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Posts posted by Sam

  1. hm, kinda sounds almost like u can choose if its substition or instead use the variable option.. dunno LOL the translation may be a bit wonky as well ! Hopefully a scan of instructions on how it transforms will show up, and put it all in proper perspective!

    I REALLY want a motoslave!


  2. cool pics. ya know, even though its not as pretty proportion wise as the yamato, they'll win me over if theres no parts swapping needed for transforming. Would love a pic that shows it in scale with a toy i know, to see if the size is much better or not.

    Doesn't look like 'shoulders or hands' need be swapped out for fitting at least. It uses handlebars for grips in armour mode, and seems to just sit on foot pegs. But still looks cool nuff to me.

    Does it look like the knees cant bend though?

  3. but, why would they? We all know the sabres suits are 'So much more advanced than our own K12 Units'


    Did you notice if the madman release was edited at all or toned down? Seems theres some spots that 'skip' a bit, dunno, might be just me and my crazy settling in again..

  4. had to lol when watching bgc on a madman release i purchased the other day, was stepping it through the animation sequence for priss transforming through the bike, and really, they did it cleverly and doesn't blatantly make u think anime magic, however, she should be cut into quarters judging from it !! lol

    actually was bummed to see that whole 'swap out shoulders' thing as well as needing different hands for armoured mode... kinda being sold off it even more now ... but its still gosh darn purtyy...

  5. its amazing how a paint job affects the overall presentation. Im almost thinking I can get past the 'parts-former' side of its nature.....


    Mind you, Im starting to not want my megahouse mospeadas for that very reason... my nature doesn't seem to agree with the pull apart - reconstruct idea, and especially with it being a small fiddly sounding figure......

    but geez i want a motoslave !! lol

    all parts get reused though, right? no leftoevers? (sorry if this has been addressed before!!)

  6. hmm... lacks? Well, its a different experience, and purely on a graphical level its more immersive and interactive. Both were great fun to play through, but it was an easier experience on the ps2 for sure IMO. Force powers were good in both versions, but level designs on ps2 made for some more annoying camera angles in close battles.

    Given an option i would prefer ps3 version naturally, but ps2 def worth a go if thats all you may have access to!

  7. finished both ps2 version and ps3 version, sith ending for ps2 and jedi for ps3, and both games are very different levels whle maintaining same objectives, both are totally awesome and fun, and i felt that the ps2 version was easier in a few things, combat and no jumping requirements.

    PS3 had some interesting glitches though, got stuck inside a junk pile on the junk planet!

    playing through a 2nd time on ps3, i enjoyed it that much personally.

    bring on TFU part 2! lol

    ( never get sick of grabbing tie fighters out of the sky and tossing em around!)

  8. The BMF is now my coffee table.. well, nto really, but it *could* be hehe.

    a new tradition is to push the sound effects buttons at least 15 times a day, to make sure I get my moneys worth LOL. A lot of phone calls are initiated with the phrase' its not wise to upset a wookie' and finishing with laser fire effects =-)

    Its great though, tempted to airbrush more weathering to become more model like look, but considering the size of the job, im gonna work up to it. Want to do it the way i did my at at and at st.

    Go get it scream man, but you wont be able to hide it from the missus!

  9. Does the Dark Legioss count? ;-)

    I kinda prefer getting the 2 together, but I could only afford to get the blue unit personally. I really wanna get the other 2 units, but until they are sub 200USD I dont think its ever going to happen.

    I am intrigued with the heads on the toynamis tlead's being unique, but the legioss let them down too much to burden myself with more faulty units. ( have blue original, no end of trouble)

    The only thing I wish CM's would have done with the combo, other than cheaper price, is have pegs or magnets to lock the figher mode better. I just like the idea of things snapping into place.

    I want a red legioss most next, maybe if the toynamis do ok, I will get a set , mind you, Ruskiis aoshima Houquet experience isn't filling me with confidence....

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