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Posts posted by to177

  1. Wow!! Nice kits man. You should be proud. I've gotta ask tho...what are the two awesome Battroid figs from the first pic?

    Hey Prometheum5,

    Those are the Wave 1/100 full action resin kit of the YF-21 & YF-19 Battroid. It's was fun to build. The only thing that bummed me out, the YF-21 is top heavy, so all his stance is very "wide" in order to stand. Will probably have to go back and try to stiffen up the joint of these days.

    Enjoy the sequence shots. hehe

    Very nice! It does look very clean like it was airbrushed. Did you use Gundam markers for the details?

    Hey Specr0101,

    Sharpie's fin tip my brother. Of the area which was hard to get at, I used a sakura .5mm tip marker. There were a few area which was dry-brushed to get the weather effect though. Wish I know how to use an airbrush, I've seen great kits built from the master in here.












  2. Hey Froy,

    Anasazi's decals are printed from an ALPS and quality is superb. But if you can't get a hold of that, then your other options are:

    You can get "clear or white waterslide decal" or inkjet or laser printer here:


    spray can of arcylic gloss clear coat

    inkjet/laser printer

    Illustrator or Photoshop

    and your images...voila, you got decals baby.

    Hopes that help.


  3. Thx guys for all the compliments. I'll try to upload more pics when the camera is fully charged.

    For the YF-21, I should of painted all the marking yellow first, then painted the blue. After the 1st attempt was not successfull with masking and spraying, I ended up printing decal for all the yellow marking on the 21. So those are decals, not paint

    For the YF-19, all those lens on the nose are option part, along with the intake which I had to create from styrene...my putty skill sucks, so this was my other option.






  4. Finally completed the YF-19 & YF-21, after sitting in my storage for over 3 years. I wish I had an airbrush or any other skills to apply to these kits, but guess the "clean-look" will do. I had made some modification on both kits, added a few option parts, pilot & detail cockpit. I have all the landing gears installed w/ metal rod, but have decided to keep both birds in the air, until I get bored, then it will be install later on.

    All decals are from Devin, with a few of mine which I had to create w/ waterslide decal printing paper.

    Well, I'll let the picture speaks for itself. Hope you guys enjoy it.






  5. Hey guys, I have a Red & Blue Alphas if anyone is interested. Purchased this from Kevin@Valkyrie-Exchange a few months ago, it was one of those compulsive buy <_<

    Both are in excellent condition. Only took it out to inspect & went back into the box. I'm asking $50 each. PM me if interested. BTW, I'm on the SSL.


  6. By the way am not ashamed to admit I am and will always be guilty as accused. But I would like to mention that any married man that claims otherwise is lying. When it comes down to it they have that special thing that we want and it ranks higher than 1/48 valks. LOL

    It takes a real man to admit that! ;)

    Congrats on being a new owner of the 1/48.

  7. And I thought my decal were defective, so I improvise by peeling off the top layer on my 21's decal. On the Yamato 1/72 decal, the top layer is the shinny and bottom is dull. IMO, I kinda of like the dull looks...give it a more "painted" feels to it. Then off course, you can spray a clear coat to protect it...

    I took an exacto knife and carefully lifted 1 corner of the decal and the top layer came off effortless. My 21 is currently in the storage now, give me till the end of this week to provide you some pic.

  8. Neova,

    :lol: great mind do think alike...yes it's the Detolf from Ikea! $99 a case is not too bad.


    Yes that's the 1/8 scale resin kit of Isamu. Purchased that a few years back from animehouse.com


    Yes those are the tekkaman kit from Bandai and B-Club. I still have Dagger, Lance, and Rapier to complete. I'll keep you posted when they're complete. Hopefully before the baby comes out :ph34r:

    I'll try to take some closeup pic of Isamu later. I have a dig camera which I really not to familar w/ the close up and zoom feature. Bare w/ me please.

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