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Posts posted by Cdisdope

  1. I have to say that 99% of people who see my various collections of stuff (Macross, cars, bike, planes etc..) mostly make pleasant or encouraging comments about them. Hey its my hobby and its what I do!

    There was this one time (only just recently actually) that a mate of my brothers was over and saw my Macross display and immediately referred to them as "transformers s%&t"..

    I felt overwhelmingly obligated to inform him that they were indeed NOT transformers or anything of the sort but he stood firm insisting that if they do transform then they are just as he originally referred them as..

    Then the argument of how much they cost started up with him telling me im an idiot for spending as much as I do on them.. and.. that I am obviously childish, immature for collecting toys and rubbish in the first place and should grow up and act my age.

    I was quite surprised at how verbally aggressive he was about it.. My brother later apologized for his mates behavior and said that he can be extremely narrow minded about a lot of things..

    As far as I am concerned he can go f@#$ himself. :angry:

    You should beat him with both a Transformer and a Toy-Biz Robotech figure and show him what the difference is. What a chump.

  2. That's ridiculous, they are not operating a charity. If it's my money out of my pocket why can't I voice my opinions?

    Just a few months ago, people were all devastated that Arcadia wouldn't continue the Macross line. And now that they are, people complain about what they're offering. THAT'S what is ridiculous.

  3. Those complaining at all should save up some money and start your own Macross toy company.

    Be thankful that Arcadia is continuing the line. It might not be now, but I'm sure they'll make something you'll be happy with. If they never do, then complain.

  4. Here is the complete gallery :

    acs2tnl4.jpg adgIIj9u.jpg abjoNLdX.jpg abowei5k.jpg abgwYAdu.jpg abm8gCWl.jpg acwTefLe.jpg acjprNLF.jpg addxylhJ.jpg abxCYcfJ.jpg abgahrYh.jpg abfASwm1.jpg abhMaEyj.jpg adhXW8kN.jpg abb5BDpz.jpg aclbaAhb.jpg aczC2GGH.jpg abvEnw3S.jpg actNhg1N.jpg adxUC2Tb.jpg abmdxVPF.jpg adqUrGf4.jpg adgugNzI.jpg


    Personally I do not think Amiami has broadcast pictures of optionals parts if they were not provided.

    I hope you're right. I messaged Mr. K about just in case! Thanks for uploading the whole gallery!

  5. On the old Yamato site...all of their wares were always priced at MSRP....so it only made sense to get items not available via any other means.....or when they became no longer available via any other means... ;)

    The reason I said this was because of the VF-4G. Every other online shop had it priced higher than Yamato. I guess the 30th Anniversary isn't an Arcadia Net Shop exclusive.
  6. i tried so hard, but i still cannot understand.

    cant they afford to hire ppl to translate a paragraph into english ?


    No, because if they hired someone that person would have to be paid. Then they would have less money for making valkyries and then another panic would happen and you would be the sole person to blame.

  7. Today! I'll order it when the pre-order opens and worry about its design later.

    Arcadia! I'm making this exception only once this time!! :ph34r:

    Cdisdope; I didn't want you to feel like I hijacked your thread by putting random translation, but I guess that's not the case. I'm bad at reading mood :wacko: All good. let's go on with Arcadia' new journey and stuff..

    Dude...stop being dramatic. Translate away! :) Your translations are ALWAYS welcome.

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