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Agent ONE

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Posts posted by Agent ONE

  1. Guys, "guilty pleasure" is being misused here...

    You feel GUILTY about liking it because its embarrassing... so saying "I like White Snake" doesn't fit in this thread because White Snake is a pretty solid band for their day. In contrast, saying you like Barry Manilow, would fit. Not many people would want to admit to liking him.

    I...huh. That was kind of awesome, actually.

    I love that guy.

  2. Finally watched it again last night with my wife who enjoyed it. She asked why they didn't just nuke the kaiju as they left. I said then they wouldn't have needed to build giant robots.

    How about... wait.. wait.. you had a fistfight with a monster, trashed a city, killed thousands, and you HAD A F*KING SWORD THE WHOLE TIME????!!!

  3. That reminds me, another thing I hated:

    The fact that the asian chick walks up to the landing helicopter with an umbrella... If you ever walk up to a landing helicopter, there is so much down force, loose pockets will be ripped off of your clothes. That umbrella would have been ripped to the frame as she walked out of the hanger.

  4. DB-5, DB-7 its an easy mistake to make if cars aren't your thing and you can't remember what number off hand the Aston Martin was. It's also not like went and claimed every Aston Martin of the last 20+ years looked the same like someone else did... DB.

    Oh yeah I love the c*ck, just not Craigs as Bond :p

    Seriously though maybe I wouldn't have noticed or cared if he hadn't done all those interviews claiming he wanted to put a gay scene in. After that anytime he's half naked I wonder if he's trying to pander to the gay community especially when we saw more of his naked flesh than the Bond Girls in each of his films. Hell in Casino Royale he was the one that did the famous Ursula Andress rising from the ocean scene!

    Dude, girls like looking at his body... A shirtless guy isn't necessarily gay. Are you Wanzerfan?

  5. Saw it

    What I liked:

    • The robots. They were better than the whirling piles of garbage the Transformers were in the live action movie series.

    What I DID NOT like:

    • The characters
    • The dialogue
    • The drawn out fight scenes
    • The fact that they lose a boxing match that has gone on for like 20 min, THEN use the sword... stupid (maybe this was some Voltron Trib)
    • The chiche of sci-fi lately with just blowing up big cities
    • The monsters
    • The comic relief scientists
    • The comic relief dead parts dealer
    • The comic relief dead parts dealer's gold shoes which HAD to be focused on two F-ing times
    • The comic relief baby monster...
    • The hole in the plot that they are all clones, except for the baby one that was born... idiots that don't even know what they are writing
    • The slapstick moments like making the Newton Pendulum swing in the office
    • The racism of having the russians be all stoic and angry looking, the Aussies being fist fighters, and the asians being like ninjas
    • The cliche of saying "with our global warming and pollution we have practically tera-formed this world for the aliens. Just HAD to throw a political message in there eh!?

    This movie was a steaming pile of feces. I want two hours of my life back.

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