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Posts posted by akt_m

  1. My suspicions about Lady M's identity.

    Now Berger said after Space War 1 Lady M began the study on the power of song. Now this narrows it down to a Space War 1 veteran. It can't be Misa or Minmay since they went missing with Megaroad-1. I don't think it is Milia as she was pretty much a pilot and didn't rise through the ranks like Max did. I don't think its Jamis Merin certainly.

    Could be transgender Max.

  2. So what happens to Messer's VF?

    Will a pilot from Alpha join the squadron?

    Would it have killed them to introduce a few other pilots onboard the Elysion in previous episodes? I knew Delta has too many characters already...but a few seconds wouldn't have hurt.

    Maybe they will get his brain, or what is left of it. Then digitalize it just like some people of Macross Galaxy. Then he will become an airplane like Yukikaze. "Kaname, you have control"

    i'm wondering who we will get filling in Messer's shoes (if at all?). Do we get a brand new character? We did get Maximilian Jenius appear in ep.8 in SDFM. Do we get existing characters to start flying? Maybe Kaname decides to stop singing and pilots instead? Or do Delta fight with just 4? Seems a bit light.

    Maybe Lady M jumps into a Valk and shows the Knights how its done?

    Or Mikumo will reveal that she is actually a protodevlin or half-protodevlin and then it will be game over.

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