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Pat Payne

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Posts posted by Pat Payne

  1. Questions Mari Is Likely To See At RT.com

    - How can Max fly a plane and wear glasses at the same time. Doesn't the AirForce have standards? I mean shouldn't he be wearing contacts?

    - Do you like soup? Would you eat soup made from a 40 foot long tuna in real life?

    - I think my girlfriend is cheating on me. And shes SOOOOO much like Minmei. Except shes not pretty. And shes not as thin as Minmei. And her eyebrows make me think of McDonalds and seagulls at the beach. But other than those minor things, she is like totally like Minmei. Can you give me advice on if I should be ok with her cheating on me?


    I don't think we have to worry about her actually seeing those questions. From what I could gather the setup is this: She's actually not going ON the RT forums, but they're going to cull the best questions among the responses and send those along to her to answer.

  2. and for all those dirty, dirty boys out there: Hey baby! What's your sizes?

    Yeah, I think that question kinda steps over the line. Big time. :blink:

    Like, there's this barrier of common decency right? This guy went through it. Doubled back. Went through it again, and just kept on going.


    This guy is either some horny teenage pervoid or a 30-or more-something who got stuck at puberty.


    and should be neutered


    Says he with the raunchy Kermit avatar :p:D :D

  3. and for all those dirty, dirty boys out there: Hey baby! What's your sizes?

    Yeah, I think that question kinda steps over the line. Big time. :blink:

    Like, there's this barrier of common decency right? This guy went through it. Doubled back. Went through it again, and just kept on going.


    This guy is either some horny teenage pervoid, a drunk fratboy, or a 30-or more-something who got stuck at puberty. Really, she's an accomplished singer, songwriter and actress, and all he can do is inquire about her bust size? I wish some of these jerks would realize that they're directing questions at Mari Iijima and not AI Iijima.

    Personally, I'd ask questions like:

    1. Given your acting roles in both Japanese and American productions, how do the two styles differ, in your opinion?


    2. Who were your greatest musical influences?

  4. 1) Mari, do you think Macross should have focused on actual combat scenes rather than song-and-dance routines?

    2) Mari, do you agree that the idea of a magical singing girl was a weak point of Macross' plot?

    those first two questions are great. Macek himself admitted that the whole singing thing was a weakness of the show.

    I dont know why, but i got kind of mad by this. I think the music and song and dance was VERY important to the themes of macross. If you look at the the symbolism behind the anime. The music and the love triangle was clearly repesentative of "love" and the zentraedi and fighting were represented as the theme "war". And altogether Macross whole theme was "love AND war" Not just the fighting as Robotech would have liked. Why would you even be asking the SINGER that? Pfft sorry im done ranting.


    I'm starting to wonder, maybe in a VERY limited way, Roy was right. I'm not sure some of those people get the point of Macross. They look at it as a mecha-fest when it was actually a bit more philosophical that robots waling on each other.

  5. I bet Steve, Tom and Tommy are having a good time reading this thread.


    How about we laugh at the questions on that site instead?

    actual question:

    1) Mari, how will you cope with American fans' intense hatred (bordering on bloodlust) for the character of Minmay?

    2) Mari, who was the bigger traitor: Gloval or Emerson?

    3) Mari, do you think Ray should have shot Stick at the end of Mospeada?


    Question one could have been phrased better. Questions 2 and three are from a guy who can kindly take the Spock ears off now. (Of course, I'm writing this in a toga, so I'm not one to talk. :D) Hopefully, that's not the caliber of questions they're getting across the board.

  6. Sigh...to anyone reading some of the posts in this thread...I don't represent the people making them. I have no desire to (censored) your (censored) till (censored) pours out... and so on. I accept the olive branch that Mr. Yun held out and may participate in sending a question to Mari Iijima. I may have to do it under an assumed name, thanks to certain comments from a party whom shall remain nameless. Maturity, why hast thou forsaken us?

  7. we are talking about pimping women, selling drugs, killing homeless, sexual content (none of this crap is glorified in Arnold movies)...


    Weeeeeeeeeell...He did do quite a bit o' the Mexico Green in Pumping Iron... :p

    But seriously, sexual content in video games is nothing new either. Here's but a couple, including the very first. "Custer's Revenge" of 1980 had the player take control of a naked (except for cavalry hat and neckerchief) General George Armstrong Custer whose mission was to make it through heavy arrow fire to have sex with a naked Indian lass.

    I'm NOT making this up. Seriously. (warning. probably not work-safe.)

    Needless to say, this game managed to cheese off everybody: Women's groups who saw a new avenue for objectification, Native American groups angered at the treatment of Native Americans in the game, "Custer was right" nutjobs who felt their martyr was being maligned, and the gaming community saddled with this turkey.

    Cathouse was another. You play a guy with special needs, and have to run around to houses of ill fame with the vice squad hot on your...um...tail.

    All of these were for the Atari 2600.

    But how did we get to video games? Remember Mari and her new acting role?

  8. ^

    Speaking of which, is there a reason why SDC Orguss was never used for the Robotech continuity?

    I've read that the syndication package had to hit 65 episodes. So in theory, if Mospeada just had a few more episodes, they could have dumped the entire Southern Cross/Robotech Masters angle altogether.

    Is there any word about DVD extras? Commentaries? Storyboards? Anything new?


    The only straw I can grasp at on why thy didn't use Orguss is that perhaps Tatsunoko had nothing to do with Orguss and therefore, it couldn't have been included in their deal with HG.

    No firm word on extras, according to ANN and AoD, but ADV did say that Mari Iijima will be involved in some of the extras, perhaps as a commentary track on some episodes or with new interviews or other things. BTW, can someone help me reel my jaw back in? It's still on the ground after hearing that announcement... :D

  9. Those who know the movie would be thinking:  Why is she singing that song if this isn't the movie and the song was never discovered?  Andt those who see this new dub first will not really appreciate the nature of the song, and will probably have its introduction in the movie spoiled when they finally see the movie. 


    On the other hand, you could also say that it might tie the two together...but that, like all historical moviemakers, the makers of DYRL? decided to go with the "spin" instead of fact ;)

    Apollo Leader: no word on how much the entire set will go for, but they're going to be selling individually at $30 a disc, so roughly competitive with (or perhaps a bit higher than) the Animeigo release. But you are getting 5/6 eps per disc as opposed to four with the AE, so it evens out.

  10. Would anyone object if they messed with things a little bit and had her sing "Do You Remember Love?" from the movie for the big battle episode (Farewell to Tenderness)?

    I wouldn't mind, but it's not feasable. I actually tried timing DYRL with Bodolza's battle, and IIRC, the battle scene was too short, oddly enough.

  11. I used to like dubs better because I didn't want to "read" anime, but now I like subs better because I don't want to hear annoying voice acting. Sure, the Japanese voice acting might be bad too, but I'll never know since I don't know any Japanese.


    That's usually where I fall on dubs -- I just plain don't like a lot of the voice acting in 'em. Some, like Cowboy Bebop are enjoyable to listen to, but a lot of them are just poor, IMHO.

  12. Same thing goes for most imported Anime.  Now the problem of making Macross or Anime in general more main stream friendly is that you are shaping it towards their wants or what you think they want.  Where is the limit on compromises in importing something over?

    If you don't mind, I think I'll give my own midset on that one with a parable: A lower-class man, a plebian, is invited to dinner with the Emperor Augustus in Ancient Rome. Augustus' stewards place three goblets in front of the man. He's told that the first contains high-quality, undiluted Falernian wine. The second, has watered-down posca (a cheap wine in Rome). The third contains hemlock. Augustus asks him which he will drink. The man stutters and thinks for a moment before answering. "Highness," he says, "I will, for the nonce, take the middle cup, with the posca." "Why?" asks mighty Augustus. "I have never had Falernian wine," the plebian replies, "and fear it is too rich for my palette all at once. And, begging your Highness' pardon, no man will willingly take hemlock unless forced to. I beg leave to drink the posca and sip at the Falernian until such time as I can have more of it at one go."

    So it is with our hypothetical anime fan. They have not, probably, had any uncut subs (the Falernian) under them if they're getting their anime from CN (watered-down posca). But give them time, and they'll discover them. I doubt, given ADV's track record with Southern Cross and Mospeada, that they're going to give us something like the "tricked out" Initial D (hemlock) for their Macross release to catch the young fans. I wager it'll be like ADV's Gatchaman, a release meant for older anime fans.

    That is an appalling statement, beneath any further comment.

    Yeah its appalling. Damn straight it is and the truth. You know whats more appalling that there are idiots that honestly believe all the crap that come from my ass.

    I'll give you this one -- I do have a tendency to get on my high horse at times when my Irish is up. (But please -- I'm no idiot. :) ) And like I said, I was never trying to turn it into a catfight...I just get passionate about these things. I'm an Orwellian -- I don't like even the appearance of people being pushed around or segregated.

    I do not like people being dismissed as stupid or uneducated or what have you because they aren't in the "in" crowd, or don't know the "secret handshake."

    Think I was the most popular kid in school? Only difference between me and you is I'm not as scared.

    I think you left out an "r" there. :p

  13. And I don't know what your definition of quality is but I can't rate Macross Zero or GiTs anywhere NEAR the level of animation done by the oldskool core of Gainax for Daicon IV. There's personality and character in their art. GiTz and Macross Zero are overly polished to remove any sense of the artists so that the whole thing just blends together and it seems like a boring CG puddle to me.


    I second that. Too much of today's anime seems to have no soul. The old ink-and-paint cel animation seemed to be more alive, that there was a heart and vitality missing in much of today's stuff. Some shows, like Last Exile, still have that spark, but they're few and far between.

  14. Pretty much. I was fairly sure after it was originally released they were gonna do a second release with a dub.

    Especially after "There's no such thing as Robotech Uncut, and we can't do a remaster because we lost the edit list... oh, wait, we DID have some extra scenes and a remaster. My mistake. Hope you don't mind having to buy another set."

    Hey look HG blows monkey sacks! :p But we all already knew that. Hey look ADV and HG are in bed together, I wonder what kind of bastard spawn they'll drop from their crotches... :ph34r:

    HG has the continuity of a time paradox. Yes, no, it happened, it didn't, we have, we don't have, uh... Here's a man with pink skin and action-figure hips. :p:lol:

    Problems with translating things. You can and do lose the sense of things, especially for words and phrases that don't exist in other languages. Like there's no equivalent for the multipurpose word"f*ck" in French. Jokes and poetry die in translation. Then you have the big thing of "okay now that this title is translated, let's hand the translation over to a team of retards that know jack about anything, and let them rewrite the translation so it'll be cool, hip, pc, and be minty fresh". You can get retarded translators that change dialogue because, "oh it sounds cooler this way to have Akane Tendo call Ranma a pussy".

    Hearing the English dub for Saint Seiya (not the cartoon network hacked up version) by ADV was horrid. Especially all the little things they added to make it sound "cooler".

    I fear for the future of Macross. Mari Iijima doesn't mean the dub will be any good. I will hold off final judgement until everything is done and over, but until then...

    I have a bad feeling about this... :p:ph34r: (yes Star Wars quotes work for everything! HAHA! :lol: )


    Sumdumgai, for the most part you're right about the problems of translation. I remember reading that for Urusei Yatsura, Animeigo has weekly headaches about how to translate the heavy doses of puns in the show. Puns almost never translate into another language, mostly because they are dependent on playing with the language. A good example is Cherry's introduction. In the original, Cherry introduces himself first as "Sakuranbo," which can mean either "cherry" or "insane monk." After a bit of confusion, he brings the house down by then asking everyone to call him "Cherry." That exchange cannot be done in English, as there is no confusion between the words for "cherry" and "insane monk." Animeigo glossed it both in the liner notes and onscreen to aid in explaining the joke, while Viz's manga editors inserted a joke about the name referring to the monastic life -- "it's the pits." (Go ahead and groan. You know you want to.)

    With a lot of shows, however, including Macross, a near one-to-one translation can happen. Nuances will be lost or changed as a necessity as even meanings and shadings of words are different, certainly. But I have a higher hope that, given a competent group of translators who give due care to their craft that they can have a natural sounding and accurate translation for a given show.

    I don't fear the new translation. and I'm looking forward to hearing Mari Iijima revisit the role of Minmay. Anything has to be better than HoboTech.

  15. I think they can all be both different and inferior to those who are as great and think like me.

    That is an appalling statement, beneath any further comment.

    Think Roy's just being facetious here... but it's just not quite as charming when his avatar isn't a gratuitous, bare-chested shot of himself and when that particular schtick's already been played out. :rolleyes:



    You're probably right, but that sort of attitude still strikes a raw nerve in me.

  16. And Roy... your comments DID cut very much to the quick. Make no mistake, I am deadly serious on this matter.

    WTF is this a threat?   You're a little touchy on this aren't you.  Is it that time of the month?

    That wasn't a threat. And if it was construed as one, I apologize, as that wasn't my intent. I'm just saying that I'm beyond all joking in saying that people are stupid and uneducated for what is basically an astethic choice is beneath us. And I don't know where to begin with how wrong that "time of the month" crack is. (starting with the fact that I'm male, and going on from there...)

    And yes, I am damn well touchy on this subject. I have never liked it when people are told what they can and cannot do, read or watch, not because of any necessary restriction (such as age to buy porn or inebriation precluding someone from driving or so on) but because of who they ARE. I do not like people being dismissed as stupid or uneducated or what have you because they aren't in the "in" crowd, or don't know the "secret handshake." When I was in junior high and high school, I had to deal with that ilk -- even had my life threatened twice by them.

    I think they can all be both different and inferior to those who are as great and think like me.

    That is an appalling statement, beneath any further comment.

    Al Capone is inferior to me. Ken Lay is inferior to me. Orville Faubus is inferior to me. (insert favorite Fascist or Communist dictator) is inferior to me. That is because they placed themselves there by their actions and lack of morals and humanity. A 15-year-old otaku who goes "OMG!!!!!!!! 1 L0ve teh 1nuyasha!!!!!!!"? Annoying, but NOT inferior.

    So wait a minute or you trying to suggest nah wait reading this I think you brain is fried.  You should think like one of the us Elite Animation Nazi pursuits.

    Can you even try to take this debate seriously, or are you going to merely dismiss every argument as being somehow moronic because it doesn't conform to some narrow conception of yours as to how the world should work? I don't hold with ad hominem attacks either (such as "this time of the month" or "your brain is fried," none of which advance what should be a civil, if forceful, debate one iota), fellah. If you notice, I have not once directly attacked YOU personally, but merely your ideas. I request the same courtesy.

  17. Does this mean she'll also re-record her old songs in English? :ph34r:


    Dunno. Who owns the rights to those original Macross songs so that they can be re-recorded? BW? Tatsunoko/HG etc?

    I also wonder whose art they will be using for the DVD covers/box. Tommy Yune's Macross illustrations? :ph34r:


    I think they're in the clear with the original Macross songs...HG's used them twice, on the old VHS Rowboatek MasterPiece Collection, and on Animeigo's SDF Macross DVD set. The songs, IIRC, are owned by JVC Victor and not directly by any of the warring parties. Besides, I'm sure that ADV, at least, has some scruples somewhere (Orphen notwithstanding) and would not have Mari re-record those pieces of crap that passed for songs from RoanoakTech, particularly "We Shall Win" which totally changes the sentiment of the final battle sequence.

    Hopefully, if the DYRL troubles get cleared up, maybe they can persuade her to return one last time for that...

  18. God damnit, now I have to pick this up just to catch the extra's with Mari. Damn you ADV, damn you to hell!!


    This is the best news I've heard all day. I couldn't be happier that ADV was able to persuade Ms. Iijima to return as Minmay, rather than try to get one of the usual ADV stable (annoying, but tolerable) or Reba West (punishable as a crime against humanity by international statute). This just cements my resolve to get the ADV dub. Now, with any luck...they got some other good voice talent for the other roles... BTW...I think I called that one a while ago :p

    I do feel a bit sorry for Akira Kamiya though...He's gone on record as wanting to be the first Japanese seyuu to be on an English dub cast...but there's no shame in second place.

    [end fun stuff]

    And Roy... your comments DID cut very much to the quick. Make no mistake, I am deadly serious on this matter. I do not, and will not condone this idea that they are somehow inferior to us solely because they like Inuyasha or Case Closed or have substandard Internet writing skills (i.e. use that hacker Cyrillic). That means that they're different from most of us on this board. Different, but not inferior. Al Capone is inferior to me. Ken Lay is inferior to me. Orville Faubus is inferior to me. (insert favorite Fascist or Communist dictator) is inferior to me. That is because they placed themselves there by their actions and lack of morals and humanity. A 15-year-old otaku who goes "OMG!!!!!!!! 1 L0ve teh 1nuyasha!!!!!!!"? Annoying, but NOT inferior.

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