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Posts posted by Gui

  1. I don't know, even more than the origianl series, Zeta defined every Gundam that came after it (almost to a fault). While I haven't seen 00 yet (waiting to see if Bandai will be ballsy enough to put it out on bluray), just about every series (except for Turn-A & G) have followed the Zeta formula.

    Mmmh... Frankly, it's discussable: after Z was ZZ which was everything you want except "the Z formula" (except maybe in the second half...), and after that was V. I agree that G has nothing to do with Z (or any other Gundam series to begin with...) but X appears very different than Z, all the more as it can be considered as an alternate future of the post-OYW era: the setting, the newtype concept,... everything is very different. Because it's crap, W doesn't count. Seed is obviously a come back to the roots of the franchise and it's closer to First than Z; on the other hand, Destiny wanted to be some sort of Z clone, but failed

    What I like the most in V is how it is an independent story: you'll have more difficulties in following Z than V because of its elements taken from First. Z is a sequel, V is a standalone: this is what makes it more appealing to a newcomer to the franchise IMO

  2. [...]

    one movie I actually do like more than the original book is 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    There is no original book, but a short story called The Sentinel; the book was written based onto the scenario that Kubrick and Clarke wrote together in taking this short story as a basis and in extrapolating it

    David Hingtgen & Gubaba: me too, I couldn't read Fellowship of the Ring, at 12 as at 32... One day, maybe I'll finish it... One day... Maybe... :rolleyes:

  3. Ah yes. CASE. Which... unless you're one of the cheating dirty Clanners, is still liable to royally jack up your 'Mech if you are mounting an Extra-Light Engine.

    Maybe... I don't really remember any more: I didn't play this game since at least 15 years; youth doesn't know what is good :rolleyes:

  4. It will prolly damage the endo-steel frame as well with minimal damage to the ferro-fibrous armour due to the impact caused by the fall.

    Never mind, dude, there's indeed a way to damage internal structure because of a fall: just roll a double 2 onto the damage location chart and it will do a critical hit which will go right through the armor and damage the endoskeleton only

    The "fun" part is when this critical hits an ammo storage, except in post-3050AD

  5. Watched Cobra The Animation: Time Drive lately: I have been rather disappointed by The Psychogun last year, and this one is not really better. As a general rule, I don't really like prequel-like stories which dig into major characters' past: it's often disappointing because it gives a picture of the character which is not in accordance with what I expected and which hurts the myth more than it dolls it up

    A very egocentric point of view, I know... :p

    It was nice to see Cobra again nonetheless: I hope the incoming TV series will be really good

  6. Several solutions to your problem :

    - change of girl friend

    - don't make her watch animes: it's violent and perverted, she'll think you are too and will leave you

    - explain to her that culture deserves efforts (good luck to make a girl get this...)

    - tell her that 50% of the interest of animes resides in the original voice acting (girls being very sensitive to sounds/voices/musics, this may work, except if she listens to sh!tty music which is probably the case because girls usually have bad taste: see right above...)

    - bring her to bed instead of watching animes with her, you stupid!

  7. Saw The Sky Crawlers the day before yesterday: it's a very good movie although a bit confusing in the beginning; you have to wait the second half to get where Oshii wants to go, but after that it all becomes pretty clear and appears as very characteristic of this director's previous works (especially GitS: one of the characters in Sky Crawlers makes this quite obvious...)

    I've not been very awed by the visuals though, not as much as I expected to be actually: even if the various landscapes and the animation of the planes are flawless, the characters looked rather bland to me (but, due to the theme of the movie, it may have been intentionnal...)

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