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Posts posted by Cdisdope

  1. Anyone from Japan know where to get Yamato VF's in Tokyo? Would like to know where to search...

    Your best bet would be in Akihabara. Or go to Nakano and find Mandarake. Mandarake has a bunch of different brances around Japan...the ones closest are Nakano, Akihabara, and Shibuya. VFs used to be sold in Yodobashi Cameras and Bic Cameras, but they're all sold out now. Good luck.

  2. Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not saying I'm right, the only thing I can do is compare things I've heard and seen in real life situations and compare them to what I've seen in Macross.

    In my eyes, Minmei is self-centered. She only wants to be around Hikaru when it's convenient for her. She got all butt-hurt when she saw and heard Hikaru and Misa's conversation in town and ran off crying because he added photos of Misa in the photo album. Now...would a girl who had no feelings towards a guy get that sad about a few pictures? So, I think Minmei loved Hikaru (which is why I retracted my accusations of her leading him on), but again she's a bit selfish because she wanted Hikaru to leave the military and settle down. She didn't think he could settle down with her and still be in the military? And when the bombs started flying from Kamjin's ship, she tried to keep him from protecting the city only so that she didn't have to be alone.

    I'm not saying that Hikaru is off the hook either. Some of the things that he did to Misa (intentionally and unintentionally) were pretty f*cked up. So, I'm not playing a blame game on anyone. I'm just giving MY interpretation of Minmei: Sweet, caring, sensitive, naive, selfish, charming, charismatic, and self-centered. She's truly a Libra. lol :D

    Now, I know Gubaba is gonna have something to say as he always has to have the last word. <_<

  3. I don't think she loved him, and I don't think she ever led him on.

    Yes, he kissed her in Ep. 27... right AFTER she said, "I guess I like Kaifun" and also right AFTER the world got destroyed.

    And, er, how could Hikaru help her career...

    Depends on what you consider "love"

    So, that makes her a two-timer. :)

    You're saying that she should only be in love with people who help her career?

    I'm not trying to bash Minmei...she's my 2nd favorite female character after Miria.

  4. The kiss before Space War I?

    Hmm...I may have contradicted myself earlier. I said that she loved him and I also said that she led him on. But I guess if Minmei loved him, it really wouldn't be leading him on.

    I stand corrected... -_-

    OK...Minmei is still selfish and childish, though. :D

  5. I've honestly never understood that line of thinking...

    She's working on her career. Hikaru has nothing to offer her in that regard. Moreover, she thinks he's a nice guy, but she's not in love with him...never has been, never will be.

    And yet, everyone seems to think she's stuck up because she refuses to abandon her career for a guy she doesn't love.

    Again, I don't get it.

    Hold on...

    Minmei is selfish. The time they got trapped in an inaccessible part of the Macross, she thought it would be a good idea if her and Hikaru go and commit suicide by going out in space AND called him a coward. Why together? She didn't wanna die alone. She then was about to kiss him, until the missile fell through. Her attitude then changed and she continued to keep calling Hikaru "a friend" from that point on.

    When Minmei was hospitalised, she straight-up told Hikaru that he should visit her because she visited him when he was hospitalised.

    Minmei only got close to Hikaru when things weren't going well for her. When she had the final falling out with Kaifun, she went to Hikaru's place and tried to change his lifestyle to cater to the lifestyle she THOUGHT she wanted.

    Minmei doesn't love Hikaru? Really?! How many "friends" have you kissed so passionately? They kissed twice: before Space War I and on Christmas, when she also made Christmas dinner. In Japan, a kiss is a big deal and not thrown around as much as other cultures like the United States do. It's a sign of love. And XMas is a day for couples. So, maybe this is a cultural difference...but thinking about it in a Japanese way, Minmei did love Hikaru.

    I don't think Minmei is stuck up. She's just selfish, childish, and only leads Hikaru on.

  6. The thing that I like more about M7 compared to MF is its originality...(coming from someone who tried to watch M7 twice and finally watched all episodes recently).

    MF was SDFM with name changes, same plots different outcomes. Max dies, causing Miria to be alone, Kakizaki and Roy stay alive, Kamjin is still rogue, with a one episode showing.

    M7 definitely has more character.

    To each his/her own.

    Here's a question...why is it that the Zentradi from M7 - MF use uniforms from DYRL and not SDFM? Have any of the creators of the Macross series stated why? From my understanding of the Macross canon is that DYRL was a movie to depict what happened in Space War I. If someone knows the answer, please school me.

  7. Did I miss something?!?!

    I just watched the original Macross series again and couldn't find Hikaru flying a Super VF-1J, which makes total sense because the first time that we saw the FAST packs was in "Booby Duck" and were placed on Roy's VF-1S.

    With that being said...does anyone know why Yamato went on to make a figure that had Hikaru's original VF-1J with Super Parts?

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