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Posts posted by TSP

  1. I tried to attach the strings to the SDF-1 and the base it cost me a hole day work . First I used 0.05mm thin metal wire but the Cyanacrylat glue won't harden fast enough. The places where I glued the wires were to big . Big enough for it's own diorama. After cleaning those places I used heaten up PS speus. These were so thin that they got eaten up by the modell glue. At the end of the day I thought about using hair. That was way to sick so I just depraved this idea.


  2. After a week without internet I've got this kit (and several other)done.

    I wish I could add some pictures of this modell with newly edited stickers for the monitorbut sadly I have to stop building models the next few months. And to make things even worse the camera is defect. But I will post the final version if I have the opportunity .


  3. 7minutes 19sec. That's macross Do you remember Loe? for PSX or Sega Saturn. But no sequence were Valkyries dodge any anything. But 5 minutes later there is such a sequence. And this belongs to Macross VOXP. A PC game I never played.

    Perhaps you can find anything abaout that game in the game section.

  4. Is that an Aurora Spyplane next to it ?

    No! But something I will get smashed to pieces if would tell. Someone told me it is the holly grale of X-bombers. I'm not religios so I don't care about that.

    A 1/380 XB-70 Valkyrie from Academy. I was waiting for a Trumpeter sixpack of Su-27K Seaflankers but they were on backorder for a week or 2 two.

    So I started with the SDF-1 and AFC-01H.

    Having three days off a week sucks. But I will have some dose model building today.

  5. This morning!

    I've got an old decrepit SDF-1 that's been collecting dust for the last 15 years and you've really inspired me to resurrect it and do what you did. I'm not going to be very creative about it, I'm just going to copy as best as I can what you did. It's such an awesome idea I can't beleive no one else did it before.

    Well this idea isn't mine . I copied it from Hobby Japan Issue 10 1999. There was someone joining the Jaf-Con with a Macross city .

  6. Any better pics of the Orguss kits below the Macross kits? I'm curious to see if the rare Logwood Gerwalk was ever made as a kit...

    Thanks for sharing the pics!

    I far as I know there was a logwood kit from Arii. I missed some Diffand Dals/Trigon kits on ebay . :angry:

    Those good old Orguss kits were fun to build


  7. Ooo... neato. :)

    I like. What model did you use for the 1/8000 SDF-1? The Imai one?

    Bandai 15th anniversary re-release. That's why it is chromium plated.

    The base-plate is hand cutted. Can't effort such kind a machine. The design from the "Do you remember love"-Protoculture relict isn't hard to make from polystyrol sheets.

    But the main question should be Minmay ,Mylene ,Wendy or Ishtar?

    i was thinking about a concert scenario. As background of the arena there will be three big screens. I like to put some decals on them but don't know which one I should prefer . :D

    Flashback 2012 Lynn Minmay is my favor. But there aren't enough good pictures of matured Minmay. And the arena was round in FB2012! :lol:

  8. Nice job on this! What exactly do you mean Wwhen you say you reduced the height?

    I'm guessing you thinned out the thickness of the legs underneath so that it looks more sleek?

    I really like the F-15 wings. The model looks great. Thanks for sharing the pics!

    I cut off 5 mm from the middle and air intake parts. The legs were build strait from the box. I cut a hole in the upper area where the arms lay upon the legs. Then I moved the position of the legs into the arms to save another 4 mm. You can'f see that on these pictures but directly build from the box the legioss looks like a fat bird.

  9. Well my bench is pretty messy and filled upthat leads to the conclusion that my workbench is too small.

    1/100 Phantom Siren recast

    1/8000 SDF-1 Bandai started 2 nights ago and almost finished!

    1/12 Spiderman vs Venom Toybiz

    1/8 F.E.M.C. Korean copy

    1/72 VF-4G recast

    N/S diverse Space Cruiser Yamato ships. Still have to paint those.

    1/72 Legioss Armo-Diver

    1/144 YRMS-105 BY-Zack Bandai

    I forgot:

    1/144 Vic Viper

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