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Posts posted by Gui

  1. BREAK OUT! Energy and passion....

    3, 2, 1 GO! Ooooooo Oh Oh Oooooooooo SUPER ROBOT WARS!!!!

    Damn you Jam-Project for giving us such catchy and energetic music.

    Gui, don't forget to watch the 3-part OVA if you haven't done so yet.


    I have but I didn't like it: you're the second one to tell me this on this very thread, I seriously begin to think I should give another try to this show :p

  2. Finished watching Ride Back the day before yesterday: it's not a bad anime at all and the political stuff was rather interesting but the whole show was too short to really develop this aspect of the story; it's a shame because it really had a good potential... The mecha designs were original and rather funny but also underused IMO (i.e. not enough action scenes)

    Now, I'm onto Super Robot Wars Original Generation: about 4 eps so far and it looks promising, or at least very different than I expected

  3. After a hiatus, I came back to anime a few days ago with the Gurren Lagann movie: it has its strong points, but almost all of them come from the footage of the original series; the rest is watchable but disappointing, mainly because of its awkward pace. All in all, it's the typical "TV series to movie" fail

    I began watching Rideback yesterday. I love how the "hero" of the show finds itself piloting the main mecha of the story: a bit of originality doesn't hurt. Second ep was more expected but rather entertaining nonetheless; I think I'll keep watching the whole series

  4. [...] If gundam had come to the west earlier like macross (robotech) did then it may have stood a good chance.

    You mean, "If Gundam had come to the west earlier as a butchered series it may have stood a good chance" ?

    C'mon: all it would have done is the guys at MAHQ bitch about this as much as we do here on Robotech... :p

    /Me wonders what additional show Macek would have chosen for this :rolleyes:

  5. Finished Kurogane no Linebarrels a few days ago: it's very average but not as uninteresting as some people said when it began to air; actually, it's quite funny sometimes

    Otherwise, I watched Cobra The Animation: The Psychogun which was disappointing: the pacing of the story was not good and most of these eps looked like fillers. Though, plenty of action and humour make it a watchable show...

  6. I thought it was...but then I checked the references. It was first mentioned by Ewilen on this board as part of a modus operandi of BW to block any deals between their US based licensees and HG to prevent acknowledging any rights of HG to the Macross derivatives like what happened to Toycom. Ewilens post

    Later JBO referenced to it in a recap. Found a mention on ANN that HG in cooperation with Tokyopop would release Macross 7 trash but that licensing issues prevented it.

    So again no hard fact *sigh*


    One hard fact I can give you, and I already mentionned it pages ago in this thread (it was 3 or 4 years ago though, so many of you may not have read it...), well, there's no reference at all to HG in the french edition of M7 Trash by Glénat (which is not exactly a small publisher in Euro, actually it's one of the biggest comics editor around): I own every volume and none of them have HG written anywhere

    It seems to me that these so-called worldwide rights actually are limited to the US... :p

  7. I think Manhattan is more the symbol of military nuclear power, that is something very powerful but unable to take its own decision and always controled by someone else (the guy who has the finger on the button); on the human side, it's also more interesting to consider this super hero as having all powers except the most important: the power to take a decision

    Concerning the removal of Intrinsic Fields, I clearly remember one of the big head of the research labo (the one where Jon was disintegrated...) saying that the exact circumstances of this accident couldn't be reproduced again. Think about it: if creating super heroes was as simple as that, every nuclear powered nations in the world of Watchmen would have their own Dr. Manhattan...

  8. Mac II's destroids look cool: I like how the designers revamped them

    Actually, I like almost all Mac II's mecha designs, especially the VF-2SS; even the Marduk zentrans have good-looking mechas, though they look weird sometimes (pods without legs... arf...) but this weirdness fits them well IMO

  9. [...]

    Eventhough Max is described as European, I lean toward the French nationality, since Maxmillian is a common name in France, along with Mylene. [...]

    Mmmh... Not really: Maximilien, in particular, is rather rare, because it is pretty "old" and therefore sounds snobbish I think; on the other hand, one of our most famous singer is called Mylene (Farmer is her last name: probably a pseudonym though...) but of course this has nothing to do with M7

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