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Posts posted by The_Major

  1. I recommend you start sneaking out and altering the signs to say MacrossNalds

    Yeah then maybe that'll piss HG off enough to sue the pretty grease stained pants of McDicknalds and cause them ta close :lol::lol::ph34r:

  2. You should draw Misa sometime. There's not a whole lot of love for her around here; yet she fits better into a swimsuit than any of the Macross girls. Such bias!

    I want to kick my self for not saying the same thing.

    I going to to draw then only with silhouette and lines  .

    Do you dress then ?

    sounds good enough to me, as long as ya finish em :-p

  3. Well my take on it, is there is a huge peice of glass there because its a better field of vission than monitors and cameras provide, but that there is enough room between the glass and the outter edge of the supersructure that if the glass was comromized, emergency pannels would slide down and up to seal the bridge, in the same way the pannels do when a hole is put in the main hull.

  4. Actualy it will probably look like it was hit by an artillery shell i used a .45 on several models including a tank model when i was making a film, and wow it looked cool, although the barrel on one of the tanks almost took out the camera guy's eye....

  5. Hmm lets see...

    In no specific order

    1. Gunsmith Cats Opening theme

    2. Macross anything and everything o.O

    3. Shell (looks like im on the bandwagon too)

    4. Robin

    5. Patlabor soundtrack (movies 1,2&3)

    6. Lupin III opening

    7. Tank (Bebop)

    8. Inuyasha ending theme (4th season i belive)

    9. Demon City Shinjuku soundrack.

    10. FLCL Period....

  6. why dont we design a way better super poseable than them as a resin kit, one of the casters here casts it, and a few of us SELL it across from the camp at AX! That would piss them off! 

    I say we tampo print our faces with macross logos and engrave all our names into the resin kits!

    yes engrave!

    1 out of 10 kits sold has exclusive "giving the bird" hand included!

    then for a base, a battle damagedzentran pod with HG scrawled across of it.

    A W E S O M E

    Sweet idea!

  7. I was just wondering, if there were any Figure Kits of Misa made? and if so any one know where to get one? (thought id ask here before askin in the "Wanted" section)

  8. Nice!

    Hey, now we know that it is possible to get a Valk flying in reality...

    Now then, would anyone like to kindly donate several thousand dollars so MW can have its own actual jet turbine R/C Valk? Well, dual-engined, actually... maybe fully variable? Hehe... 

    Well get me $140,000 and i can get you a pair of the jet turbines used on an F-15 straight off the factory floor. :p

    Get me another 180,000 and ill build ya the airframe

    and about another 100,000 ill design and put in a "Fly By Wire" control system, all avionics and even make her fully variable.

    ofcourse she'll look more like the VF-0 but hey.

    (and you bet your ass im serious about this! :angry: )

  9. Well the spherical fold or what i call "Fold Field", in my opinion is cause because of the ship was in the atmoshpere, thats why its as visable as it, is it reacted with the atmosphere, i mean look at DYRL? when britai's ship begins to fold all the attacking meltran Bolt, and when hikaru got close again the ostrich got caught in the field and flung at earth, due to the elongation of the filed because of the ships relitive velocity and due to the vacuum of space the field remains pretty much invisable except for on the surface of the ship. So i have concluded there is such a visible Sphear because of the atmosphere.

    Okay now im done, procede with the verbal beating :lol:

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