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David Hingtgen

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Posts posted by David Hingtgen

  1. 22 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Looking into starting this one tonight or later this week

    How necessary is it to have played (or at least be familiar with) the game series?

    (Asking because I have never played the games and have basically zero familiarity with the franchise beyond hearing some friends complain about Fallout 76.)

    Zero, all you need to know is pretty much in Ep 1.   It's the post-apocalyptic nuclear genre, there you go.   Just, the bombs basically dropped in like 1950, instead of 2050 like "usual".   (which thus has a great effect on where tech/culture "stopped" for a while)  

  2. Did they?  Would love for there to be a chance to finally get a "correct" Grace's.  (grey striping of the later version, but dull olive green of the original).   The later one is way too intense emerald green.  

    (but a revival would probably just be an exact copy of the last one again)

  3. How does Retributor Armor "brush"?  Many gold paints lately (looking at you, Vallejo) are very "sticky" and horrible to use, even if the color is nice.  

  4. Sandstorm's alt-mode was so exaggerated-bland it never "gave me a vibe" as to what it is.  I'll take a look later and give more thoughts.   Blitzwing is far from a scale model of a MiG-25 but it's still blatantly obvious what he's supposed to be.  

    That said---the wiki is so terrible with aircraft alt-modes.  I gave up trying to correct Octane, it's gone from bad to worse over the years.  (he's a 747 people, engine-count be damned)

    ::edit::   If you assume the instructions are wrong (wouldn't be the first time), G1 Sandstorm is supposed to have a horizontal stabilizer, not an odd vertical tail tip.  That does make it more SH-3 ish.   However, one of the few distinct details the toy does have for sure, is three large front windows----like an H-53   




  5. 9 hours ago, MacrossJunkie said:

    Here's a pic with it partly out. It does seem pretty far forward, but not nearly as far forward as it appears to be on the toy.


    I don't remember the gun pod being so orange, but it's also been a while since I last watched Dynamite.  

  6. Considering how many variations we've seen in the past couple years of how to fold up Magnus' arms into the top of a trailer, there's zero excuse for PM Prime's arms to be like that.  It's GOT to be a mistransformation, otherwise Takara has somehow lost a ridiculous amount of engineering talent and skill recently.   Making PM Prime's arms flush with the front of the trailer should be child's play compared to what we've seen both Takara and 3P companies do with Magnus' arms.   

  7. The new/retro Snow Serpents have a notably brighter shade of blue, the original Classified (boxed) release use an almost navy blue.  I suspect they are also a different shade of white.   (plus all the gear/kit being different--no bazooka, no bazooka-backpack, etc)  

    The Eels are 99% identical.  I think the only change is the strap on the not-a-speargun is blue instead of red.  Figure itself identical or so close you can't tell from pics.  

  8. Interesting, as I feel the latest Alto -25 is not as pure white as the original renewals.  (At least, certainly not the "alternate" type of plastic used in some spots, like near the waist/hinges----it's not POM I think, but it's also not the "standard" ABS used for the main parts of the wings and legs etc----the previous releases seemed to have a more perfect match as-new, but those parts yellowed at different rates----the latest -25 doesn't match as well to start with, and almost looks very slightly pre-yellowed on those parts)   

    Having the latest Alto -171 be even brighter than the original is surprising.   

  9. AirWolf would be a must-buy, but I fear it's not nearly popular enough.  (even if it is simply the coolest helicopter ever, period)

    And KARR would be even better than KITT. (everyone knows the prototypes are always better than the simplified dumbed-down production versions!) (though for me it's gotta be the later two-tone look, with yellow scanner light)

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