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That NOS Guy

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Posts posted by That NOS Guy

  1. Let's face it the F-35 is going to be a hard lesson in modern air combat/warfare. I absolutely love pencil pushers giving generals and admirals nothing to work with then expecting mass force projection.

    I still can't believe theres no gun on the bastard, that's the heart and soul of a combat plane.

    And not to nitpick or anything but wasn't Saki against Wildcats on that day? I was over Gudalcanal, and the Hellcat wasn't in service at the beginning of that campaign.

  2. Anyone else keeping up with this series? Currently I'm about 1/2 way through the episodes fansubbed and I have to say this is one of the most impressive series I've run across.

    Centered around a group of Space Debris collectors in 2075 it's interesting to see a vision of what the blue collar life is like in the future. While not a ton of action is invovled the mechanical aspects are fairly interesting and the knowledge about space and it's effects is quite well embedded in the series.

    Anyway, anyone else watching?

  3. Well the music could be worse. Like M7. Think about it, at least the BGM is catchy.

    Flaws aside, I think this is one of those animes you have to watch when you're just in duldrums/"yeah, I know it's not the greatest" moods. Just hope it isn't as depressing as the OVA.

    Plus, it's rekindled my love affair with Vietnam-era jets, including my beloved "Mig master".

  4. I acutally have the first DVD of the series at home. I impulse bought because it was goddamn cute, and that's a rarity with me.

    I felt so safe with this series I sat my cousins (5 & 7) down and made them watch it, they seemed to like it. Then again, at least they weren't wearing out my Gundam games like they love to do.

  5. This all reminds me of a Family Guy episode.

    Louis: Peter, talent just dissaper like that.

    Peter: Yes it does, you were pretty bad in be on Saturday.

    *flash to image of sheets and Peter saying "Louis, could you move around? It's like having sex with a pillow"*

    Louis: Peter, I was at my sisters on Saturday.


    Nerd jokes ahoy!

  6. I still have to say it wasn't just the kids that made things bad. There were a good amount that were actually mature. A some of the older members ruined things as well and played a large part in things. Don't just blame one side now, both sides had a hand in things.

    Point, I refer to people of that order of manners as "kids" because they act as such.

  7. The design reminds me a bit of the Zentradi picket ship.

    Interesting you should bring that up.

    A possibilty that UN engineers found specs on the picket ship on the ASS-1, like in the computer system, and used that as the basis for the Oberths?

    That would make sense IMHO.

  8. So you don't have a high level of confidence this movie is going to be anything but another Underworld...

    Me neither hence my "uninteligent comment." :lol: You should love me for my comments... Love the fact that you get to enjoy my company... Love the fact that you can look at my avatar. MW allows you to bathe in the power and glory of Agent ONE... Don't fight it.

    Next time you try to pick a fight don't praise the opinion of the other person in the process. :rolleyes:

    If you behave yourself I might let you feel my muscles at the next MW Con.

    I think I figured out your favorite number there partner, 37. Having a stick animation jerking off, wow, that's a mark of high intelligence.

    But anyway, of course it looks high tech. It's going along with this retro-tech trend which has affected a lot of movies supposed to have taken place in the 19th Century, most notably "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen".


    Off to read Dante

  9. :rolleyes: Lame.

    It's always nice to see unintelligent comments abound. Interesting comment from an Arnold fan...

    As for the movie, the premise looks interesting, but the directing/producing team makes me a tad nervous. I'm a sucker for Vampire movies (with unfortunate results i.e. Underworld) so I'll end up sucked into that theater like gas into a black hole.

  10. Actually I've found that diversion is the best method.

    When my little cousins come over to stay for about a week or so while their parents are out at some Christian mission thing ever so often they always go straight to my room, why? The 50+ Gundam models which line the shelves around my room.

    Fortunately, I still have a crate full of legos left over from when I was a kid. Just let the little devils screw around with legos or something equally indestructible and you'll be fine.

    Oh yeah, that and establish sentry guns and painful tape wire around your collection.

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