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Posts posted by promethuem5

  1. While certainly not the most original path, I would love to see District 9 go the Alien->Aliens sequel route where it completely changes up the formula and provides a completely different and equally awesome experience.

  2. Sooooooooooooooooo good! Dark and witty and clever with phenomenal pacing... plenty of exposition and character with some really fantastic sci-fi action as well. I was surprised how grisly it was. Best movie of the summer.

  3. I too did not know anything about this movie until I saw some Posters when I went to see Transformers. Finally got myself to watch the trailers... watched them in order and holy crap! I am now way more excited for this than any other movie this season!

  4. Yeah, I was honestly waiting for an E-Hobby Metrotitan as well, but it never materialized. I think the bootleg version scared Takara off, which is a crying shame. I'm half hoping that the recently released Encore Bruticus will yield a Battle Gaia E-Hobby, but it seems unlikely.

    And yeah, Victory Saber is a friggen beast... someday when I have a bigger set of shelves and more room, I'd like to be able to display Victory Saber in jet mode alongside Big Powered and the Return of Convoy convoy setup.

  5. My haul arrived today B))

    Words cannot describe my excitement...


    Space Death Chicken Dragon bids you farewell!


    The little figs... the blue car is Rabbicrater, the special Micromaster packed in with the Zone OVA VHS, one of my personal grails!


    And a big updated shelves shot for Pete:


  6. Well, I'm certainly not going to bash you for liking a toy, and THOSE photos do look alot better than most... and yet, even in THISE shots my eye is immediately drawn to the funky way the knee bends (or doesn't) because of the rubber shrouds.

    As for the fabric on the CMs, it comes from the tradition of real robot designs having things like 'ballistic cloth' covering the joints rather than the flexible plastic tubing style joint coverings of older goofy sci-fi space suits and such.

    EDIT: Someday I'll develop a set of reading skills :p

  7. Wait... you like the Wave Ingram better than the CMs? Really? I think you're the first... The Wave has wonky proportions, funny colors, and those awful rubber joint covers which ruin the articulation. The CMs is a thing of love, toy first, adult collectible second.

  8. Yup, that's the one I bought. You can see right in the closeup shot of the arm cannon that the detail is not 100% crisp and clean, but it's a really wasy build that still looks good once painted.

  9. Chris is spot-on. I bought mine from HobbyFanatics, and the kit is quite clearly from a handbuilt master... the panel lines are uneven, and on some of the vents and such, you can tell that the master had ridge details built using plastic strips, as they don't mesh with the edges of the detail right everywhere.

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