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Posts posted by Benson13

  1. I've pre-ordered 12 units, not sure how many I am going to get.

    I am keeping 2 and Macrossfan00 is getting 1. Any left over will be offered here first (at compariable non-ebay prices), then Franks and eBay.

    Let me know Nano. I didn't have the money at the preorder time but I will when my tax return gets in soon.

  2. That "fun" boss battle irritated the hell out of me. Stupid curving lasers.

    I'm not at the end yet, but I was curious, are the endings simply picked by a dialouge choice? I'm up to 5000+ so I guess I met the requirements for the Green ending.

  3. There is nothing whining or nagging about your posts. We spend a lot of money on our collections and unless you're a trustfund baby you probably worked hard to get what you have. I'll be damned if anyone thinks they are taking anything from me without a fight.

    I'm glad things look like they're gonna work out for you.

  4. I hate being stuck at work right now. All I want to do is open the spoilers and see what you guys are talking about. Can someone give me a mission name for a good spot to save to get the various endings?

    I think I might be about 3/4ths of the way through the game right now. I just picked up Legion and doing his Geth quests.

  5. Be careful when you import your save files from 2 to 3. I saved everyone in 2 and then played another from my savepoint at the end of the game again to mess around. Tali got waxed and I didnt think anything of it. Now I'm halfway through 3 and I noticed Tali is on the Wall of Shame by Kaiden on the ship.

  6. I just ran into Jacob in my ME3 game. Pulled him out of a nice little "situation". I never really used him in ME2 unless I had too. In fact, I didn't really care for any of the ME2 characters except for Jack. Legion was kinda cool but that was it. I pretty much just stuck to the original ME characters as much as I could through out all three games.

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