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Posts posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. little late the the party there ;)

    DYRL? style FAST packs have been out for months now, the boosters come without markings and have stickers for Roy, Max, Hikaru, kakizaki and generic UN SPACY.


    Knew the parts had already been released, but did not know they came with the customizing stickers.

    I can update the RELEASE LIST with the info.

    I'll try to look around later, but does anyone have any pictures or scans of the sticker sheets?

    Thanks again! :D

  2. Came across these photos (HERE) from Hobby Complex 07-Tokyo and there appears to be stand-alone Fast Packs for both Max and Kakizaki.

    Or could it just be another Super Parts set with a set of character-specific decals?

    The placards do not state any release dates, but do list the prices as 3,990円 which would state that they are separate releases as opposed to a full-on Super Valks:






    On a side note, is this also a new stand being shown?

  3. I didnt realize you were still udating your pinned list... awesome job!

    Thanks for checking it out! Updating it is the fun part.

    Speaking of which.......do we have a confirmed release date for the Elint?

    Came across this pic form the Hobby Complex show, but, wouldn't you know, the -1A is blocking the date!!! <_<


  4. The new Dynasty Warriors Gundam game is fun.

    A bit harder this time.

    Now the bad news It is dubbed only :(

    Been waiting for my friend to pick this up, so we can do an 8-hour+ marathon with it.

    Bites on the dub, but no big deal for me.

    Valkyria Chronicles DLC: Completed all 4 Selvaria missions including the covert ops one. Now on to Edy's Detachment. ;)


    Hopefully will get a network card thingee to purchase these next week. Glad they got a lot of 'meat' to the missions.

  5. 5 years ago there was a 'wishlist' thread (HERE), and I had the following:


    So now that we've got a Ghost, add the Fan Racer "toy" with the Cat's Eye!!

    Include the asteroid and smashed canopy for the Cat's Eye to take out the pilot!

    (BTW, when looking at that thread, it's pretty interesting how many wishes came to life!!)

  6. They are decals that are sold separately i believe, check back on this forum for the thread showing these stickers.

    Look at the price listed, though - 12,600 円.

    A Hikaru VF-1S with the decals included?

    It's gotta be an online exclusive,

    because I can't imagine a high number of these being purchased if the price falls between the standard release @ 10,290 円 and the Super/Strike release @ 13,440 円.


    Why not just release the decals separately.................

  7. Nothing on suspected release dates for these three, right?

    I'd also hazard a guess that at least one of them will end up being a Yamato Online exclusive...............

  8. ...my only problem is that I also had the story album when I was a kid, and I listened to it incessantly. To this day, I still have Orson Bean and John Huston's voices going through my head when I read the book...

    ....Ohh..What are you doin', and where are you goin'?

    Your ponies need shoein'! The river is flowin'......

    Sorry, did I induce a nightmare!?!


  9. YASAI BANZAI!! :lol: Though i'm not really sure when exactly the potential is activated (i don't see any vegetables on the map....)

    Yes i'm playing it subbed. ^_^

    GrandCannon: Unlock the beach episode. ;)

    Saw both of these last night! Actually saw the beach episode a couple of times....... :o

    I swear you're unable to get an A rank on some of these missions!

  10. I love the art style as well. No issues with the art style. But the engine's anti-aliasing needs some work...hopefully future games will utilise the CANVAS engine and eliminate the aliasing.

    Side missions? You mean the ones you unlock from the journalist by paying her? Speaking of side missions, DLCs for VC is coming this month. :) We get two extra missions and HARD EX mode unlocked.


    Currently at chapter 10. ;) Loving the game.

    Yes, Not sure how to go about getting them, though. I cleared it and am now-replaying, but when I visited her with a boatload of $$$, there was nothing to buy.

    I didn't visit her during the game more than once, should I have?

    Can't wait for the DL stuff.

  11. I doubt its the art style though. Why take away from aesthetics and make straight lines look jagged? Well 1st time i saw it at my friend's place i didn't really realised the jagged lines...probably because he wasn't using a true HD tv and i was sitting far away from it. Probably more noticeable when you're using a 1080p monitor where you sit just about a feet away. I'll take the game to another friend's place and see how it looks there.

    Btw I just completed 1st encounter with Selvaria. OMG HAX!! 0.o.

    And lol...lelouch is Maximilian. i keep hearing Jun Fukuyama's voice in everything that has an European character now.

    Hmmmm, the art style to me is great. No issues here.

    Just finished the game, awesome stuff!! Highly recommend this game!! If only there were another release of Final Fantasy Tactics in this format.

    Now I have to figure out how to get those 'side missions' or whatever they are.......

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