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Posts posted by Astro_BS-AS

  1. Hi everyone ! I just love this Valkyrie... I´ve already preordered one....

    Just like NeoverseOmega said, the flow of the lines in the different modes are a joy to see... Just look at the backpack and the tip of the rudders, or the wings !

    With all the stickers it was kind of a mess, but naked its quite beatiful....

    Well, now to wait. Let´s hope not much.

  2. Hi everyone. I ordered one too.

    While waiting for my VF-17 to come, I couldn´t resist the amiami price for the VF-171 CF.... It´ll be a nice add to the MacrossF collection :D

    Now to hope my proxy doesn´t have any problems.... And the figure neither.... Reading the thread it seems that QC are a little worse than with the Alto release... Or am I just imagining things?

  3. Looks like all the blue/red/yellow/white trim is tampo and kite logo/tux , that's a shame.

    And what would be the problem with that?

    Really asking, because I can´t see anything wrong...

  4. For me it´s quite simple. The VF-1 is the most popular Valkyrie everywhere in the world. FACT.

    So it´s quite natural to relaunch the variable fighters line with the most known and most "amortised" mold.

    Arcadia, IMHO, is going to relauch maybe all of the VF line. Maybe even the SDF-1. Why? Because the molds cost a fortune. And there´s no profit in letting them stay unused. Maybe not every variant (´cause even that is a waste of time) but the base model, no doubt.

    Graham, you had contact with Yamato. Now that Arcadia have announced they VF continuing the line, didn´t you have any clue about that or were you in some kind of "embargo"? No pun intended, I´m just asking. Please don´t misunderstand me :)

    So, VF-1 now. Maybe VF-4 later, and of course reissue of the VF-19 and YF-21.... and so on....

    Just an opinion, without any fact of course... the same as "almost" everyone here :D haha

  5. Well, at least we are discussing because of a NEW VALKYRIE from ARCADIA that now we possitively know that´s going to be made...

    So, try and be a little more optimistic about all this, all of you ! :D

    Yes, it´s ugly... but there´s one at least.

    You know... The king is dead, long live the king !

    *Raising a glass of wine for Yamato.

  6. Hi Astro,... ;)

    I´m from Argentina too and want to ask you for your proxy here to get some macross stuff,.. if it is possible of course.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Flopers ! It´s quite funny to be talking in english, isn´t it?

    Contá con eso. En un rato te mando un PM con el mail del flaco, o contame que necesitás saber y le pregunto. Es muy macanudo y es de acá de Baires. Abrazo y la seguimos x PM !

  7. Too unpredictable whether they will do a good job on the build? The VF-1's are pretty rock-solid at this point now.

    Read the entire post... he was joking about that so "nobody buys it" so he can get it as MSRP :D


    (so would I... )

  8. All the extra multi-color tampo printing does actually add to the production cost you know.

    Acadia doesn't have magic tampo printing faeries that magically print all that multi colour printing on free of charge. :D

    Also, yes I guess this will likely be a limited quantity collectors item.


    No Faeries? Graham, you´ve just ruined my life... :(

    Now don´t dare tell me that Santa doesn´t exist because I won´t come back again to the forums ever... ;)


    Now more seriously, I agree 100% with you. I have to admit that, living here in Argentina, seeing people complain about "price" is almost comical, but it´s not their fault... It´s just us that live in a quite nasty political time....

    So, please, I hope nobody gets offended whenever I say that any price is quite reasonable...

  9. MacrossJunkie, on 23 May 2013 - 09:04, said:

    Ouch. Why the jacked up price? I don't see this selling very well at all. The scheme is way too busy/ugly and now the price is further going to kill sales of this thing.

    Well, to be fair, people are paying ridiculous prices for any Yamato Valkyrie now, and you know better than me that this bird, being the first Arcadia, and a 30th anniversary is going to duplicate its price in not a very long time...

    And even more, they are kind of relaunching the Yamato line....

    And, of course, the macroeconomical factors are to be consider... the us dollar is not in its better position, and Japan (or China, in any case) are not going to give away products at a bargain price anymore... they just don´t need to do that.

    So... 165 us dollars.... to us, here in the far south, it´s like a joke almost. I can´t figure why anyone could complain about that...

  10. GREAT NEWS ! ! ! !

    You`ve made my day :D Thanks !

    Now, let´s hope a VF-4 in the near future, so the ass****es selling it for U$$ 400000 on ebay could stick that pointy nose right "there where the sun never shines"

  11. Took only valk pictures with weathere FP.

    Oh, I couldn´t see the pics on my job.... but now ... What a plane ! And the amazing amount of Valkyries and figures that you have behind... thanks, Kicker773 !

    btw, is that your "personal" collection? Do you have 4 YF-21 ???

    Man... amazing

    I like the weathered destroids, as they should be a bit dirtier than their flying counterparts.

    I think it makes the Valks just look.. dirty and old.

    Personal preference of course.

    Gakken85, my wife said exactly the same... and I´m saying this in a positive way. No pun intended. She loves Valkyries and "the brighter the better"...

    I have to agree with you that Destroids HAVE to be weathered. But seeing the weathered Valks I admit that they look "less toy - more plane" .

    Excuse my caveman english, I struggle to try and say something coherent ! haha

  12. Here are some pictures without the fast packs

    Btw have you tried HLJ.com they have it for a good price

    God that´s a pretty bird ! Amazing ! Have you done some mod or it looks like that just out of the box? It´s seems like a really great paint job.


    Thank you very much for the pics Valkyrie Magnus. Yes, it´s from HLJ that my proxy friend orders. Only it´s the version w/o the fast pack included.

    I think that I´m ordering this Valyrie just now...

    pd. What a collection you have behind in that pics !

  13. You mean this? No harm. Is your proxy more expensive than getting it from HLJ +shipping+customs?

    Yes. Exactly that same one.

    I have to admit that "my" proxy is quite a good one. It adds a 10 to 15 % of the "online store", and he brings everything to my very home. And here in Argentina if you don´t have LOTs of luck (or a convenient friend) in the customs office you are doom to pay a 50% of the price....At least here in Buenos Aires. In other cities isn´t that bad.

    It´s hard to be down here... believe me...

    Ill take a picture of the weathered sets when I get home for you.

    Thank you very much, Kicker773 :)

    You can "fold" them whenever you like :D

  14. Hi Everyone :)

    I´m starting this thread because I´d like to know more about Yamato weathering (or weathered?) Valkyries.

    There´s a proxy in my city wich has a 1/60 Hayao Kakizaki DRYL weathered (it should be a v2.2, according to Anymoon - http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Yamato-V2-Table-2.jpg ) for a quite unreasonable price, but here in Argentina no price is a reasonable price... so....

    I was looking in the forums here, doing my searches, and I couldn´t find a "personal" pic of any weathered VF-1, but the official pics. I saw one of a 1/48, but it was modded too....

    Anyone has or had one to post a pic or giving some advice? I´m not modder, and there´s no way I could do something like that at home (and with two children, you can imagine....).

    btw, please excuse my caveman english.

    Thanks in advance :)

    pd. The link to see te exact valkyrie is from hlj... can I post that?

  15. Well it has a neck. Not really sure what you're talking about.

    It´s ok. I didn´t notice at first, but it has a neck that sits in the middle of a gap. And you can even see the back of the wings in the picture posted by the OP.

    Compared to another Bandai´s (25 - 29) and the vf-17 the head is floating attached to a neck and that´s it... And there´s no "anime-magic" here... it´s all CG.

    I still don´t know... I was hoping that Bandai could correct that in the CF, but it´s still the same.

  16. Well, this is the reason that Yamato took the measure to make their toys in 1/60 scale. :rolleyes: The VF-1 is a lot smaller in the anime to begin with when we compare it with the VF-22.

    The VF-22 will be huge and expensive if they continued their line in 1/48 scale.

    You´re totally right. In 1/48 It would be more than 40 cm in lenght.... More than the 1/60 SV-51 wich is huge...

    The 1/60 for the newest (and bigger in "real anime life") are a nice scale.

    But I insist... not so much for the little VF-1 :)

    If the VF-0 is based on the F-14, the VF-1 is based on the Panavia Tornado... (for size comparisson)

  17. I really can't see how people can prefer the actual sculpt of 1/48 over the 1/60 v2. There's so much stuff that just looks clunky and terrible on the 1/48 compared the 1/60.

    I don´t agree at all. The 1/60 v2 is great, of course, but it´s great because the V1 is plain bad. Not because is BETTER than the 1/48...

    If the 1/60 had a different leg clamp (like the upcoming 1/72 bandai) we could agree, but it´s the same as the 1/48, but smaller... To look like a "complete" Valkyrie you have to add pieces of plastic... I´m sorry, but it´s not that great, for me at least.

    If I may ask, do you have a 1/48 ? wich one? ...

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