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Posts posted by Impreszive

  1. I have the CF-VF 1A in 1/48. That's the only one I wanted to keep. I like the new 1/60s a bit more, especially in light of space considerations. These weathering limited editions bother me for some reason. I know too many folks who can do just as well a job on their own. "I" am not that person, however.

  2. Can someone tell me what the dimensions were on that Macross Launch Day poster that was sold a while back? I went searching through the For Sale forum for the thread, and it is long gone. I was going to pick up a frame for it today, but I would rather not buy the wrong thing.

  3. Truthfully, I don't see Yamato making the VF-4. I think it has more to do with iconic status. While the VF-4 is a pretty sweet looking craft, the iconic planes in Macross are the VF-1s, the YF-19 and 21, and VF-11, and the planes from Zero (although I wonder about that sometimes). Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a VF-4, but I just don't think that it is in the cards outside of a resin kit.

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