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Posts posted by Impreszive


    2 new Macross Frontier lineart books by Movic have been released. These were completely under the radar, as I at least had never heard anything about them before.

    There is a Red book and a Blue book. Publisher's links below: -

    Macross Frontier Blue Book.

    Macross Frontier Red Book.

    Both books are A4 size and about 160 pages each. They are full of lineart and only lineart, nothing else.

    The Blue book apparently features lineart of the male characters and mecha.

    The Red book, which I was able to buy features lineart of the female characters (50% of the book) and locations (50% of the book).

    As with prevous lineart books by Movic, the art is only printed on 1 side of every page. So that means even though the book is about 160 pages long, you are only getting about 80 pages of lineart. Still, it's a damn sight more lineart than has been published previously.

    Cover pics attached below, as well as scans of 3 sample pages from the Red book.

    Haven't been able to find these listed on Amazon Japan or HMV Japan yet.

    I came across these during a hunt around Mong Kok district today. Unfortuantely only two shops had them. One shop had both Red and Blue books, but was closed, so I could only stare at them through the window. Another shop only had the Red book which I bought.


    Oh wow. I need to find a way to get these! Looks like I need to add the search for these to my contact overseas.

  2. Reading stuff like this makes me very happy that I have a contact at Sasebo. He can get pretty much anything I can ask for (and can afford). I have had about enough of this crap with HG and Toynami "blocking" like this. I think the only thing you can really do is vote with your wallet and not shop a BBTS. If they are willing to cave like that, then they don't need your money. Seems simple enough to me.

  3. It was just a couple points to bring Anakin's fall to be more believable. ANYTHING extra would have done wonders instead of the "all-of-the-sudden I'll join the Dark Side" Anakin of RotS. Afterall, Lucas' movie (actually, movies) pretty much glossed or skipped over any character development, went straight for action and effects. And the end result is... the Prequel movies.

    Two words... Pod Racing. Three more... Ten year old.

    Anakin should have never been A) a slave and B) a little kid. I always envisioned him having the same rise like Luke did in his teens, only making the wrong choices and falling to the dark side.

  4. The reviews seem to say that this film is more a wannabe Jason Bourne film than a Bond flick. I hated the Pierce Brosnan Bond films so I'm not sure if getting more Bourne isn't a good thing. Still, I heard this film is devoid of womanizing and has almost no gadgets which doesn't sound promising.

    It worked pretty well in my opinion. This one wasn't Casino Royale, but it did a fine job without all the gimmicks.

  5. The only issue I ever had with a Yamato toy was the old VF-11. The hip broke and I just tossed it. Nowadays, I usually just keep the Valks in fighter mode. That was always my favorite configuration. I've had no real issue because of the fact that I really don't mess with them.

  6. I love how all you guys use these words like "can't, won't, don't". Things change you know :)

    Lets get back to this in a few months. I still highly doubt that Frontier will ever see this side of the pond, without importing the DVDs or piracy. I agree with you that things change, but this has been going on an awful long time.

    My personal take on the whole thing is this:


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