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Posts posted by Veritas

  1. Granted, Revoltechs aren't transformable, but the amount of poseablity they have is just down right insane. Some more than others. All in all i think a Revoltech Valk would make a great office display piece, if some of you aren't looking to add em to your main collection. I know i've got Prime and the Ingram at my office right now, just waiting to pick a fight with Megs and maybe the VF-1 now, heh.

  2. The first book was a really good read, but the later sequels just don't work for me. Though I'm thrilled by the fact that one of the main characters is Canadian :)

    As far as the movies go, I preferred Identity to Supremecy. I didn't enjoy the action scenes in Supremecy very much, the camera shots were too quickly cut and unstable to really see what was happening.

    They had different directors right? It's too bad that alot of good movies that have sequels can't or won't retain the same director that worked on the original film.

    MI:2 comes to mind. <_<

  3. Absolutely Amazing! I remember when i went to the Simthsonian Air & Space Museum a couple of years back they a had a large scale Aircraft Carrier Model much like this one (don't recall the ship though) and it was hands down one of the intricate pieces of work a single person has ever done. I tried to take pictures, but since i only had a standard throw away camera that day, the flash bounced off the protective plexi-glass display it was behind (no touching heh) and came out like crap. Makes me wonder why i can't get off my lazy ass and even finish a Gundam model every now and then. :mellow:

  4. The fight with Dooku in Ep. III was disappointing to say the least. I really was expecting something more climatic than that 2 min. clinic that Anakin put on. I was more than certain that Dooku was going to bite it at the hands of Annie, but not so easily. Just one of the small things in the movie that had a little more effort been put into, the movie would be that much better. <_<

  5. G1 toy Dirge is lighter blue than animated Dirge IIRC, and Classics Dirge is lighter than either. But not grossly so. Animated Dirge tended to have dark grey instead of black, while G1 toy had black. Classics Dirge is clearly based off G1 toy more than cartoon. Still don't know what they based Classics SW purple off of though, he's almost magenta-pink, than lavender. (Lavender or straight Decepticon purple is generally accepted for SW, but Classics is way too pink)

    Still----we all expect Classics TC to look amazing, and we're all ticked we can't get it for less than 300 bucks...


    I should have done some research before putting up my initial post. You’re right, his color is much more in-line with that of his G1 Toy Counterpart. I was basing my assumption off of his Animated form. And you know what they say about assumptions. :mellow: Still I’m afraid you’re going to be right about Classics Thundercracker. I’m hoping someway some how E-Hobby decides to do some kind of exclusive repaint on the Classics seekers some where down the line. It’ll still be more expensive than the standard fare, but I can’t imagine it will be anywhere near the price of these money-pits.

  6. Good question. I'm sure if there is more information about it someone on the board could probably point you in the right direction. I've never had the chance to play republic commando, but didn't it almost seem like in the movie the execution of order 66 went a little too smoothly, like they knew it all along in there as well?

  7. I was kind of concerned with the collectable grading stuff though...

    Yeah they were really pushing that as an issue in their survey. Even had a question asking to justify your decision about whether or not AFA grading was important in deciding to purchase a figure. Personally i could care less about AFA grading. It seems like a pretty random practice to me, but than again i open most of what i collect so i'm sure there are some ppl. that had more to comment on it than i did.


    Sh*t! Man that pisses me off. Had an ominous feeling this was going to happen. They just had to go reserve the rest of the seekers for botcon exclusives. 90% of the ppl. who picked up Starscream, Ramjet and Skywarp are going to have no chance of obtaining these guys. ($279, whoops that's the members price) $329 for 5 toys (even better), come on now. Sad thing is that's the bare minimum package too! Not to mention it's the same damn price even if you don't attend... noice. None of the previous botcon exclusives have impressed me that's why i was hoping for more of the same this year, perhaps some more cybertron remolds, but anything but this.

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