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Posts posted by RichterX

  1. A little behind the scenes action


    bleh, you don't know where she has been

    Time for Ranka to get some from the Hime



    yes! finally, that is awesome, now did she do it cause Sheryl did it before and if she kiss him is like kissing all that kissed him before? or cause it was on the script

  2. Really? Do you think that 3 is an appropriate age for Starwars? IIRC I was taken to see The Empire Strikes Back in the movie theater when I was 3 and I was terrified and we had to leave the theater. I am a bit of a wuss though. I also think that my son may have inherited some wuss genes as some things scare him easily. The scene in Finding Nemo where Nemo's Mom

    gets killed

    scares him as well as the scene with the deep water luminescent fish with the big teeth. We have to fast forward those parts.

    Well I have no right on tell you how to raise your child and I apologize if it sounded like that. Just that I have a family in which my cousin is a huge Starwars geek and his kids and nephews all have grown up with Starwars stuff and watching the movies and all since they were babies. And also by age 4 I knew who Darth Vader is. (called the Dark Invader due to a misunderstanding of english) also you have to consider I would be watching zombie and horror movies by age 5 with my siblings and mom and I also started drinking by age 7.

    I actually do not think that Macross would scare him at all and I know he would love the valks but his mom does not want to expose him to violence and she would kill me if when he was at her house he said something like, "momma, why Hikaru blow up Bodolza?"

    If I were you I would probably show him the best episodes of SDF and also enough for him to follow some of the story, and show him DYRL? totally skip on M7 for a young kid. I hope that the believes of the mom of your boy doesn't interfere on you passing on the culture :p

  3. I think we are all saddened by that.

    He must be the over-protective Matriarch/Den mother of the S.M.S.

    Actually, I believe the both fighters are just about on par with each other. Similar to the Super Nova AVFs in Plus (YF-19 and YF-21).

    Still don't think Leon is involved with Brera's given that Grace (who is possibly involved with him) was spying on him. Also, any order for S.M.S. to check out the nest probably comes from Leon, so him sending Brera out to take out the nest makes no sense.

    I agree, if Leon was working with Grace and Brera, if they were working together Grace wouldn't had need to hack the meeting and also Leon would have delayed any investigation of the nest so SMS would have arrive only to find a destroyed nesst

  4. ha,ha,ha poop jokes, are we really that low now?

    So going back into topic, can the chamber macronize, micronize all organic material? Klan left her bandana hair thing on and it was macronize with her, if it was some kind of organic fiber I guess it would work, probably that is one of the reasons why the implants and other things that the Zentran are using in DYRL? were changed from mechanical to organic looking.

  5. Actually this was started in DYRL when the micronized version of Warea, Rori, and Konda had really big ears.

    I think you are right I rechecked that and they used to look to me like they had no ears, I looked carefully and they look like pointy flaps that are flat against their heads. I check Macross Plus and Guld's ears seem to be bigger than a human's in all aspects, longer lobes and pointy. And even in M7 Millia's ears would shift from regular human size with points, to more pointy and even one with droopy points... :unsure:

  6. I don't think that Grace and Leon are in cahoots, well at least we haven't been shown anything that would link them, in fact, it seems that Grace was spying on them.

    As far as Leon, while he does know more about the Vajra than he's letting on, I don't think he's involved with the Galaxy or whoever is behind the Brera and co.

    I don't think Leon and Grace, if she gives the orders to Brera, are on working together. If so, instead of she hacking into the meeting we would have gotten an scene in which mysterious voice that order Brera talked with Leon over the phone.

  7. Good heavens... What the heck is that sleazy agent doing with Ranka?

    Selling carrots in a Zentradi shopping mall? Handing out tissues on the streets in a bikini?

    She should dump him right away and get a better manager - she deserves no less!

    I seriously considered voting negative simply because of that second-rate tramp, he pissed me off so much.

    Other than that... Meh, Gundam-esque angst and the usual shipping, although Klan slapping Mikhail's Valkyrie was funny.

    Well you have to consider that pretty much any big publicity that they have tried has been blocked by Leon and probably any other agency would not go with Ranka for the same reason.

  8. we will not be talking about it, if the maker of this anime target audience are wholesome kids, but actually young adult to old adult.

    they put all these things in, so we talk about it. green squirrel in fresh panties, sheryl nude in concert, sheryl half naked in emergency shelter, klan klan huge knockers after conversion and shower in school with blur glass to trigger the imagination.

    <_< at least we are not humping each other while saying, "i am the alpha male"

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