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Posts posted by reddsun1

  1. Anybody know what scale it's supposed to be? 1/55? It looks like they just "copied" the old Imai/Monogram model molds (looks just like it to me). But I like the Alpha; I wouldn't mind getting one, just because the old Gakken toys are way up there on price. But 80 bones just for an HG toy? no way. I'm confident that the price will have to come down. I'll just wait for bigbadtoystore.com to get some in--heck they've got MPC Valks for $35, so they're bound to give a decent price on these...

    I'd like to see a TF Cyclone toy too--I've got an old 1/6 Gakken, but it's so highly engineered--and as such, fragile--for a toy that I've only transformed it once or twice, then put it in storage for fear of breaking something...

  2. There are two additional versions I know of:


    --VF-1A (green/white, similar to Max & Kakizake schemes; seen in "Grand Cannon" ep.)

    --VF-1J (brown/white, can't remember ep.--Hikaru pilots Destroid, stops Zent. uprising)

    Someone help me out with this one; I once downloaded a pic of "official" Bandai color schemes for the Valkyrie 1/72 models. Included in this pic was a VF-1J in color scheme like Max or Milia's, but in gray/white. Looked like a gull gray. I can't seem to find this pic anywhere online anymore. Seemed to be the "military/Navy" interpretation of a Valkyrie to me when I saw it. Has anyone else seen such a picture or version of VF-1J?

  3. Hey! wait a dang minute! Since when do the first two Mad Max movies qualify as "bad"? They kick a$$ and take names. Mad Max II has what are STILL some of the greatest stunts and stunt-driving ever to grace the screen, period. But here's what comes to mind for me--in no particular order--when I think "B" movies (actual "sci-fi" status is arguable for some, admittedly):

    Killer Klowns from Outer Space

    Message From Space



    The Fantastic Four (Roger Korman)

    Captain America (1990-something live action)

    Master of The Flying Guillotine

    Shaolin vs. Lama (okay, so this and the prev. one are kung-fu, not sci-fi)

    Buckaroo Banzai


    The Evil Dead trilogy

    Fist of the North Star (doesn't everybody love watching people get hit and explode?)

    Jack Frost (straight to video, NOT the one with Michael Keaton!)

    ah, the list could go on and on...

    actually, you can find lots of web pages on B-movies, but this is an exceptionally good review site here: http://www.badmovies.org Lots of reviews and clips. And be sure to check out his Cool Stuff links; the "Random Thoughts" page will have you rolling. This guy is fuggin' hilarious! :D

  4. The only situation in which Drift is faster is on extremely sharp DOWNHILL corners. I stress downhill, because it's gravity that allows the cars to maintain speed through a drift. Autocross is a flat sport, hence the lack of drifting.

    There's one exception, though. Keiichi Tsuchiya has proven to be able to drift faster than he can grip. And just to put his grip speed in perspective, he's won Le Mans. He's beaten top-rung pro drivers using drift, while the other drivers gripped. This is the true reason Tsuchiya has earned the title "Drift King".

    Oh, by the way, a Stock Car HAS drifted! Tsuchiya became famous for drifting in a Japanese stock car race. And even more insane, he drove as a guest driver in a NASCAR race held in japan, and, of course, he drifted.

    I think it depends on your definition of "drift." When you get into all that engineering mumbo-jumbo (I was an English major--too much of that stuff makes my head hurt...) and what the "experts" say, a racing tire actually performs best at a slip angle of about 5-6 degrees. Slip angle defined is: "the angular displacement between the tire's plane of rotation and its actual path over the ground" i.e. it's the difference--measured in degrees--between the direction the tire is pointed in and the actual path it travels along over the road. So technically, a race car has to "drift" through a corner at a slip angle of about 5 deg. to be getting the maximum performance out of the tires. Friction between the tire and road, the elastic deformation of the tread, and all sorts of other confusing physical phenomenon is what generates cornering force, and keeps the car on the road and traveling along the general path the driver is "telling" the car through the steering wheel inputs. So technically, "drifting" is the fastest way around the track--and yes, you can actually feel this happening in the car; you can also tell when a car on the track is doing this, when you get the knack of what to look for in how a car's handling (especially with vintage race cars on bias plys).

    But that's not what we're seeing in these "drifting" contests/movies--that could more accurately be called SLIDING, and that's what I say is a general waste of tires and time. It's the wheel-spinning, tire-smoking, tail-out, bad cop-show-chase-scene kind of driving that I was referring to before.

  5. yea, i was thinking about the same thing engine-weight wise.

    anybody know what the movie for the ex-Driver series is called?

    EDIT: Reddy, is your avatar a scene from Laguna Seca?

    I think the Super 7's intended design strength was it's super light weight--hence, the need for nothing bigger than a four-banger. That pic of the Caterham is from a low angle, so it's hard to see just how small and low those cars really are. I know the original Lotus models used hand-beat aluminum in their construction; the body/frame by itself is so light, two guys could pick one up and move it around without a lot of trouble.

    The avatar is actually of some Australian Touring Cars from the 70's--can't remember what track though. I'm just a big fan of Aussie muscle cars, especially Falcons.

  6. be hilarous to see a Stock Car drift...and to tell the truth, that anime (the subject) actually piqued my interest in the Seven, so basically you can just get a different motor and tranny for them right? could a Ford 302 V8 fit in it? (at least i happen to have a 302/327 on hand...)

    That V8 would make a Seven a real hoot in the straights--but all that extra weight up front would probably make it a real pig in the handling department.

  7. Drifting is pretty cool. I respect the skill it takes to move those cars around like that on the ragged edge. Like yellowlightman said, I think it's a performance, a display of control and skill, if you will. But in regards to racing, i.e. covering the greatest distance in the shortest time--that AIN'T THE WAY TO DO IT. Under racing conditions in "real" race cars (for sake of argument, any cars on slick racing tires, with safety cages, etc.) the guy who comes out of every corner tail out, tires screaming may look like the hero to the crowd--but the fact of the matter is that all he's doing is looking the part. He's really only wasting precious time, and buggering some perfectly good racing tires. In a timed/distance race on a road course, the "hero" will eventually (usually sooner than later) succeed in:

    A. Blistering the tires from overheating

    B. Have a blow out or shred the tire and subsequently plant the car in the wall (usually follows A in short order)

  8. I actually wish there were another category to vote in: "some redeeming qualities, but otherwise not so good"

    I like the action scenes and the way they play as though "caught through the combat photographer's lens." The story plods along though, and is similar to the original in name only. This is not a "retelling" so much as a "capitalizing on the characters/license to get viewers for an otherwise different story."

    Captain Adama is a strong point--I tend to like E.J. Olmos' work as an actor. The dynamic between Adama and Apollo is pretty good, even though it's been done before.

    Col. Tigh--started out a loser, a chronic drunk and bad leader; but he starts to make a turnaround, and is turning out to be a stand up guy. He has to make some hard decisions, but he seems to be stepping up to the plate when things get worse. Still like the original better--the first Col. Tigh is da man!

    Baltar--sheesh, what a worm! As two-dimensional as the original was, I could respect him more then--evil megalomaniac he may have been, but he at least stood for something. The new one is just a despicable little sh-t.

    Starbuck--the whole "gender-switch" thing aside, this new Starbuck sucks. What a raging as-hole. I was wanting Col. Tigh to knock her on her arse at the end of ep. 2. Running neck and neck with the Lady President for "somebody blow this b-tch out the nearest airlock and start over" category.

    This whole "let's make a socio-political statement and make as many key characters as possible into I'm-better-than-any-man-super-strong-independant-rolemodel-woman dames" thing is being played to nausiating proportions. Could have left as per the original and been just fine. Didn't appreciate it as a kid when watching the original show, but it was pretty well ahead of its time with its portrayal of diverse characters, putting minorities and women in some key roles. Would have worked just as well this time around. Oh well, just my two cents. Getting off the soapbox...

  9. I have an honest question here:

    What does everyone see in the original Battlestar Galactica that they don't see (and somehow hate) in this new one? I watched the original BS: Galactica back in the '80s when it was on TV and I didn't think much of it then and still don't think much of it now. Sure it was the only thing on that was Sci-fi aside from Buck Rodgers (which was another terrible '80s show that everyone likes) so I'm chalking this up to "Star Wars syndrome" in that everyone is thinking of the original show with a patina of fond childhood memories and not remembering how terrible and stupid it was... I mean for god's sake it got cancelled... it had more reused stock footage and plot holes than Robotech. In my mind it isn't like they can screw the show up any more than the original one so I'll watch a few more episodes until I tire of it... which will most likely be tonight as it moves at a snail's pace with less action than nuns see in a convent.

    Now before my poop gets jumped by the crazies, I don't like this new one either... but I don't have a burning hatred of it and wish it dead. I see it for what it is, which is about the same thing as the original. Need I remind you all that BS: Galactica went downhill like a fat man on a greased sled after the first season? Anyone remember Battlestar "Conquest of the Earth"? Remember Wolfman Jack and the flying motorcycles?  :ph34r:

    If anything it is on par with the current Sci-fi TV shows on the tube: it is shallow, poorly written, cg'ed out the wazzoo with glaring mis-mathces with the real props, it reeks of "rip off" from several "bigger name" sources and it is staffed by B actors (including a bloated and rather sick looking Costello from Miami Vice) who are most likely crossing their fingers that their paychecks clear the bank. I bet Sci-fi will run the bajebus out of it like "Taken" until they come up with some other terrible mini series to take it's place (anyone up for a remake of Kidd Video?)...

    ROTFLMAO!! :D Hear! Hear! Well said, sir! I think your observations on this new show are very well put. Long time lurker, first time poster (on the new board, anyway).

    I happen to think this new "retelling" of the Battlestar saga sucks donkey's balls, from a storytelling point of view. But I do like the special effects--the combat scenes are very well done, I think (but there are definitely some bloopers to be found--just saw one in ep. 2 tonight). I also will go out on a limb here and say with a fair degree of certainty that I'm sure the visual effects producers of this show are DEFINITELY Macross and/or Robotech fans (as well as other shows--the influence of earlier works on filmmakers can be found in just about any movie). Just watched ep 2 tonight, and there are definitely a lot of similarities. C'mon, don't those huge volleys of Cylon missles streaking through space make anybody else think of Macross, like in the opening battle of DYRL? (ironic that the BAD GUYS use missles so much in this show, huh)

  10. I have an honest question here:

    What does everyone see in the original Battlestar Galactica that they don't see (and somehow hate) in this new one? I watched the original BS: Galactica back in the '80s when it was on TV and I didn't think much of it then and still don't think much of it now. Sure it was the only thing on that was Sci-fi aside from Buck Rodgers (which was another terrible '80s show that everyone likes) so I'm chalking this up to "Star Wars syndrome" in that everyone is thinking of the original show with a patina of fond childhood memories and not remembering how terrible and stupid it was... I mean for god's sake it got cancelled... it had more reused stock footage and plot holes than Robotech. In my mind it isn't like they can screw the show up any more than the original one so I'll watch a few more episodes until I tire of it... which will most likely be tonight as it moves at a snail's pace with less action than nuns see in a convent.

    Now before my poop gets jumped by the crazies, I don't like this new one either... but I don't have a burning hatred of it and wish it dead. I see it for what it is, which is about the same thing as the original. Need I remind you all that BS: Galactica went downhill like a fat man on a greased sled after the first season? Anyone remember Battlestar "Conquest of the Earth"? Remember Wolfman Jack and the flying motorcycles?  :ph34r:

    If anything it is on par with the current Sci-fi TV shows on the tube: it is shallow, poorly written, cg'ed out the wazzoo with glaring mis-mathces with the real props, it reeks of "rip off" from several "bigger name" sources and it is staffed by B actors (including a bloated and rather sick looking Costello from Miami Vice) who are most likely crossing their fingers that their paychecks clear the bank. I bet Sci-fi will run the bajebus out of it like "Taken" until they come up with some other terrible mini series to take it's place (anyone up for a remake of Kidd Video?)...

    ROTFLMAO!! :D Hear! Hear! Well said, sir! I think your observations on this new show are very well put. Long time lurker, first time poster (on the new board, anyway).

    I happen to think this new "retelling" of the Battlestar saga sucks donkey's balls, from a storytelling point of view. But I do like the special effects--the combat scenes are very well done, I think (but there are definitely some bloopers to be found--just saw one in ep. 2 tonight). I also will go out on a limb here and say with a fair degree of certainty that I'm sure the visual effects producers of this show are DEFINITELY Macross and/or Robotech fans (as well as other shows--the influence of earlier works on producers can be found in just about any movie). Just watched ep 2 tonight, and there are definitely a lot of similarities. C'mon, don't those huge volleys of Cylon missles streaking through space make anybody else think of Macross, like in the opening battle of DYRL? (ironic that the BAD GUYS use missles so much in this show, huh)

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