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Posts posted by reddsun1

  1. The timeline screwiness is no more clean in the comics. I feel that's about the only thing they've kept accurate between the Films and Comic Books.

    Hehe, you make a good point there.

    Good God--I can't believe I actually alluded an expectation of things like continuity or cohesiveness from (Marvel, or any for that matter) comics. I've just facepalmed meself.

  2. Just return it back to Marvel.

    Hear! Hear!

    So, Cable is a confirmed character for the Deadpool sequel, correct? I don't see how that could ever be made to coherently tie in with any of Fox's other X-movies. Based on the disjointed, f'ed up mess they've [Fox et al] made of it all with the movies--namely Scott & Jean/Madelyn/whoever-the-fu*k-it-was (I'm not terribly familiar with the Dark Phoenix storyline particulars), Cable can't/shouldn't even exist in that continuity.

  3. That Costworth in Mario's car sounds effing glorious when the guys at the garage run it up to get 'er ready for track duty.

    Hehe, racing rotaries do sound cool--but not for prolonged durations. If you had to listen to a couple of them--and say, about 20 or so Porsche flat-6's going at the same time--for 24 hrs straight, the noise could make just about anyone a bit punchy. <_<

  4. Due largely to my ignorance of Japanese racing history, but still; can't believe I never spotted this odd resemblance to the color patterns of everyone's favorite squad of intrepid space-fighter pilots?



    Well, I'll be dipped. So was/is Kawamori-san or someone on the original production team at Studio Nue a racing fan? Or just coincidence?

  5. I know they say history tends to repeat itself, but FFS. Did they learn nothing from King Kong Lives? Sh*tfest. That's what this is gonna be; bunch of CG 'splosions and stuff tied loosely together with sh*t plot and mailed-in acting.

    The presence of Jackson and Goodman do not reassure me. They're both reaching an age where they and/or their agents are probably respectively thinking: script offers ain't gonna keep rolling in like they did before, let's not be too picky...

    Then again, on the upswing: this could lead to another golden age of B-movie fodder, suitable for the consumption of fine cinematic cheese. Now if only drive-ins weren't [all but] extinct.

  6. Ooh yeah--how could I have missed this:


    for this?


    Pretty cool. I guess the fanboys are finally getting what's been wanted all along, i.e. seeing the images from the pages of some of the most iconic comics come to life, instead of Hollywood's interpretation of said comics--which often gets lost in translation (no pun intended).

    Question: when did Wonder Woman get so insanely powered-up though? Since when did she go from Amazonian princess, "earth's strongest woman" (but still human, eh?) to basically Superman with t*ts? :huh:

  7. I finally got around to seeing this one. Wow, it was a lot better than I thought it would be going in. There weren't nearly as many


    moments with the story/plot as there were in MoS. Admittedly, the opening credits scene felt like I was viewing Watchmen all over again. But still: an unexpected thumbs-up.

    Well damn, Affleck actually pulled it off. The only thing missing from the Batsuit was a vest pocket and a notepad--cause he (Batman) kicked ass and took names. The fight to rescue Martha Kent had me LOL'ing (in a good way, dat sh*t was awesome). Only thing it needed was a "POW" or a "ZAM" or a "KLONK" here and there. :p

    I did like the little nods in the film to the previous incarnations of our heroes. From the batsuit serving as a functional body armor, a la Burton & Nolan vers; to the Superman with the kryptonite in the marble "pool" scene a la Donner; to Supes getting nuked and regenerated by the sun (from one of the WB animated films, can't remember which); and of course the Dark Knight Returns nod with the power armor.

    Where they started to lose me though was the Doomsday fight, when dir. Snyder resorted to the over-the-top, faster-than-the-eye-can-register SFX. Feels a bit like directorial sleight of hand; like trying to dazzle viewers to distract from any proverbial holes or flaws in the background.

    Unlike MoS, I think this one'll hold up much better to multiple viewings.

  8. Hell, my money's on Marvel. Gotta give 'em credit: they've gotten damned good at making movies about their (comics) characters. CA:TWS, Guardians and Avengers 2--even Ant Man (my son loved that one) have all pleasantly surprised. They're doing a damned good job of assembling the right talent to make some pretty entertaining movies--without too much of the eye-rolling silliness you might expect from a comic-book-movie. I'm pretty stoked to see Black Panther make it to the big screen....

    It's too bad we can't see how they'd handle the "mutant" properties/movies....

  9. We've seen companies imagine remakes of the Pontiac Firebird using the current Chevrolet Camaro platform, but how about a modern Buick muscle car? The Buick Avista concept is a throwback to the marque's performance heritage. Under the hood is a 3.0 liter twin-turbo V6 that generates 400 bhp.

    2016 Buick Avista Concept

    Okay--it does look like they traced the outlines of the AMG nose and grafted their version of it onto the rear of (probably someone else's) another design. But still...that's a Buick? Holy sheep! :blink:

  10. Went to see it with the kids tonight. Good, but not great...

    Loved the locations used to set the backdrops. There were a fair number of scenes that felt a bit like re-hashing the old storie(s) just to showcase the bigger, better sfx; like Abrams is taking every opportunity to go: "See? See how much better I can do it than the original guy did it?" <_<

    I know that every film is influenced to some degree by films that have come before. I couldn't help but think: there's some anime parallels here, by jove...

    This Supreme Leader Snoke: dafug is this guy supposed to be? Zentraedi Gollum? :blink:

    Rey: is she supposed to be a Jedi? or a Newtype? What's with the wunderkind performances at everything she touches--with no training whatsoever?

    Poe: who the hell does he think he is, Max Jenius?

    Sorry, but this Kylo Ren just came across as a lightweight, for me. You, sir, are no Vader. Seriously. Capt. Phasma was more intimidating than he was (that, and I do have a thing for bad-girls :p). LOL, there were literally gasps of disappointment from the fangirls in the theater when he took off the helmet. Well, there was that one thing he did. With that one act, he crossed a threshold. That made him irredeemable, I'd say; there's no coming back from something like that. I don't know if you chalk it up to poor storytelling--resorting to over-the-top acts to create another ooh-ahh moment from the audience, or what.

    I like Fin's character, and his back-to-moviemaking-basics, white-hat vs black-hat motivations; how he does what he does "because it's the right thing to do." It just pegs the bullsh*t meter with how quickly he gets to where he is. Here we have a guy who's apparently been trained and programmed since early childhood, only to have his epiphany and change sides--by the end of his first mission? You f'in kiddin' me? I couldn't help but have a problem with the big escape with Poe scene. Dude had no problem hopping behind the controls of a gun turret and mowing down scores of his former comrades to make their getaway; the same guys he will have spent a lifetime bunking, eating, training with. Bad form, Mr. Abrams; you asked us to ignore the backstory just so you could have an excuse to show us some cool 'splosions an' sh*t. :angry:

    ed: the SFX were admittedly kickass, though. The Starkiller firing scene was like: got. dayum!

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