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Posts posted by leo

  1. Ok,

    Another question for those of you further allong in your FSS reading:

    I just finished English #10 (Japanese #4), and am wondering if the "Villdou" MH ever appears again or has any lineart/story associated with it.

    It was the MH that accompanied the Zakker and was destroyed by the Schpeltor in that volume. I really like what little I did see of it.

    Majority of MH that appear and destory will be re-build in the later story. As you should know that Junchoon will reappear, but the final version look a lot sharper.,.. also, Auge (come later, prototype of KOG) will also be rebuild later .. pretty much every MH trash get rebuild later .. hope this help,.. and as the line art,.. the best you can get is as you see them in comic..


  2. Whoa, does anyone know where to get the OVA?

    OVA for FFS can be found on ebay pretty often,

    if not try animebox.com (I think that was it, and I believe it's base in Hong Kong)..

    I hate to say the OVA of FFS is such a teaser... and yet there's only 1 OVA..

    The OVA only talk about the 1st book..

    If you don't want to buy it,.. search on emule or kazza.. I'm sure you can find it..

    As for L-gaim.. OVA is a bit more difficult than FFS,.. I got mine through animebox.. I think.. a while ago.. but still if you want to check out L-gaim in a cheaper and better way.. check out the L-Gaim comic instead, it's much much more better than the cartoon one.. shorter, must better on detail just like FFS.. here's my 2 cens,.. and hope this help..


  3. There's some site in Cali sells them still.. all the issues are still in print even the old ones, so don't worry if you still can't find them. I forgot what the site is, but if I find out I will post it. .. I do agree that FSS series will go on forever... and ever.. and ever.... they have a time line at the back of each book.. and so far they have only told.. about 400 yrs of stuff.. and still have 1000s more to go.. from what I've read so far Vol 10. (Jap version).. they are only at around 25% of the full story.. you can read the ending through the timeline discription.. (spolier).. but what you are waiting for is the detail of the story.. ..anyway.. the story is really really long as you all know it by now,. but the design is what draws me near.. anyway.. if you want to check out some of Nagano's earlier work,.. check out L-Gaim '85(similar story line but shorter, THX GOD), Brain Powered (don't waste your money), and Z-Gundam.. Yup you hear me right, he's one of the key designer for the mech in Z-Gundam. Here's my 2 cens,


  4. Just beat the fricking game,.. and OMG was it annoying... <_<

    As some had already said it.. this game have no story,.. yes it doesn't,... and the ending to me is "What the hell is going on here?" Who wrote the story for this game ? Highschool students? Good lord... I think I've bash enough of this game with my previous post.. so I'm just gona move on..

    For those who's curious, I say rent it.. Disapointment for those who want to buy it..

    here's my 2 cens


  5. Looks pretty good,.. guys you have to go to the site and check out the videos .. it show game play of this game.. and it seems pretty fast and intensive 3rd person shooting game like Armored Cored but this game is game towards weaponary..(From what I can see from the clip).. Looks pretty tempting..


  6. JsARCLIGHT, funny story. Now, I would go out and rent this game, but my loveable pup killed my PS2 controls, he killed my last one while I was sleeping. Anywho, I had a feeling the game would fail...well it didn't fail yet, but from the sound of it...nobody but fans of Robojunk seem to be biting. The bright side about this game is that they're only asking 40 bucks for it, I wonder what made them price it at 40, it wouldn't have stopped fans if it were priced at 50 or the price of a MasterPiece of Crap anyways. :rolleyes::lol:

    I can tell you straight up that it doesn't worth $40, ... I rented it yesterday night because of my curiosity,.. and the game is so good that I'm letting it suck up some dust outside my PS2 (partern my sacasium).. But if you are curious.. go rent it.. anyway. for games wise.. it fail for being a 1st person shooter and the game is lack of momentum..lets put it this way.. playing Bond on N64 (1998) is so much more exciting than Invasion on PS2 or Xbox....

    Here's my 2cens


  7. by the way do you have any of the G-system kits? the Jagd Mirage Twin Tower looks incredible if you have pics of your collection i hope you can post a few. i always wanted to pick up a few of these kits, but decide against starting a new collection i already have tons of gundam and macross stuff i do not think i want to start another series.  :lol:



    I don't like G-system kits, because they are all fix pose. The detail in G-sys might be there, but I still prefer VOLKS 1/100 MM series for Five Star Stories. And sorry I don't have the time nor the money to blow for a Jagd Mirage twin towel.. Yet they are Gigantic .. I'm not trying to be negative., but Five Star Stories resin kit are not for everyone,.. the difficulty of all FFS series are for experience modeller, due to it's pin size detail. I have several kit in posession, (I'll take pic later). If you would really like to try a FSS kit, I recommend starting with a easy cheap FSS kit: a 1/144 Knight of Gold by WAVE.. they are still very common on ebay.. about 25 bucks shipped.

    I hate to disappoint you all, but I won't be working on any FSS kit soon due to limited time that I have, I still havn't finish a 1/100 fix pose Junchoon Sally FSS kit that I've started 1 yr ago.. :(

    Glad to know there's someone else interested in FSS kit..

    Have a good day.,


  8. Just rented the game... and I'm already bore of it already.. so sad... :(

    The game lack true action as a 1st person shooter... yet the motor bike is borring .. the the walking take forever... good greeve.. I'm glad I rented instead of buying it.. the gun option is weak.. and the mission is a bit mundane and repeatative.. may be I'm a harsh grader, but this game got a D- from me..

    here's my 2 cens


  9. Well,

    It took me a while to find this kit but I finally got one without costing me an arm or a leg. It's a Five Star Stories "Early Salley Type Junchoon" 1:100 movable series by WAVE... my dream kit is the MM series by Volks Early Salley but WAVE is close enough.. :lol:

    Here's the pic enjoy...



  10. Hi u'all

    I'm curious,

    I just got a displayed VF-1J super pack (red/white) in box off ebay, and there's 2 price tag on it, 1st was 179.99 (cross out), then it's 99.99.. I got it at 160 + 8 shipped... so the question is how much does it cost these days for this VF-1J super pack? (mint) Are they not selling well?? I'm just curious,...THX in advance.


  11. I know it's far fetch,. but..

    would you consider casting a Valkyrie II? By using a build Bandi 1/100 model?

    What I mean is to cast a build product that can transform?

    I know this is a tuff task to build the model then cast it,.. but I think it's worth it..

    (as I dream).. :rolleyes:

    Just a thought...


  12. Say Noel,

    By any chance you saw any Big O series?  I saw some pic posted on other site,.. and those figures look pretty nice, and I wonder if you know those figures are resin display item or new action figure? THX


    Do you mean these? http://www.maxfactory.jp/big_o.htm

    Five have been announced: Big O, Big Duo, Big Fau, Archetype and Dorothy 1.

    There are a couple of other pics on the main page.

    Yeah, those are the one,.. it's pretty need that they are moble skeleton,.. say by what I can see they are resin kit an't they??

    THX for the link


  13. Say Noel,

    By any chance you saw any Big O series? I saw some pic posted on other site,.. and those figures look pretty nice, and I wonder if you know those figures are resin display item or new action figure? THX


  14. Ladies and Gens,

    after reading all the pose of bashing and beating dead on the film,.. I went and saw the movie anyway..

    It's an enjoy-able film I must say, especially from a non-fanatic. There's some cool scene and there's some bad plots for sure,.. but still very enjoy-able..

    I must say that the 1st 2 Predator sure die quicker than I expected,.. but the last Pred sure doesn't disappoint. One of my favorate scene is the last Predator using his Nija star killing the Alien on his back.. I think that was very stylish..

    And can someone tell me what's up with the last scene? What the heck is that? a Mix of Alien and Pred? .. "Boy that's sure ugly".. I got a feeling that there's gona be another one.. since they seems to have a pretty good profit from the box office.. I just hope that they bring the story back to the "Aliens" timeline with the bad-ass MARINES!!! Or similar to the video game Alien vs Predator.. any who, I think it's a movie that's worth watching if you are not too picky on the needdy griddy detail.. here's my 2 cens

    Have a great day,


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