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Posts posted by Veritas

  1. But now this completes my Classics line figures ^_^ since I'm not into Minicons.

    Not into minicons! I have to admit most of them aren't really anything to write home to mom about, but i've made it a goal to collect all of the star saber/energon saber variations they've released. The only one i'm missing is the recolored energon saber (blizzard saber) that was only released in japan as part of a minicon trading set. Those might make you change your mind.

  2. Ratchet, Prowl, Ironhide, Brawn, they were the first to go. Well if you wanna get technical, Brawn, Prowl/Ratchet, then Ironhide.

    As a kid i was just totally shocked to see those guys buy it, no one ever dies in cartoons right? After watching it again as an adult though, i was like WTF! Out of all the Autobots, i can't think of two that kicked more Decepticon butt on a consitent basis (when they were actually scripted in that episdoe that is) than Brawn and Ironhide, i thought it was a total crock they would get wasted so easily. Granted most of the reasons in killing off the Transformers that they did in the movie was commercial it was just hard to believe such veterans would get off'd so quickly and effortlessly.

  3. I’ve been pretty swamped at work since coming back from Tokyo Anime Fair 07, and I’m working on a write up and tons of pictures to post up. Until then here are some pictures of the 25th Anniversary 1/48 VF-1J and YF-19 paint scheme. They were put on display at Satelight ’s booth on public day.

    Thanks for the pics. Can't say i'm really 100% behind those paint schemes, but i have to give em credit for doing such a clean job on them.

    Side note: can't believe you changed your avatar man! Can't complain about the new one though. :D

  4. I give this guy about 27 min before George Lucas sues the crap out of him. :D

    Great stuff. Those thicker-type papers are always better for this kind of stuff.

    Yeah in all seriousness, if anyone was thinking about making some of these they better save the instructions on their hard drive, because this website is next in line for eradication.

    Other than that, that is pretty clever idea. Lucas should think about giving him some kind of position after he threatens him with legal action that is. :o

  5. hey veritas you are so right, this gpb and the roy valk are the perfect macth in fact im already have my order in hobby link japan for those two......the yellow in the valk goes perfect with the yellow on the ches of theis gbp :rolleyes:

    Unless you've got a better idea. :rolleyes:

  6. Dang, I thought the green was going to be more subdued. :( I know i'm still going to end up picking it up, but that doesn't mean i have to be happy about it... or as happy heh. BTW does anyone else think this GBP scheme would look good with Roy's Valk? I don't see any reason to slap it on Hikaru's VF-1J again.

  7. !

    I used to have that one. It was awesome.

    They also did a street fighter based on it called Cyberbots. That's where Marvel VS Capcom's Jin came from(KLOV claims Jin was actually the lead from Armored Warriors, but everything else I've seen says he's the son of the lead).

    Yeaps, I remember Cyberbots. Played it at my local arcade a couple of times, before I even knew they had previously made a beat em up involving a lot of the same robots. Pretty good fighting game. I picked up for my MAME as well but I could never get back into like I did when it was that arcade. I’m guessing it was the fact that I was using my old MS Sidewinder so the controls were a lot more clunky than they were on a genuine arcade cabinet. I’m sure if you had an arcade cabinet controller set up like Ladic just got it would be a pretty enjoyable experience though.

    BTW i knew Jin had something to do with Cyberbots since he and his mech were in it, but i had no idea there was a connection with Armored Warriors, but it looks like you're on to something there. Only skimmed through these since i'm still at work heh.

    Up on Wikipedia this is the brief information i could garner from both games:



  8. Noice!

    Man i haven't fired up MAME in years, i don't even know if i have it on my new comp. come to think of it. Looks like you guys have got some of the best hits, but i didn't see anyone mention the awesome, but often unknown Armored Warriors by Capcom. If you've played any of the other Capcom beat em ups from the 1990's you've got the basic idea. But it's got a new twist, you actually pilot Giant Robots from the get go. And by Giant Robots i mean stuff you'd find in the Front Mission Series more than something from Gundam or Transformers. After you defeat certain enemies you can actually pick up parts they drop and interchange them with your own machine, basically like picking up a knife in final fight or something along those lines... except that the new part stays with you until death or you interchange it again. There's everything from drill and flame arms to tracks for quicker mobility. I actually list it as my fav. beat em up topping even the awesome Alien Vs. Predator. Well that's my 2 cents. I gotta go find my MAME cd now.

  9. Maybe because people might end up actually buying them. Never underestimate the power of the fanboy impulse purchase. :D Previous examples: you don't have to be a fan of the toynami brand to want to buy a toynami alpha. Just a fan of mospeada and the mecha in the show. But not being a fan of the toynami alpha doesn't necessarily mean people are not actually buying them anyway. (when they go on discount - but only because they love the mospeada mecha)

    Same deal here: people think the concept is a little stupid, but they love starwars and might just get it for alt mode and see the tf gimmick as the little bonus icing on the cake enough to actually buy the thing. The bottom line being that people = consumer whores. People buy all sorts of stuff they know they don't need, and more of it gets made because you keep buying it. Another example: As much as we all hate the papparazzi for spying on celebrities, and people say "shame shame shame! give people thier privacy", who keeps buying the magazines that feature the photos for people to gossip about? Someone's supplying it the food it needs to survive, (in this case people actually buying the gossip entertainment magazines, sort of a guilty pleasure), otherwise how can it continue on?

    Ahh, there's nothing like the impulse buy. I'll be the first to admit i'm a recovering consumer whore. When i was younger, I used to buy all kinds of crap without thinking things through. These impulse purchases almost always led me to try and complete the collection that the specific item was attached to and would drain my disposable income quicker than i was making it most of the time. Impulse purchases aside though i think parents buying these for their kids are what's really driving this line. They figure they can kill two birds with one stone. Star Wars and Transformers it's like two toys in one! I know what some of you are thinking... "Well uh duh, Tom Cruise they are toys, what would you expect?" Granted they are toys but with how cheesy they come off as i really have to peg them in the toys for kids category alot more than i might say Alternators or even Classics.

  10. Probably because you are actually buying them? I think the concept is very cheesy, but it does meld two franchises that are already popular so I'm not surprised.

    ? Huh? If that was addressed to me i haven't bought nor do i own a single SWTF. Are you buying them up?

    Had the toys been done to not like look like their pilot counterparts in Robot Mode maybe... Come on now Hair? What is this Space Balls?

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