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Posts posted by Boxer

  1. As for the VTOL being a redesigned VTOL, I don't buy it. The nose is the wrong shape, the "nacelles" or whatever are in the wrong shape in the wrong place, the wings are really different. The only real similiarity is the face that it has two uh, "nacelles" next to the cockpit like that. I think the Sentinels VTOl is just as likely a ripoff of the Bronco II from Orguss or a combination of both. The Sherfield's design is not particularly unique, but the one thing that IS distinctive, the vertical stabilizers in the middle of the wings, is not in the VTOL design. I think you're reading too much into it to support the insane pet theories of the Peters.

    I was actually about to scream "Bronco II!" when I saw that lineart. It isn't an exact ripoff, but it's enough.

    And does HG have rights to Orguss anyway? If they're off running around with their plastic toy 'very-techs' and ignoring the cool Orguss toys, why don't they just allow someone else to port over a potential series?

  2. It might have been them. Leave it up to the RTers to find anything they can and extrapolate something out of it- canon or otherwise.

    Are you perhaps implying the YF-1R ISN'T totally awesome? :)


    Given the choice between the Orguss Valk and the YF-1R, I'd rather fly the Orguss Valk :D

    Because as we all know, dimensional travel is much more fun than having a head-mounted autocannon that never fires.

  3. Thought this went unanswered....

    Thanks for the feedback guys, though I doubt I can be able to see the series rented, as the local stores usually only rent out the 'popular' anime.

    Chris- I don't suppose we could see reviews of Brain powered on MAHQ in the near future could we? The series does seem only to span 3-4 DVDs, can't be that long.

  4. Thought this went unanswered....

    Thanks for the feedback guys, though I doubt I can be able to see the series rented, as the local stores usually only rent out the 'popular' anime.

    Chris- I don't suppose we could see reviews of Brain powered on MAHQ in the near future could we? The series does seem only to span 3-4 DVDs, can't be that long.

  5. That makes sense, thanks Azrael.

    Though I wish a future Macross series could use the wreakage to visit that threat of inter-factional warfare- and I don't mean the reawakened Protodevlin in M7. Surely there are pre-Macross Supervision remnants still around and not under Protodevlin control, are there? Space is vast, and I find it hard to beleive the origioanl supervision army was wiped out by M7.

    Weren't the RRG also the ones that named the Orguss hyrid VF that appeared in a sight gag in Macross. Didn't they name it "Jotun" or something?

    It might have been them. Leave it up to the RTers to find anything they can and extrapolate something out of it- canon or otherwise.

    Though, if it were not for that injoke, I would have never discovered Orguss.

  6. How can Robotech fans rabidly hate macross? It's where their precious brainchild came from! Without Macross there would be no robotech! And besides, because they raise so much of a stink we'll never see quality Macross games!

    Anyway, It's a shame we only see a passing glimpse of the ASS-2 wreakage- so much that I have to wonder why it was in the story at all. A hook to a possible sequel? A plotline never followed? To save the threat, perhaps this question can be answered.


    The message we get from ASS-2 is humans and the Zentradi are not the only ones out there in space. Considering the wreak was a recent wreak, this only serves to reinforce the fact that they need the factory satellite and they need to pick up the pace a bit.


    Not much of a message if they just pass it up to go capture the factory sattelite. I mean, they could have done the same thing with asking Vrlitwhai to recount the reason why he was tracking the ASS-1 in the firstplace, rather than show us a wreak.

    I mean, in the petty sense, the ASS-2 wasn't even market material because it was a wreak. And nothing official anywhere says what becomes of it? The only thing I know about it's fate was from a Macross RPG site saying it was lost forever, even when a survey party returned to the location.

  7. Another Gundam thing that I'd like to see is the very original vision of Tomino about Gundam, without any MSs but just starship trooper-ish powered armors instead, and absolutely no passage on Earth but all the story happening into 'the Universe' like he did in his novel. Some sort of adaptation of the 'For the Barrel' manga basically, with or without revisited designs, as long as they're well done I don't really care in fact...

    Edit: spell thingies


    For the Barrel was a basic retelling of the GUndam series, only instead of Gundams, they were called 'Gunboys'.

    MAHQ for Mecha

    'Newtypes' were called 'Streamers' and colonies were called 'barrels' (Hence, For the Barrel). It was run by Newtype for a time but then disconitnued, a shame since it seems much more interesting than any other rendition of the Gundam series. Perhaps it's because Junji Ohkubo does the mecha designs (as opposed to more re-copied Okawara designs), which gives the series an origional, metallic, functional feel to it.

    Needless to say, if For the Barrel was done as an animated production rather than a manga, I'd pick it up in a hearbeat reguardless if I had to import it or not. Ohkubo's designs deserve life outside of Steel Battalion.

  8. How can Robotech fans rabidly hate macross? It's where their precious brainchild came from! Without Macross there would be no robotech! And besides, because they raise so much of a stink we'll never see quality Macross games!

    Anyway, It's a shame we only see a passing glimpse of the ASS-2 wreakage- so much that I have to wonder why it was in the story at all. A hook to a possible sequel? A plotline never followed? To save the threat, perhaps this question can be answered.

    AS to the design itself, of course we should throw out the RT RPG's fansite, as most of it is probably bunk anyway. From here it looks as if the intact ASS-2 was meant to open up like a Meltran gunboat, with the middle section seperating/lowering as well as the booms splitting. Otherwise, like the ASS-1, it appears like a supervision gunboat.

    I think the prototucutres/Supervision might have used fighters and craft of thier own... One could ask nanashi, since he seems to know about unusual and rarely seen machines.

  9. You kidding me?  Who even knew Honneamise can paint... I've always liked his avatar, I'm assuming he did that also.  But you just never know what's around

    the corner.


    I'm an amature artist, and when I see work like this appearing it just discourages me from entering since I know I can't beat that.

    It means I have to sit out another month until these OMG! arts are out of the way, only to be defeated next month by another painting by Honneamise, which I wouldn't know existed until the finals and all the 'secret entries' are in.

    I dunno, I like the idea of art contests, but I feel out of place because I'm not as perfect as the Pro painters/CGers here.

  10. Well, seeing all the glorious mecha involved in the crossover orgasm that is Another Century's Episode, I noticed Brain powered was mentioned again and considered checking it out.

    I wanted to ask if anyone else here has seen it, and what they thought of it. Most reveiwers seem to think it's pointless, but I wonder if it's still worth giving a try (after all, I think some might say Orguss was pointless, but It's still my #1 fav anime...)

  11. as promised this one is entered automatically because I failed to include it on last month's.

    That's too friggin' cool to beat! It's got my vote.


    Hey hey! We're not voting yet... we need entries still. :D


    Why bother though when we already know one of the two already posted is going to surely get the win?

    I mean, how can any of us (other than the Mad CGers) top that?

  12. And I suppose like with all good games, we won't see a stateside release?

    If I ever get into the position of having an income again I think it might be woth saving up just for an import PS2 to get A.C.E. This game looks fantastic, and as a crossover author it's like a dream come true. Don't care of the dialouge's all in Japanese- just getting to fly Valkries with the Nadesico squad's enough.

  13. Just seeing the Macross with the Nadesico and Albion is enough for me to want to get this game.

    But... as it means getting a Japanese PS2, in addition to the game and the import, I'm not sure it's directly worth the cost.

    A shame the states could never be as creative or origional to produce something like this.

  14. The reason I split up the variable category is because some people like just only one alternate mode. Then there are those of us that like our Valkyries and Orgusses, with 3-4 modes of transformation.

    I like Variable mecha as a novelty, not necissarily a main part of an attack force. VFs are a good exception because they aren't big and shiny... in a way they're simple in their limited size. The Orguss is another because it is _The_ Orguss, and because it's such a rare, hero machine, it has this exception (even the MP Orgusses were rare, as the Emaan flyers of Orguss still had predominance).

    Ultimately though, nonvariable mecha are a closer grasp to reality than variable machines. Besides, I think it might be more frightening to know that a machine doesn't have to be in a special mode to destroy you.

  15. Just a question that fell on my head today, specially as I'm drawing my bazillionth nonvariable mecha....

    Just a curiosity. I know it's practically suicidal on a forum populated by Macross and Transformer fans, but I thought I might as well ask... as well as toss in a few options to make the thread a little more useful.

    Now here's the part for discussion: why do you like your mecha that way?

  16. Sure, the Doctor might recognize K-9, but will it be mutual? And what about Sarah? "Which one are you?" She's met everyone up to the fifth... what will she say about the 'tenth?'

    Heh... and here's hoping to the Doctor crossing his own timestream (again), though I wonder if the paradox of being 'the last time lord' will cause the universe to implode or something.

  17. Ah, my Who knowledge isn't really up to stuff. It was just an assumption.

    I wonder how the new Doctor will take to seeing Sarah Jane again. This is the first time (outside of the "# doctors' episodes) that a former companion has come back to meet the doctor again. And after six regenerations, do you think he'll remember her and K-9?

  18. Adams also wrote Destiny of the Daleks, which was a good episode. You can tell because some of his Hitchhiker's guide characters are mentioned here and there. The Movellans were a good enemy too... pitty they weren't as prevalent as the Daleks were. The Mechanoids were interesting, also.

    Seeing Sarah again for this new series is going to be interesting. It's a shame she's only going to be in one episode and not travelling with the Doctor again... that would be a first. Then again there's always K-9...

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