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Posts posted by Stamen0083

  1. You might want to verify that the sandpaper you're using is indeed 1500 grit. 1500 grit feels almost like a piece of paper's surface. There should be no grain.

    Toothpaste is much too fine to be used as a polishing compound. It's non abrasive. Polishing compound is essentially really fine sandpaper grit suspended in a paste. You should be able to find it at any hardware or car parts store. Look for polishing compound or polishing paste. I personally recommend hunting down Tamiya's paste since it was specifically designed for plastic models.

    William, stunning work as always. Love the mesh details.

  2. Get the ISO, then burn it to disk and run from CD, or stick the game disk in the CD tray.

    I emulated the PS1 some time ago. It was pretty shaky. It's been four years so I can only guess that it's gotten better and configuring the emulator with all the plugins and crap is nowhere near as complicated as it used to be.

    PS: Bleem sucks. Find ePSXe. I have a copy of Bleem that I'm going to throw away sooner or later.

  3. Sumdumgai, what the fart weird anime have you been watching?

    As for new anime being poorly animated, I find there are certain exceptions. Azumanga Daioh is wonderfully animated, for example. I recall a certain snowball fight that made me wish Bandai would hire that animation director.

  4. Do you ever run these guys? After all the upgrades, I take my cars out and run them around in the streets... Which begs the question of how something so low can possibly roll over, and of course the results are scratches, nicks, dents, and cracked bumpers. In fact, my black Skyline's in need of new stock front bumper. Anyone got a spare not using? :-)

  5. Oh, you mean running the game. I thought you meant download doesn't work. No, not run the game in IE.

    Run the setup.exe file, which should install the game somewhere, then run the config file to change controller settings and whatnot, and then run azfight.exe.

  6. Depends on how heavy the piece is, and how much surface you have for mounting it.

    Usually, I use more than one bamboo/clip stick to hold bigger objects. The body of my VF-0S was mounted on two skewers, for example. Sometimes you can get creative with things. If there is a large part of the piece that is not visible, I would drill holes into the piece for mounting.

  7. I got a pack of bamboo skewers, 100 count for a buck, I think, and a couple packs of alligator clips from Radio Shack (you might be able to find it cheaper elsewhere. You get 12 for like $2.5). Then I split the bamboo skewers down the middle a little and attach the clips to them.

    Sometimes I use sticky tack on a stick for small pieces.

  8. Totally uncool stamen.  Didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say that you should keep your mouth shut, or in this case your fingers off the keyboard?  Try using some "constructive criticism".


    I don't tolerate praise for mediocrity.

  9. Wow thanks for the hopelessness  i really need that.

    That wasn't hopelessness. You wanted honest advice and he gave it. Saves you the trouble of going that route and then finding that it's truly worthless for yourself after spending quite a bit of time and money. The truth is harsh, but that's life. In a field where who you know is so much more important than what you know, it's even worse.

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