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Posts posted by Myriad

  1. Taka and Hasbro work together. They are in the Transformer business together. Toynami and Yammi don't work together but seem to build equally craptacular toys. Bandai should be the only company allowed to build Valks/Veris.....


    I prefer the all plastic less fragile Alternators. No paint chips either.

    Sorry 2 posts thought of more....

  2. I am more interested in Yuki then M0.

    I think it would be interesting to be able to compare the animation in both using "official" releases. So far i am pushing Yuki as better. It has a 'different' story too.

    You have my Yuki support!

    Unless the end sucks or it goes wierd like M0. Then I will flip flop. :p

  3. I like my beer out of a bottle and my toys all plastic. Taka/Hasbro has shown the same toy can be made out of plastic and be great. I don't like paint chips, I don't like weak joints but I especially don't like toys that break easily because of plastic and diecast being used together.

    I think it is too bad that Toynami doesn't go more plastic to cut down their costs and breakage. Taka Hasbro did it and the cost was cut in half.

  4. There are 2 things I dont like about the new series.

    The CG planes and the music.

    The music is just uninspired and the CG planes dont have the feel or emotion in the animation that the old OAVs had.


    That is what I would say about Macross Zero!

  5. Also, I was just watching ANH and noticed that when Darth and Kenobi were fighting, this version didn't have Kenobi saying 'you can't win Darth. If you strike me down now, I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine'. It's been a few years since I've seen the originals. Was this taken out with the original special editions?

    In the commentary Lucas says there are 3 different audio versions of ANH. Each have slightly different dialog.

  6. BOBBA IS DEAD!!!! He died in the Sarlac Pit.

    ... and you forgot to add that it was a blind man that put him there.

    I swear the Fett family sucks... why do people love him so much? Here is my running total of everything Boba did in the OT:

    - show up

    - promise not to disintigrate anyone

    - follow the Millenium Falcon to Cloud City

    - hang around Vader looking moody

    - get whiny about Vader beating up on his trophy

    - shoot his rifle a lot and miss every time

    - take Solo back to Jabba

    - hang around Jabba and look moody

    - hit on Jabba's dancers

    - make a half-assed attempt to stop the heroes

    - get hisself dead at the hands of a blind man

    On the bad-ass-o-meter he rates a negative three.

    Lucas also says that if he had known Boba was going to be more popular he would have had a different death. The main focus was killling Jabba though.... ;)

  7. Hate to bring up an old nitpick, but why do people still post their avatars to the test forum? The board changes the name of the upload (attachments get a "post-*" prefix while avatars get "av-*" prefix) so that it would not get deleted (without admin intervention). As long as people learn to work with their restrictions (64x64 jpg/gif/swf/png/etc) I don't see a need to keep posting avatars to the test forum.

    Don't forget the less then 40k for the dialup weanies.

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