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Posts posted by Boxer

  1. Here's something I noticed.. I don't think it deserves it's own topic either.

    Does the Monster have hover feet? In several shots in the TV series (most, actually) it doesn't use it's legs and instead slides from place to place. The Compendium didn't have anything on it, and I was wondering if it was canon or not. It would make sense giving it's large size, and the fact that in the one shot where I saw it take a step it smashed the deck plating.

  2. And yet there were no holes in the couch after he fell off of it.. :p

    I'd think with the bulletholes in his back someone would have seen them when he was driving around beforehand, after he got out of his fighter. I don't recal him seeing a doctor at all after he was injured in combat.

  3. Fortunate that I checked this thread...

    FYI, I am also active on Forums.relicnews.com as Ceade.

    I have just finished watching the entire origional Macross series. I need to get my hands on DYRL? But I have macross designs floating in my head. I'll also try to ressurect the mining platform I posted on Relic, but have since taken down.

    UNS resourcer fleet.

    New resource collector also.


  4. Worst. Trek. Ever.

    Everywhere I go says this is a bomb episode. Why the heck did paramount think it would be a sucess?

    The last season was awesome. Much of the story was good, and they paid attention to cannon! OMG! No F'ed up 'the borg return' crap, or anything to do with TNG for that matter (outside of maybe section 31). They explained the Klingon forhead problem in a very interesting light, and the fix The Reeves-Stevens pulled on the Vulcans was superb. Not sure about the Andorian-Tellerite arc though.

    Then they do this.

    Terra prime was bad, but it had some good parts at the end. This last epside was indeed a travesty as the actor for T'pol was allegedly supposed to say.

    For the episode itself: BAD. These were not the crew of the NX-01- these were clever imposters meant to think that we were watching the same show we were seeing just an hour before. Trip wasn't trip- he behaved irrationaly for the last 10 or so minutes of his 'life'. There was scantly any emotion when Trip died- not even close to the same reaction the death of Trip and T'pol's kid gave in the episode before.

    Seven- The Consitution rendered in CG was- if anything- meant to appease the fans. It had only what, three seconds of screentime with Kirk's dialouge? It's as if they rationalised since they had the Defiant model already, might as well remake it into the enterprise and show it off for posterity's sake. Heck, even the fugly Enteprise-D got more attention than the 1701 (The NX01 even!!!)

    Yeah, this smacked of a Next Gen episode. Why did they even bother to use Enterprise's intro when they could have recycled the Next gen thing again? They did for part of the dialouge.

    In short; this is another B&B brainchild. Wa-ho. They seem to have their minds trapped in the Next Gen, where it has been staying there since they boarded trek. Ever since they've been on the cast things have just gone downhill from there. Voyager, excuse me, was a disaster- how it managed to go on for seven seaons is beyond me (Oh, I get it- everyone's glued to their sets to see if 7 of 9 will run this season!)

    Sorry for the rantage, Trek is one of those childhood shows of mine and I happen to be quite upset that this show was burned _again_ by a staff that constantly fails to perform, and is dissapoinging more and more fans with thier 'Star trek.'

    At least Star Wars is picking up. Who knows? maybe Darth Anikin will finally kill off Jar Jar.

    And with the end of Enterprise comes my withdrawl from American Television. It will not be missed. :angry:

  5. Chalk it up to the 'modern spin on things'. Lucas is trying to appease his children while Berman was using the 'seven of nine' effect to draw in veiwers. Unfortunately this means that the only thing that really makes Voyager and Enterprise really different is the title and the cast.

    Once again, Berman burns the ship :rolleyes:

  6. Personally I prefer the Tos-Movie era of history, and I hope the next 'trek' stays out of the 'TNG and beyond' continuity. Enterprise was a nice move, but Braga burned the ship and left it to sink while Reeves-stevens were going places with it.

    I dunno where this is first hand, but it looks like fans won't have their cake and eat it either: Berman's looking to get money to make a movie. It's second hand so I don't know if it's fact or not, But I do know that Berman is going to be writing the last episode and this supposed new movie (not Reeves-stevens, who are doing a fantastic jobs with the episodes this season IMO).

    I thought the Enterprise model was a way to save on expenses- they just altered the existing Akira model from 'First Contact' to make it look 'origional.' I chalk it up to the effort made in paramount- which is the reason trek has lost it's edge since (and during) TNG. Even so I could live with it if they continued Enterprise to another season.

    I'm for Enterprise's continueation- if only to see the new writers actually doing some good. It's nice to have a change for once from the boring dribble left over from Voyager.

  7. Another thing to consider is, with the Macross aside, UNS capital ships are going to be tin-plated gunships with laughable weaponry (in the eyes of the Zjents and Melts) because frankly the UNS is a young space power that has little in the terms of destructable space weaponry....unless you include reaction warheads.

    I have never seen any documentation that says the Zjents or Melts use any form of nuke and/or reaction warhead in their arsenals *Checks the Compendium* yeah. The Zjent/Melts mostly use their beam cannons as mass-destruction weaponry, with thier monitors and command ships using the heaviest ones. Otherwise it seems most of thier weaponry is beam-based medium particle cannons with supplimentary missiles (normal warheads)

    The Macross on the other hand uses a particle cannon on the scale of the flagships and monitors, with large-scale rail guns(1) (usable only in cruiser mode I think...) and possibly the option of reaction warheads for missiles (though I think these should be restricted to strike valks...unless you want to arm ALL uns ships with them...) The Macross in itself is a threat to Zjent Capital ships unless it's overhwelmed by enemy capital ships. Supplimenting the Macross is the Uns Gunship, wich is mankind's second attempt at replicating the macross's main gun (And as a result is not as powerful, and the first was the main guns on the ARMD carriers).

    In short, generally Zjent-Melt capital ships are FAR superior in cap v. cap ships against the UNS (Macross being the exception). The reverse is true for smallcraft and fighters, with the only exception being Melt power armors.

    BTW, are the pin-point barriers going to be rendered in-game?

    (1) I don't think the rail cannons have ever been used in Macross (other than the generic red beam of pretty much every gun in the TV series) In a fanfic re-write of the series (Which includes my Tuliqui-Sovis...) one rail cannon shot almost blew a Zjent Scout ship in half with one blast. However, these cannons must be accurate in order to make that kind of damage....

  8. Probably the most difficult thing to do in the MOD.

    Beware of Bias, please, after all everybody wants to see unit xyz prevail over abc because it's a fan favorite, or the sheer ZOMG It's a killer unit! factor.

    If/when you make stats PLEASE try to be balanced and fair? I think the major agreement is that the Zjent/Melt capital ships are powerhouses, while the UNS fighters have anit-ship warheads (And thus the good counter). Human ships as whole without reaction weaponry are going to be pitiful against Zjent/Melt ships, which are obviously superior in space combat.

    Just two cents before you continue.

  9. Rar. Tell me where I can get it from here and I will persue this book until it is mine.

    For it will be one of the few Orguss books I can get without resorting to E-bay (Unless that's the only place it's available...along with the rest of whatever Orguss stuff lingers out there :( )

    Even though the title says Mac + Orguss, is this a complete summary of all Miyatake's works or is it just those two?

    (not that I'm complaing. Being the rabid mech fan I am, the more space for Orguss and Macross, the better...but then it is a mech book, so why am I ranting?)

  10. I don't know weather this should be on my Christmas list for next year or if I should make the effort to get it as soon as it comes out.

    I don't think out of print will be an issue though...Kawamori's Macross design works is still available at Animebooks.com (though is this a bootleg? Can't tell...) So I'm guessing (and hoping) the Miyatake book will also be available here. (From the same site if possible...)

  11. Does it just cover Macross or does it cover Orguss and the like also?

    Given that the title is 'Macross & Orguss Design Works', I think it's a pretty safe bet that it covers Orguss as well :D


    *rams head on wall repeatedly* And I call myself an Orguss fan...

    Strange, Miyatake is credited with the Regult (At least that's what Zinc says) and yet it's also in Kawamori's design works. Did Kawamori do polishing and Miyatake the design?

  12. Well seeing as they were done by the same studeo (Minus Kawamori of course) They similar (And even a VF-1A shows up! Well..it's name. And the Arcadia is in there too!)

    I love the plot of Orguss though and it's feel. Macross was sci-fi, Orguss was part fantasy. The mechanical designs are awesome and the character designs kick-a too. And did I mention that max's voice is the voice for the main character. And Lynn-Kaifun is his best friend.

    Well at any rate here are two prime samples of the Emaan, a race of parallel-earth humans (so I woudln't say aliens Xx...)


    And individual ones:


    [Edit] Forgot Maaie for some reason.


    Maaie and Lieea are teenagers, and they act like it through most of the series. They never state their last name though I suspect they're from the Drifand clan, since they helped manufacture the (drifand) Orguss.

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