

    by Graham Parkes

  8. Mine just arrived. So happy. Starting to wish I bought more than one. Perhaps one day in the future arcadia will go back to 1/72 (inspired by himetal vf-19 toy but bigger than it) and release that cheap for those who want a smaller and cheaper alternative to 1/60 but it has everything. (stand, missiles, fast pack, fold dildo, arm cannon, pin point barrier effect, ankles that don't get wrecked etc)

    The fat robot mode is what I like about this. Any chance they will try to do the YF-21 with a chunkier robot mode as the focus in future?

  9. Personally I'd just prefer Kawamori to go back to being just a mecha designer for Macross and let someone else direct and write for this new project. I know it won't happen though because it would be too much of hit to his prestige and ego.

    The thing is most Kawamori led projects tend to get bogged down with annoying characters, repetitive plots, and a liberal spicing of new age mystical bullcrap that ends up being the deus ex machina for the entire show.

    I know my opinion isn't that popular and some one will throw Mac Plus up in my face, but that is really the exception To his works. People also tend to forget the original show was a combined group effort, not one person bending the project to his will.

    Well my solution to that is it goes like gundam and we get the alternate universe thing where the current universe or timeline is the "universal century" for macross and they branch out into seperate universes headed by different groups non-related to the original creators of macross. But the main theme of killing giants with high alien tech to defend earth against extinction (by undoing lost memory with music and bringing culture back to destructive aliens) remains the same.

    In videogame series like The Legend of Zelda it is always the same basic idea set in different universes for example. There is always a middle-earth like story with an elf, and a series of dungeons wuth magic items needed to stop a bad guy who is usually too powerful to stop without gathering up all the little items, special tools, heart containers, magic powers etc before you can match him and undo the effects of evil.

    But it's not the same game. Each one is different.

    Although people say they hate macross II. There are still some toy collectors who wish they could get a VF-2SS toy. If gundam fans can get their models of their fave mecha from various universes, why not macross fans? It's time to shake things up imo. Macross Plus imo was one of the best out of all the macross shows. It basically told a story about competiion and had giants robots and planes and that was it. It didn't need the cheesy teenager against that you see in all the other shows. Older watchers of robot shows can't identify with that.

    If alternate universe could give us more variety (plus stood out because it was different and music was used as mind control and hypnotism) then I would be for it. It would not mean the destruction of Kawamori macross with the floating rocks and other stuff. Older fans of macross don't have to suffer any more than fans of universal century gundam have to suffer just because Gundam Wing with it's overpowered super robot fights was made/exists. They just continue the story in their respective universes timelines without interference. So there would be no reason for either to complain. If you liked macross II and the half naked chic they put in it over minmay then you can be happy knowing it's not hurting the original fans' shows who have very strict idea about what macross is/should be about.

    I always wondered what would a macross be like if it had escaflowe type mechanical inventions with mystical powers and magic in it but the magick and the lore was explained in great detail sort of like how star wars explains 'the force'. (ie yoda = the wizard, luke being the pilot combining the wizards magic with his skill to beat the empire)

    Or a post apoc universe where aliens already lost and were the victims of humans with nukes and they mech-jacked the human tech, copied it, and created their own (with improvements to the original) flying weapons to take back their land. (sort of like braveheart in space) The low tech guys used biomechanical aliens as their weapons to compensate for lack of material resources - ie breeding monsters being cheaper than mass production of machines. (think of it like the predator vs the aliens vs the colonial marines: the marine are doomed if you take away their ammo and tools, the aliens are great at night time but have no long range fighting ability, and the Predator alien is great at close and far range but virtually blind if you put mud on your body. They all have to struggle despite the high tech they have yet the low tech Xenomorph can survive without much tools or gadgets. A story where a low tech alien beats high tech aliens in macross would be cool - dragon-type machine that is combined with thruster to enhance speed and has immunity to normal weapons etc)

    In a confined space with a lot of blindspots, a colonial marine is going to be easily killed by a fast moving primitive xenomorph. So battles could be decided by where the fight takes place. That kind of thing could be shown in a macross setting where homing missiles are virtually useless since there is no space for missile spam. And the whole story is a story of survival (think the first rambo movie) where a soldier must rely on skill and not the machine to get out alive to tell the story. When Hikaru ran out of ammo in SDFM and got his butt kicked by britai I thought that was an awesome scene.

  10. If they get Minmay in it at all, I think it would rock to get in a *significantly older* Minmay. With the original voice actress, of course.

    A young Minmay with present-day Mari Iijima won't sound right (the 2006 dub has that problem, I think - the girl on screen is 15, the voice, while beautiful, is decidedly middle-age). And a Minmay without Mari is not Minmay in my opinion - at best she's the Minmay character as played in an inworld movie by someone like Ranka Lee. But an older Minmay with Mari's voice would rock, in my view. (I imagine her when listening to some of Mari Iijima's more recent work).

    Isn't there technology these days to make a person's voice sound more high pitched? They used that for the kid john conner actor in terminator 2. His voice broke (making him sound less kiddy) and went more deep, so they altered it to make him sound normal again.

  11. God I hope its a reboot. Macross is popular still, but nothing has come close to the original, or DYRL, which was the same story. Stick with the story, just make it breathtaking visually.

    I agree. The original needs reboot. Much like battlestar galactica tv series. (actually explain how old tech may be useful in time of limited resources and budget cuts and how hacking and security becomes an issue with new versions of things)

    But I think this time they should end the entire series with the reboot by explaining in a movie that there are proto-angelic that have been assigned to different areas of the galaxy who watch for destructive races and send guardians to wipeout the races much like a biblical "great flood". The almost-godlike entities are like robots with souls in them with no memory and music awakens them. They are only ever used as a last resort when people have failed to protect innocent societies.

    This time un spacy is completely defeated (they rely too much on force and it loses legitmacy much like we saw in SDFM) and only non-warlike humans and zentradi survive by singing hymns. (put in religious theme) The warlike beings do not die but are folded to areas with other warlike races of aliens to keep peaceful races safe from the power-mad ones.

    To me the united nations needs to be shown as nothing more than an organisation of the most powerful nations deciding what they should do with the weakest nations who have no way to become independent. That's not peace. And a handful of young people must decide whether they should allow military to obtain secrets that decide the fate of everyone or to destroy the knowledge (some sort of mind control to wipe out memories or hypnotise people to pacify them) and hide it. These would be the closest thing to newtype pilots in a macross series (or jedi knight) as they only fight for whatever ideals they think matches their hearts, not defenders of a nation or a single race of people or species of alien who take orders without question.

    The reason Dyson is an appealing character to me in plus is he basically tells the UNG to frakk off and prove we as humans can make our own destiny we don't need 'leaders' or experts to control us. You just need to have faith in the human abilty to overcome challenges with innovation and determination. You can't have innovations without being free and independent and taking risk. So there should be a clash of different ideas in the new series imo (the older guys who just want to be complacent and let machines take over society like the transhumanists vs the spiritual evolved types who believe the human spirit is superior.

    So the whole religious theme would be faith in future generations to guide the destiny of survivors. The varying cultures all have their own versions of music that awakens the angelic entities and these use only defensive weaponry. (like basara only using speaker pods and pin point barrier to block and dodge attack from hostile aliens)

    It is the collective belief in a better way that saves life not using weapons to kill the other guy that should be the solution of preventing extinction. Does that mean we won't see cool dogfights? No. Remember Max and Milia still kicked arse in their VF-1 merely aiming at certain areas of the zentradi regult to disable them without killing pilots. So I think you can still have action and fit a hippy theme in there without pissing off either group. Especially now that they have finally added miniturised beam weapons with long range to hit specific parts of a target and not just "pray and spray" gatling guns which spray shots everywhere.

    As more and more cultures clash (the warlike ones fighting amongst each other and enslaving non-warlike ones) there needs to be some kind of group outside of UN Government to represent people of all different species that are not tied to the government of earth but by brotherhood/sisterhood. Like a religion of peace. So you'd have these guys with their own pilots who much like basara work on their own and only disable the weapons and imprison the bad guy without killing people. I guess to add more mystery to the story they could have spies from other nation infiltrating the organisations and brainwashing them (think Guld but instead of going nuts from his own alien genes they program the spy to go nuts to sabotage the peaceful organisation to make them look bad in the public eyes etc)

    You could have rogue zentradi forming their own mercenary groups and work for the bad guys in each series. This would add some interesting mixtures of human and zentradi tech together for the toys. For instance you might have beam weapons made by the zentradi, but human made valks and instead of say one big strike cannon thing you have variants of that same weapon. One for power (zentradi fight close range) and the other which has better accuracy. (human version) There could be more tha one gunpod type. A close range one (think of the gunpod size on the yamato 1/60 yf-19) which is smaller and used mostly in robot mode with the ability to hold more than one magazine, and specialised gunpod for long range mostly in fighter modes. And the small one is hidden inside the leg (like the vf-17). Dude they already have knives with pinpoint barrier on the tips (macross's answer to the beamsaber) so I think having two gunpod (of different damage type) is not asking much.


    and yeah... I agree totally they need to find a way to bring us a series very similar to macross that is not macross so they can get past the HG Robotech legal crap. lol This way a guy can buy english region DVD/BluRay or buy toys from yamato USA/Arcadia USA instead of grey importing. I'm pretty sure all those old robotech fans would convert to being that series new fan so you would have more global exposure than what macross is getting. (much closer to gundam) This means macross can go beyond the core audience too. So you might have characters that are universally appealing not just appealing to people from one country.

  12. The Yamato and Bandai products are not for niche market. But judging on the pricing trend from Arcadia, Macross toys are fast becoming niche product. May be some people would prefer them to be niche so that they could show off to those who couldn't afford. I would hope them to be more affordable so that Macross could reach more people. If Macross become a niche market, it will only shrink. For now, I applaud Bandai's prices as it is good toy, playable at a reasonable price.

    I remember a really long time ago back when the yamato 1/48 vf-1 had just been released people who had bought multiples of that toy, some of these guys were actually angry that yamato were going to reissue more of the toys and the collectors didn't like that even though it would mean more money for yamato and more happy fans who missed out the first time.

    I think it is silly for them to not want it to be widely available to as many people as possible just so the 2nd hand market value was high..

    Having said that, what the poor guy should be doing is waiting until prices go down after they milk the rich guys off money. If you are a rich guy buying multiples you are handing the small startup toy company needed money to keep afloat. Imagine if you were an owner of a business. You do everything to ensure you could make the risk as worthwhile as possible. Since there so few macross fans compared to transformers or gundam ones, you got to cater to the most desperate first and then work your way down to the least desperate in that order.

    The only solution to making this stuff cheaper (especially for us overseas) is if one day macross goes under different name and the whole universe is destroyed, and the new macross show is brought over to new territories other than japan-only, so harmony gold has no way to block sales of this stuff and claim they have some right over merchandise.

    Think of all the potential fans that toy companies miss out on internationally just because macross as a series can't be brought outside japan. New name, a reboot of the series, and local sales of this stuff would make it more affordable since there are going to be more exposure of the characters, mecha and story overall. (much like gundam enjoys now where you can easily buy bluray/dvd of the anime in your region easily)

    Made-to-order toys have to be priced higher though since there are small number produced and so each one sold has to pay for the cost to start the project to begin with right? After that when all expenses were covered to make the toy a reality, they can sell to more people later and prove the venture was worth it. It's early days. The prices are high probably because they are scared to bleed money. I am glad they focus on 1 release of new toy a year. Otherwise I would never keep up.

  13. Less detailed instructions for this toy? And no youtube vid of them transforming it? This is an expensive toy. Come on arcadia, you can do better than this.

    Ankle probs would have been ok if this came with a stand. :p Guess they were too busy making those detailed pilots to care about GERWALK mode.

  14. Got shipping notification from HLJ ^_^

    You can take out the "Made in Japan" tampo with isopropyl alcohol or mineral spirit, the black tampo is not easy to remove, lots of scrubbing, careful not to spread it around the wing or you will smear it around, you might remove the small layer of dull coating they usually use, barely noticeable. At least, that's what I had to do with my VF-4, a bit of a pain but far better that the big stamp in the VF-1's that you can't get rid off. You can also sand it off with 600 grit and climb to 1500 grit to match the usual shine.

    AmiAmi shipping is around 40 bucks EMS compared to 30 something HLJ, that's why you get 18% discount.

    So, what happened to MrK transformation demostration? noone filmed it and put it on youtube? :ph34r:

    We should have an official thread devoted just to transformation videos for the toys. I think it can prevent people wrecking them.

  15. I think my one gripe about this design is that I think they could have sacrificed a bit of the battroid stubbyness, and made the lower legs longer to cover more of the knee joint in fighter. The covers don't look terrible from the bottom, but the knee joint stands out pretty strongly from the side.

    Not bad by any means, but since the design of the knee is a little different than the VF-19's, the joint isn't hidden as well.

    I actually think the old Yamato holds up better in fighter than in battroid, compared with the new one. The only thing really different about the side profile is the dropped nose (which was most of the problem to begin with), and the top profile hasn't changed much at all. The lower legs do look a good deal shorter though, which really helps the battroid.

    Urgh. No way. The side view is pretty much the whole reason to upgrade. The tiny gunpod and lack of chest lock being the other. Overall this new one blows the old one out of the water. lol It's a april fools joke right?

  16. The ova or movie? I thought the movie was better mostly due to the way Guld outsmarted the Ghost Drone by luring it into a trap and it shows the human/alien superiority over machines which have no ability to create anything original. In the movie edition, you get to see Lucy's tits and Guld's eyeballs pop out like bubblegum haha. But then you miss out on the rogue zentradi fight at the beginning where the vf-11 can be seen kicking butt for a while.

    It would be cool if they made an extended edition which include all the cool bits of both. Maybe even add some extra scenes. (Guld's body being kept alive through alien tech and transferring his consciousness to a new clone body so he can continue to rape myung while he is drunk and say he forgot about it and then asking for forgivness again for trying to rip her top off to get a peek at her titties lol jk)

  17. Paypal-only for hlj sucks. The more options the better imo.

    Why do you think they chose to go down that path? Because to me it makes very little business sense?

    Aren't they aware that they are potentially missing out on customers?

    Do they have a feedback system for customer complaints?

  18. Received my payment request from HLJ.

    Don't get why graham didn't like these guys. I have been buying most of my macross stuff from them.

    For those who think this is just too expensive you should pressure bandai to do a YF-19 Himetal.

    They were stupid imo to stop that line. Would have been a great cheaper alternative to arcadia yf-19.

    And the box art for those kicks yamato/arcadia's butt. :p

  19. Old Yamato yf-19 was definitely skinny compared to new arcadia one.

    What happened was that at about the time of fire valk, they decided to focus on robot mode more and make it more lineart accurate to bot mode since basara spent lots of time singing in it. People liked the chunky look, and now they are giving us chunkier yf-19 in response to vf-19 from macross 7 being chunky in the latest toys.

    Overall the vf-19 seems a lot chunkier in general in fighter mode anyway compared to yf-19.

    But that doesn't mean yamato/arcadia couldn't go back to the skinny look again. Personally I thought the yf-21 suffered in bot mode last time by having too-skinny legs. But it look nice in fighter mode. Given that the skin could shapechange a bit in the macross plus anime, (at the very start when guld is testing the fighter and moving the wings) maybe there is some explanation for that. (ie maybe there is like flexible "robot-muscles" as we see in Bubblegum crisis and the Voomers)

    When you flap the wings down or up on yf-21 toy it leaves a little gap where the swivel joint is. But in the anime there is smooth skin on it.

  20. I wish they uploaded videos not still images. Show us a video of them transforming one while making the kaching noise from the animes when the valks change modes.

  21. I feel like watching macross plus all over again.

    My memories of it are that it had some great music. And the mind control theme with trance and techno-ish to make people's brainwaves open to suggestion in order to hypnotise the masses is a brilliant plan by the mad scientist.

    Don't get why the japanese didn't like it? Is it because in pretty much every single sci fi show they make, they are always optimistic about technology and how it can save us, whereas in american movies it is always trying to enslave us. (ie terminator, robocop, HAL etc?) and they don't like pessimism and dark side of technology in shows?

    Some of the stuff in the 80s like Bubble Gum Crisis were great. Then all of a sudden anime went crap.

  22. The key to clearing space is sell all your old crap for new crap. Just keep the best stuff. I recently sold off the old yf-19 since it doesn't look as good to me as this new one. If I had any old VF-0 toys and they make better toys of those I would have done the same.

    There are only so many shows they can make toys for and they will reach a limit. I wish arcadia would do some mospeada toys. Anyone remember Beagle Ride Armor? Wouldn't mind they finish off that line.

    Then do the Legioss and Tread. Make them made-to-order exclusives like the VF-4 and give them fancy looking boxes like the Toynami robotech masterpiece collection. Bandai isn't going to stop sitting on the Frontier license any time soon.

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