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Posts posted by Gui

  1. On this week's issue of Newsweek, Roger Ebert voices out (not that he physically can anymore) his displeasure of Hollywood jumping the 3-D bandwagon following Avatar's success.

    Roger Ebert: "Why I Hate 3-D (and You Should Too)"

    The intelligentsia said the same thing about sound first, then about colors, back in the days: I don't see anything new in this article. Such "conservatism" doesn't fit any artistic field IMO

    I agree with the marketing aspects though: it clearly is the new "give us your money" thingie that Hollywood found. Let's see how long it'll last: this looks like a simple trend atm...

    As for the study about brain damages: it seems to be far too much soon to judge. Hell, even mobile phones still are under the scrutiny of researchers and medics

  2. Overrated:

    Avatar, Matrix (all of them), Star Wars (all of them), Transformers (all of them, including the incoming one, and although I loved them all, even the incoming one), everything after Alien 2 and Terminator 2,... basically, everything which explodes the box office with SPFX but no plot and/or characters and/or ideas and/or [you get the point]


    Dark City, District 9, Screamers, The Thing, Gattaca, Total Recall, Strange Days, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, War of the Worlds (Spielberg's one: underated because many spectators missed the point of the director IMO) and some french movies you probably never heard about such as Atomik Circus or Immortel Ad Vitam

    Some other titles may come to my mind at a later time...

  3. Me too...

    Finished Flag yesterday: it's the new benchmark for the real mechas genre, not because of the technical aspects of the machines but because of its portraying of life during war time. Definitely one of the best mecha animes I've ever seen, and one of the best animes all short

    Surprisingly, it was the very first time I agreed almost completely with ANN reviews...

  4. Watched Sword of the Stranger yesterday, which is very good. I liked the "Once Upon a Time in America feeling" which came from the various conflicts of interest between the different protagonists; the fact that the two main characters both are foreigners of this traditional Japan was an interesting twist. Scenario is a bit conventional but presented in an unusual way. Animation is great, music is very good. All this make this movie very recommendable


    At the end of the DVD I came upon a preview section and I saw a couple of trailers. There was one in particular called "Big Wars" which intrigued me. Anyone seen it?? I've read a couple of online reviews and they're a mixed bunch but I'd like to hear the scoop from some like minded individuals.

    Watched this one a bunch of years ago or so, and wrote a review of it on the Animeka.com french website: if you understand this language, it's easy to find my review in the search engine

    Basically, I found it was overally well animated, but inequally, with some good ideas unfortunately badly used and a lot of clichés. Synopsis is very simple and there's almost no suspense. The last 15 mins or so of the movie are the most interesting. Characters are almost all archetypes but rather cleverly used all along the story. Designs are interesting and rather unusual but more originality and creativity would have been a strong plus. A pair of sex scenes have the merit to play a role in the story. Basically, if you liked Venus Wars, odds are good that you'll like Big Wars: its animation is less good but its scenario is better

    Sorry if this is "short" as a review, but there's not a lot of things to say on this one; frankly, I don't even remember why I wrote this years ago: I've just done a quick and approximative translation

  5. Finished Watching Devilman the day before yesterday: I've been amazed by how much this show differs of Mazinger Z, yet bot of them are from the same year and the same author; of course, they're both a "monster of the week" series but Devilman is far more interesting on the human aspects of the story. I'll give a look to the original manga for sure

    Otherwise, I watched the Legaciam OAV yesterday: it's the average mecha show from the second half of the 80s and although it gathered some great talents, what I've been really impressed with was the character designs. The story was so-so and gave me the feeling it was written with a sequel in mind, or maybe a whole TV series, because there wasn't any conclusion strictly speaking

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