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Posts posted by Stamen0083

  1. special relativity describes one universe with one timeline... Time travel may be possible but it requires the creation of a time machine... something that will open a hole in the fabric of space/time and keep it open.... you can thus only travel to point in time which there already exists a time machine to receive you.

    Time and events are also fixed... so no paradoxes... you can't travel back in time to kill your parents because you didn't.

    That's news to me.

    The special relativity I learned in physics was that as the speed of travel approaches the speed of light, time, mass, and dimensions become distorted. Mass approaches infinity, length approaches zero, and time stands still. It places the universal speed limit at the speed of light. It also makes Newtonian physics useful only for everyday life at speeds much less than the speed of light and low precision.

    General relativity says that accelerating reference frame and gravitic reference frame are the same. Within a closed box, one would not know if the box is accelerating in empty space free of gravity or if the box is standing still inside a gravity well. There is a thought experiment that can be done to show that space is curved. Also, a particle not only exists in three dimensional space but also a time as well. A particle's position can be described best as a physical location (x, y, z) and time t.

    What I take this to mean for time travel is that with time dilation, travelling into the future is possible but not into the past. Also, with sufficient mass, space can be made to curve in on itself so that a particle may occupy two places at the same time.

    Then there's Quantum Theory.. and this is a giant ball of yarn... basically this sets up the notion that for every possible choice/chance whatever, there exists a universe where it happened...

    The terminator world follows Quantum theory more or less....

    Here's a fun site that describes it far better than I could:



    The multi-verse idea. I've heard of this before. But this is the first time I've seen the theory of relativity explicitly say that there is only one timeline. However, I don't see anything in relativity that restricts us to only one universe.

  2. Meh, not really.. you're thinking of rules laid down by special relativity... where there is only one universe and one timeline...


    Urr? Please explain. I admit my knowledge of special relativity is restricted to high school physics, but this is the first time I hear that special relativity restricts us to one universe and one timeline.

  3. Yep, I am thinkin ease of maintainence.. I will also get the turbo, which will bump it to 0-60 in the high 3s.


    Is that one of the available options or is it aftermarket?

    PS: emajnthis, pfunk, please trim the posts you quote. You don't need to back quote the last eight posts.

  4. That car is exactly as you put it "a glorified daily driver", by no means do you feel you're driving a super car, especially considering it's price tag.  The advantage in it being a daily driver and a Honda is the fact that you can train a half brained monkey to do maintenance for you.


    The NSX is not a glorified daily driver. It's a supercar without the supercar quirks, such as tricky transmission, ridiculously expensive upkeep, etc...

    With supercars, you're paying more for the brand name than anything, though admittedly Ferrari engines are pretty impressive.

  5. ... and in episode three he is portrayed as somehow learning his lesson and being a good Jedi and then *ping!* a cotter pin pops out and he's suddenly evil.


    The movie's handling of Anakin's descent into the darkness is, to put it lightly, pure poo. The novelization is infinitely better, goes into far greater details, and talks about the demons Anakin has to fight, Sidious' skills of manipulation, and how hurt Obi-Wan really was when he had to leave Anakin for dead.

    The movie is nothing but flashy graphics and a few lines to hide that fact. (However, Lucas did get the flashy effects very right. As crappy as the movie was, I still enjoyed it lots.)

  6. The D-link routers have always been problematic. The biggest thing is the DI-524 dropping wired and wireless connections every few hours. The fix? Change the device IP to something different from the modem.

    As for gaming, I believe you need to open certain ports to allow X-Box live to connect. My roommate was using the DI-524 for Battle.net, and he had to configure it to allow the games to connect. Probably the same deal with the DI-624 and XBox Live.

    Google DI-624 and XBox Live to see if anyone else has posted specific solutions.

  7. Sometimes you need to let the paint cure for a while before it becomes sandable. Case in point, Tamiya gloss sprays are extremely difficult to sand and polish when the paint is still soft. Once it's cured, though, the synthetic lacquer is really tough and stands up to polishing well. This is, of course, speaking strictly from a car modelling point of view.

  8. Yeah. I read the first post. All I got was new anime hating elitism.

    Of course, it also comes down to what genre of anime to watch. If you focus exclusively on mecha anime, you don't get all that much. However, things like Azumanga Daioh and Keroro Gunso is anything but terrible. But if super robots with breast missiles are your thing, then maybe you're right after all.

    Until Macross Zero came along. I like my Valkyrie to not look like the Yamato squished toy, thank you very much.

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