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Posts posted by dapro

  1. Thanks so much guys, you have just helped me secure the funding needed for me and my coproducer to fly to five different locations for my film in the month of April. Sorry for any and all confusion and I may update the list with more stuff soon.

    WIll you post and trailer of your film? ;)

  2. Ha! I was keeping an eye on that one. I was surprised to find that there was only one bid as well.

    I placed the bid like 3 days ago and totally forgot about it thinking someone will at least bid $1 more. I didn't know until I got an email on the phone telling me I just won an auction. duh!

  3. If you needed the Super/Strike parts what's the problem :D. You could always sell the standalone valk and keep the combo one.

    That is actually a good idea! :D

    wow! 200, it's a good price since they are going now for 250 without shipping.

    I guess people didn't think 200 for a used valk was worth it. I never noticed that auction, I would've try to outbid you if I knew, hehehehe :p The super strike part is the seller for that, good buy, you can never have enough VF-1S DYRL

    I finally got my VF-1J gray goggle with GBP-1S armor combo!

    So happy!!, I never thought I would get this one brand new, but it was my most expensive single valk purchase to date at 394 shipped. I guess it's a fair price now, since I kept seeing the set over 400 used, but still expensiveeeeeeeeeeeee. :wacko:




  4. :(http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-Macross-1-60-VF-1S-With-Super-Strike-Parts-Do-You-Remember-Love-Ichijo-/261196357286?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=dGcI4Nl6pHw60OJ%252Bl4TXzkQGqfA%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc

    I don't even know why I bid on this since I already have a vf-1s Hikaru. I guess the strike parts got me. I didn't expect to win at this price since the strike parts alone been going for $120 or higher; I was a little surprised this item got some little interest.

  5. I did my panic buying back in February. It's sad to see things like the Max VF-1A TV or DYRL which was on eBay for around $100 shipped now going over $200 to $300 in just a few months. I wanted to buy an extra one to customize but refuse to pay the huge amounts people are asking for. I think now is the time to wait and see if prices drop after the frenzy. I hope. Good buy on the Kakizaki Derex!

    I agreed.

    I got mine in February too and I still haven't open some of the packages.


  6. You are not taking out of the box too? haha I will need to release Focker and Max someday. Just got this from the post office today.


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