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Posts posted by aaajin

  1. What part of the movie is this? I don't remember they standing side by side with the bad guys? :huh:


    the picture says it all... just as it was meant to be :) Definately best with the red and blue respectively!



    I believe that's on one of the intros of Macross 7 (Is it the "Strongest women fleet" or what ever that episode is called...)

  2. nope. those are just old stock photos for the ones that you already have (the geen ones). Yeah, last time we thought its gonna be more bluish ala DYRL? but it turned out more greenish. So, its likely that the new release would be green, not blue


  3. it will go up. There'll be a crowd of lurking snipers waiting to pounce. But I would guess Max 1A would be the cheapest to buy as there's a Hikaru, Low Viz and CF 1A models as well. the Max 1A is the only 1/48 I don't own for that reason. I was waiting for the low viz, 1S, 1J, etc.


    whoaaw...that's too early to say that my lad....tsk, tsk, tsk...the 1A price ladder as of NOW should be like this :

    LV > 1A Max > 1A CF ~ 1A Hikaru

    Im not too sure fo the 1A Hikaru price (hence the '~' sign with the 1A CF)...last I saw sold was 100 bucks..but that's months ago...anyone care to shed some light?

  4. Hello..

    Like the title says, just wondering how good will a 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru look if it has a Black (as in the DYRL? movie), instead of the out-of-the-box Red, heat shield? Anyone cares to share a pic or two?



  5. Hello

    hm...I might have a headless VF-1S Roy hiding in my vault. If there's enough demand/interests for the parts, I'm willing to be the butcher :)

    On a side note, as I remembered it correctly, the head & the 001 wing was used for my 1S Max custom. So, Valk-1S, do you mind a 013 wing?

    So, anyone who's interested to get the parts from a headless and 013-winged YAMATO 1/48 VF-1S Roy, just post here and Ill see if there's enough demand so that there will be no leftover from the butchering. ;)

    EDITED : Also please post the part's number which can be referred to the first page of this thread


  6. Oh yeah, I forgot. I am also looking for a VFA-6I Robotech Masterpiece Lancer (The Green one) for a price of 50-60 USD

    Also, as for the used miriya, I am looking for a price within USD 140-150. Again, any condition will do and as for the box, it really doesnt matter too - dented whatsoever...as long as its not crushed or burnt :p


  7. As the title says....

    condition of the toy - any condition would do, MIB, MISB - I dont really care, as long as there's no broken parts, lemme know if youre planning to part with yours....the price on ebay is too high for my wallet right now...another impact would result in an economic crisis :)<_<<_<



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