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Posts posted by The_Major

  1. Well at this point the only thing we have is the F-22 wich washington is trying to cancel. and in my opinion the F-35 would be chewed up and spit out like a mailman's leg after a rabid rotwiler got to it!

    Anyway the SU-35 is an amaizing piece if aircraft, ive had the pleasure of seeing the thing fly in person, and let me tell you the damn thing almost made me $h!t my self, in one manuver the thing pulled the tightest loop ive ever seen, and was literaly flying backwards and upside down for about 3 seconds before coming out of the loop and heading off in its original direction. Imagine what that would do for you in a dog fight, your enemy jets passed you, you pull that manuver, bam you've fired off a missile and are still flying in the same direction you were when you starded!!.

  2. Alright my full intention with this mod, is once DYRL? is done to go on to the next increment of importance in the macross universe wich would indeed be Flashback 2012 we even have a partial Megaroad done already (was started before project came together, we are now focusing on just DYRL? as not to become overwhelmed) and once the ships are done ofcourse we will do a campaign for each era wich will give us a chance to ease some minds by providing our own answer to "What happend to the SDF-2".

    Sooooooo in short here is a production list.

    in order of how we are going to do things.

    DYRL? Ships and mecha

    When ships are done a campaign will be done

    Macross: Flashback 2012 ships and mecha

    When ships are done a campaign will be done

    Macross + era Ships and mecha (with cameo's from Isamu and Guld and possibly sharon.

    When ships are done a campaign will be done (Duno how this will work out)

    Macross 7 Era ships soundforce is a maybe......

    When ships are done a campaign will be done

    Then just so you dont think im forgeting you. and you know who you are after all of the above is compleated i will try and do a Macross II addition too.

    And ofcourse the best part about all this is multi player where it will be possible to choose from each Era's "Goodies and Baddies" and pit them against each other for example..

    the Space war one era UNS fleet against Mac 7 era UNS fleet, or Meltrandi vs Varuta (sp?) and so on.

  3. Yeah there's been lots of progress,

    Lestat has Revamped the Gundestroyer, modeld the Calliara destroyer, ARMD, 3 melt ships, and The Nupetiet-Vernitzs has been overhauled as well. and he updated the textures on my QF-3000.

    Also Rauk has compleated the VF-1A model and is working on the texture.

    And Alfie is working on the Qf-9iE and its lookin pretty nice.

    and as for me, im working on the spiderbug recovery craft, the Oberth, and random things like missiles and the like.

    On some side notes, the original VF-X-4 will be represented acurately, as well as the "Newer" VF-X-4 design as featured on hikarus desk in DYRL?


    Oh dear the man has been taken over by captain Kirk :-p

    and youll be able to use the main cannon on just about anything you like, and as soon as we figure out how to implement custom animations, youll be able to transform her from Crusier to Storm Attacker at your wim.

    Just try not to piss off the citizens in the city by transforming too much. :p

    and rejected on grounds of taste:

    Homeworld 2: The Quickening

    I am wondering, how much pot would i have to smoke, to concider this name :ph34r:

  4. Alrighty, i thought this the best place to ask this so here it goes.

    Currently in development, as alot of you may or may not know, there is a total conversion to the Macross universe, more specificly the DYRL? "Version" of the Space War One Era, and rather than calling it the Macross DYRL? TC for Homeworld 2, im looking for a nice catchy name for the project.

    so if there are any of you out there with some ideas, as i know ya are, give us a suggestion. :D:D

  5. a 1/19 scale valk oh and i thought my 1/72nd Prometheus Perfect Display project was insane wich when compleated will be around 21 feet in length i belive give or take.

    anyway givin my love of large items i would either by 1 or sell my house buy seven and live in a fortress made of their boxes.........

    Yes, i know, i need help.

  6. well i have to say the Valk with the red flames is pretty cool once you realise that its suposed to resembel a samuri, ala the Feathers on the back being swords and that headcreast thinger, either way Feathers = gay, they shoulda used Flag like things or somethin, but it would be a pretty cool custom if done right.

  7. well you have to admit that these threads make for some verry interesting, and Funny posts.

    and anyway, Macross has SW and ST beat in one area undisputably. the Barrier System(s) i mean come on, these things can basicly shrug off anything, and when that cant shrug any more they simply say "I tire of you, Die now" and eliminate everything nearby. (at least in the case of the Full protection barrier) and in the case of the smaller systems they eat beams like they were so many peanuts at sports bar on saturday night durring the big game >_> pretty powerful although not invincable.

  8. here are some more colors that i use

    Raydome Tan for the 19

    Guards Red, for Millia's VF-1J

    Insignia red for the red on Hikaru's DYRL VF-1A and S

    Semi-Gloss White for Valk white, and the White "Highlights" on Max and Millias VF-1's

    All of the above colors are Testors brand Water washup acrylics, i use the water washups because there is minimal to no thinning needed for use with an airbrush.

  9. Ok ive thought alot about this, gone over all the info posted, as well as realworld info and have come to a conclusion that everyone will like.

    VF-1D is the series of fighter VT is a Trainer designation for Individual VF-1D's similer to the T and AT version of the Texan Fighter (WWII).

    Then we have the VT-1 wich as seen in DYRL is a dedicated flight Trainer, as it doesnt even seem to have a normal head conviguration, just sensors equipment and a fake simulation weapon.

    The VF-1D is a fighter as it is able to be loaded with a full combat arsenel, but has the VT Variant for live fire exercises, where as the VT-1 is a dedicated trainer.

  10. Well it is my opinion that the VF-1D was strictly ment to be a Trainer as it is only seen in weird configs and the bright orange paintscheem that screams "Get outta my way im a noob" :ph34r: and as for it getting fully armed and ready to fly, hikaru entered the fight a little late in the game, and as such shows that not only was he asleep but that the VF-1D was the last to be armed, and the fact that it can be armed is no proof that its not just a trainer, as all trainers have hard points for live fire exercises and weapons trainin.

    My conclusion, It is a trainer that was outfitted to fight when an unknown and Very numerous enemy force attacked.

    and thats my 2 cents

  11. well ill help you out with some colors, most of the colors used on valks are mixtures of paints and i dont have my color charts with me atm but heres what i do know.

    Max blues both TV and DYRL, i use Testors brand French Blue Acrylic

    and for any cockpit colors Testors makes their "Aircraft Interior" line of colors but ill get back to ya on the other colors once i get back to my colorcharts.

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