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Posts posted by Impreszive

  1. haha....I wonder, ebay should find a way to prevent astronomical ass rape shipping on articles...

    Good Luck.

    I've looked forever and never found a reasonable shipping prince on that item.

  2. I prefer this translation of the last line kresphy postedas opposed to a Babelfish:

    It would be nice to see the full article.

    On a personal level, I consider it bad storytelling to set up a plot that you have no intent to resolve. Until we get more info about how the movie is going to play out (I am still thinking rehash of the story), that will always be open-ended. It just bugs me because I see it in other anime to the point where it feels cliche to me.

    Now, that being said, maybe that ending fit the series. Alto's first love was flying, especially in a real sky. Maybe what won out in the end was completing the dream he had in acheiving that goal. All in all, it wasn't such a bad way to end Frontier, but I just wish it hadn't used the cliche ending that has been used in other anime.

  3. The original SDF Macross has something the other two series don't; we get to see the after effects of the climactic battle. Reconstruction is a large part of what makes the series classic. Its the most "adult" of the three.

    I would also take this a step further and add in resolution to certain plot elements. The love triangle in there is a good example. While there were no more stories of the heroes (except max and millia), the ending was satisfying. Maybe I am just a nostalgic old man, but the writing in Macross felt more tight to me.

  4. Actually, there's a few new data, the most interesting is the maiden flight of VF-25, which happens at 24th June 2057, at somewhere which belongs to Shinsen Industries. (I admit, my katakana sucks. :p)

    EDIT: Alright, I can finally read some of them. Apparently, VF-25 has its maiden flight in planet Eden, the planet where the Project AVF was held in M+

    This would be one day after my 80th birthday.....if I manage to live that long.

  5. Quite simple, one kilogram is equal to a force of about 10 Newtons in earths gravity field. So if each VF-27 engine puts out 1377000N then that is equal to 137000Kg, so each one of the four engines on the VF-27 puts out as much thrust as both engines on the VF-22.

    If for some reason the Kilonewtons given are based on Frontiers 0,7g (6,85 m/s^2) then the equivalent mass is even larger at 201000Kg.

    By the way the formula is F=m*g, F is Newtons, m is kg, and g is 9,81m/s^2 on earth

    Anyway you put this, the friggin plane is fast, and has a lot of power.

  6. Well, word from Bandai came in rather quick.

    "Hello Keith,

    The bottom line is, there will never be a macross frontier in america, if there is a company who has the furtune to even get it licensed. I hate to say this as we are all macross frontier.

    again, we do apologize.

    as far as zeta gundam goes, the only gundam series that will be out in the future is gundam 00.


    Now to go sob & watch this weeks episode of veoh.... and start saving up for the eventual blu-ray box... ::sob::

    Ok. Piracy it is, then. I am not sure how popular this show would have been over here, but it is good to see a market completely cut out because of this bullshit....yet again. I am buying the Japanese Blu Rays, as expensive and mismangaed space-wise they may be.


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