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Posts posted by Beltane70

  1. 19 hours ago, MKT said:

    Not exactly Macross, but this scene in Thunderbirds recalls Alto (and I think Hayate too in one of Delta movies) remote-calling his jet free falling in the air:


    It’s even closer than you think since that plane, Thunderbird Shadow, was designed by Kawamori himself!

  2. On 2/9/2024 at 7:29 PM, kazuo said:

    Adapting "The First" Manga into an anime probably isn't the worst idea, honestly. Especially if they get WIT & Clover Works to do it. ;)

    I feel it’s a bit pointless to do so since it’s incomplete and looks like it will remain that way forever. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Gendo Koun said:

    I don't know where exactly to put this, but this is what I found randomly while searching anime  on Google 


    Kawamori did the mecha designs in this show.  I remember seeing them launch drones where the ones they used looked exactly like the Ghosts from Macross Zero. 

  4. 23 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Finished My Dress-up Darling yesterday.

    It's cute.  I'm kind of surprised it hasn't had a second season yet.

    Whole bunch of new episodes seem to drop on saturdays, so I've got new Blue ExorcistMashleThe Strongest Tank's Labyrinth RaidsTales of Wedding Rings, and A Sign of Affection waiting for me.

    Still haven't started Metallic Rouge.  The two watch groups I'm in went backwards a bit... one to Original Dirty Pair and another to Love After World Domination.

    They announced a second season for My Dress-Up Darling towards the end of 2022, but haven’t yet set a release date. At the time it was announced, there hadn’t yet been enough chapters of the manga to support the second season, but I suspect that we’ll probably get more information this year now that the manga is up to Chapter 100. 

  5. I was not expecting to see Iczer-Robo getting a release as a plastic kit. I hope that means that we'll be seeing an Iczer-Sigma kit some time down the road! Another surprise announcement was the TechnoVoyager vehicles. I'm also happy to see that they doing Rahxephon since I was never able to get my hands on the Bandai kit when it was released over twenty years ago. Last, but not least, with the announcement of the Garland from Megazone 23, I hope that we'll be seeing some of the other mecha from it, particularly the Wilde Sau from part 2.

  6. On 7/2/2022 at 7:14 PM, Gamma00Ray said:

    I went to Cinemark in Hazlet, NJ for both. It was a pretty small crowd for both, but it wasn't abysmal. Everyone was there on time for the first movie, but strangely people were coming in late for the second. I figured they were going to considering I saw that practically the same seats for both showing were sold. Maybe they were getting caught up in early shore traffic. I know I did, but I also made sure to leave home early enough.

    Cinemark's showing was fine. All of the previews and bonus stuff were shown. There were two brief sound dropouts during the second movie, but it was nothing major. The video was fine on both showings. Maybe not the highest quality video ever, but plenty fine. It was enough to make me happy, and the movies made me happy. I absolutely love Sheryl, so getting to see her on the big screen was awesome.

    I mostly ignored reading the song lyrics subtitles, but I've got to echo the comment about Sheryl's lyrics being thirsty. My dad joked to me that I was going to see a dirty movie, and then Sheryl's first song in the second movie starts with "Mix your DNA inside of me!" :D I just about died :D

    Nobody else in the theater seemed to be a fan of Macross in particular, though there was at least one fan of anime or at least Japanese culture in general because I saw one guy wearing a Band Maid shirt. That was cool. I think the people in my row weren't fans and found some of the animeness of the movie amusing (they thought Gothic Lolita Alto was hilarious), but they weren't annoying about it. I hope the two movies served to open up the world to anime to some new people.

    What a small world, that was actually the very same theater that I saw the two films at! The guy with the Band Maid shirt was actually one of the two friends that I went to see it with. All three of us are both anime and Macross fans (my avatar is a pretty dead giveaway for me). We even had the same seats for both shows. There was also a guy next to me that wasn't part of my group, though funny enough, I knew from work that wasn't a Macross fan. He only went to see it because he likes seeing anime films in theaters. For some reason, he didn't go to the first film, and wound up not liking the second one, said it "bored him to tears". His two biggest complaints was that there was too much talking and he thought that the using music to fight was cheesy. I guess it's a good thing that he never saw Macross 7!

  7. 16 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    I just listened to this episode of The Moth, a live storytelling... campaign? organization? Anyway, this episode is from Veterans' Day 2016. All three stories are good listens if you have the time, but the first one, "Good to Go," is most relevant: Ted Hartley talks about flying - and landing - the F9F Panther.


    Just hearing about the F9F brings back memories of my childhood. The town that I grew up in had a retired one that was stripped and used as a playground piece from 1969 to 1987. I used to play on that old plane all the time when I was a kid. That very same plane is now restored and is one of the display pieces in the Intrepid Museum in NYC. 

  8. 3 hours ago, JB0 said:

    Cancelled, "rebooted", cancelled again. Both times before the first space fold.

    The second time was in the middle of an extended flashback to Roy's service in the Unification Wars.


    My impression(and if I'm wrong, someone please correct me) is that the biggest problem was that pretty much any job Mikimoto can get pays better than manga chapters. The First's publication was contingent upon there being dry spells in his illustration work, and he wound up with a LOT of illustration work available.

    It got further than the first space fold in its first run. The last thing before they did the flashback started was introducing Lap Lamiz and Milia. 

  9. Discovered and started watching Tokimeki Tonight on YouTube. It’s a comedy in the vein of Urusei Yatsura featuring a female main character who’s the daughter of a vampire and werewolf trying to live a normal life in the human world. One of the most interesting things about this show is that it started airing in the same week that the original Macross series did. 

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