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Posts posted by Sweet-1

  1. Thanks guys. I was actually asking if there were any canon spots for the lights. I've been cruising the aircraft resource center and online for actual placements, now I just want to double check where they would be on this bird.

    This model has had a rough life since I got it last year. It was dropped and broke one of the front wings, then my son's Jack Russel Terrorist got into the modelling room and chewed it up badly, (Thanks for the replacement parts Ken), and has gone through numerous paint strippings to get a scheme I'm happy with. After the puppy incident, I was debating whether or not to do a battle damaged or forced landing diorama, but changed my mind.

  2. Here are some pics of my 3/4 done VF-4. I still have to finish the weathering and the weapons load is attached with white glue just to see how it looks.

    My question is, where would the navigation and running lights be located. I'm going to drill a small hole and put in silver then transparent paint (Red, green whatever), and fill with some 5 min epoxy. I just want to confirm the locations.

    Pics were taken in a rush, so sorry about the quality.

    Here it is (almost done... finally).


  3. Awesome, simply awesome. Is there any chance of a flightdeck type picture featuring all of your models? I'd love to see as many as possible side by side to show the different configurations, types and sizes. Now I definately have to get off my butt and finish some of my incomplete valks.

  4. I'm just putting the finishing touches on my Tigermeet VF-4 (Valkyrie's), and started a low-vis YF-19. I've got a few SMT resin kits on the go, but I take forever to do them because of the level of detail I put in (not always accurate). I've also been kitbashing TIE fighter designs off and on, but have none seriously started right now. The VF-0 I got a while back is driving me nuts looking for a different paint scheme. Anyone got any ideas?

  5. Hi guys. It's not owrth starting a new thread over, but does anyone know where to find pics or info (dimensions) on the high maneouverability missiles. I remember a site a while back, but don't know what it was called.

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