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Everything posted by dapro

  1. Was it hard to put the flight adapter on this bad ball?
  2. The wings are definitely tighter than the original one. The original is more movie color accurate. I like the stand that comes with it a lot. If you want a Ghidorah and missed the first one, get this new one for sure.
  3. Got S.H. MonsterArts - King Ghidorah Special Color Version in today. Couple pics to share.
  4. I agree, a clear pole would be great, but since its metal rod they are limited I guess.
  5. Maybe, but that would be an awesome setup!
  6. Anyone has a picture of Vf-4G with M&M right behind it on a yeti stands?
  7. Just saw a review of this figure and it looks cheap compare to arcadia\yamato figures.
  8. Which one you got? http://www.ebay.com/itm/321207781309?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT or http://www.ebay.com/itm/252134881663?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I broke down and bought a backboard.
  9. Thanks guys, maybe I should change my form of payment on HLJ from paypal to my credit card.
  10. I didn't know there is a fee as a buyer. I tried both with from credit card and direct from bank and it came out the same charge.
  11. All paid up and going to HLJ private warehouse waiting for MP laserwave. Got to wait a whole month. Take some pics and your thoughts once you get it!
  12. Paypal conversion of yen to usd seem to be more than google conversion. Oh well, $5 difference!
  13. What is up with the hype? My first one too!
  14. Those dolls kinda a freaky. I would be scared if I see it staring at me middle of the night. lol
  15. Already a crazy start to the year for me. I'll take pic when my loot comes in.
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