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David Hingtgen

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Posts posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hmmn---the Cobra Trooper looks good, but ironically---TOO good?  As in, if he's got that many pads, and a silver mask----what will they do for the Viper? (as in, I always feel that Vipers should look noticeably cooler and better-protected than the trooper, the trooper should be rather "simple" in design IMHO)   

    And, well, guess my question about vehicles got answered.  :)  

    Question for the weapon people---I know guns are often painted/camo'd, and I feel the crossbow is OK that way too---but is a solid green knife realistic?  I've seen colored blades before, but don't recall "camo green on stuff that's actually used in combat/heavy-duty purposes".  

    ::edit::  Yeesh, the Baroness' weapons suck.   Sniper rifle or semi-auto rifle.   Might have to just steal all the trooper's weapons...

  2. 4 hours ago, Mog said:

    What about the updated Sky Strikers from about a decade ago?

    Yes, I know they switched it to a single-seater.  And I wish they mirror-imaged more of the stickers.

    But I liked that they switched up the tailfins from grey to black.  And they kept them reasonably priced.

    I meant update as in "all new mold".  Not a "tweaked" existing mold.  There was a TON of stuff from ROC etc, that "closely resembled old stuff, and had a very similar or same name, but just wasn't as good".  

  3. On 7/18/2020 at 7:35 PM, Mog said:

    So, where can I find Renegades episodes and Resolute?

    Renegades is also on Tubi.  Resolute wasn't easy to find when it was new, almost impossible nowadays AFAIK.  

    :edit: Oh hey, Tubi has Resolute, too, I haven't seen it in years, will definitely watch tonight.   

    I see Sigma 6 and looks like the DiC series, too.  I think they have EVERYTHING but the 86 movie...

  4. So, just some thoughts/questions for the group:

    I've come close to selling off all my Joe stuff (which is 90% 25th/30th) several times----but now that there's new 50th stuff, and the fact that "there's plenty of characters they'll likely never get around to in 6in scale" I might as well keep it for now.  I did give away my vehicles to younger cousins etc.  (reissue Rattler and HISS).  That said--

    Anyone have good guesses for future vehicle reissues?  Or will the HISS likely be a one-off?   While I'd love a Moray or Water Moccasin, I consider them unlikely.  (Night Raven even more so, on both counts---though from what I can find online, Hasbro did say the Night Raven mold still exists). Another Rattler? Skystriker?  Or just keep things small? (I dislike most smaller vehicles----twice as big is thrice as neat)

    Chance of vehicles for 6in? Almost nil IMHO, and the largest possible thing even if done would be a HISS, and even that is likely too large. And nobody wants a 6in scale trouble bubble IMHO.  


  5. pengbuzz----Yup!  I think it's a simplified miniaturized KO of a third-party KO of a voyager Grim...

    (hard to track these things sometimes)

    peter---oh wow, I think mine was the ST:VI boxing, too.  As I recall, the only method I could get to work for the nacelles, was to tape them in place to mom's flower vase and let it sit in the kitchen table like that for a few weeks until the copious amounts of glue dried rock-hard.  (the flower vase was the exact size needed to fit between the nacelles and behind the shuttlebay!)

  6. I want one without the junk on the wings, but using the Advance feet.  (I watched the OVA again, and got out the design works again--I don't know what they were smoking when they thought the new heels looked MORE accurate to the original YF-19--they're LESS accurate---they're just fugly-ridiculous now)  

  7. On ‎6‎/‎26‎/‎2020 at 1:28 PM, sh9000 said:

    Ok, so is this "regal variant" exclusive/rare, or are they just calling it that to distinguish it from the much lighter colored one?   I.E, will normal stores carry this one as a normal release?  Or will there be yet a third variant, that is to be the "mass-market" version? 

  8. On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2020 at 1:15 AM, F360 said:

    If you live in a country that is currently suspended from Japanpost Air, then you will need to contact them to change your shipping method.

    Either upgrade to UPS or downgrade to Ferry.


    Or you can wait it out until Japanpost resumes regular Air services

    So I can order something from N-Y, choose something fairly cheap/fast like Eco-post, knowing full well they can't ship it that way because of JP-US shipping issues---and they'll just let it sit around in their warehouse, sold but unshipped, and they're ok with that?  (as in, I'm ok with that idea---I just want to order something now, because I'm pretty sure it'll sell out before normal shipping resumes---I don't care about getting it late, I just care about purchasing one before they sell out) 

  9. On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2020 at 9:48 AM, Mechapilot77 said:

    dang already missed the preorder already?  hopeuflly 2nd version still has the g1 80s style pacakging and the rod.  if i get it i am tinting that thing real dark or really reflective because its nuts they are releasing as is like that.

    The pre-order for Gigawatt, put any DX Valkyrie to shame.  Only like 1 or 2 confirmed orders, in the entire TFW forum AFAIK.   

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