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Posts posted by Benson13

  1. Got my Yamato SDF-1 in today. VF-1T totally came through on shipping, communications, item description, and honesty. The damage he stated was so minor it's not even noticable even when you know what you're looking for. Anyone who considered this buy or complained about the price missed out. Thanks for the great buy.

  2. Got the SDF-1 in today. Holy Hell. I had no idea. VF-1T totally came through on shipping, communications, item description, and honesty. The damage he stated was so minor it's not even noticable even when you know what you're looking for. Anyone who considered this or complained about the price missed out. Thanks for the great buy.

  3. Kicker!!!! Stop messin with ur photobucket pics!! Hahhaa, I always check this thread a few days later and then your pic links are all dead.

    Can you edit those posts and fix the link pics??

    As for posting updates for my collection, I'm waiting for a new centerpiece to arrive that will be my holy grail. Pics to come soon!

    Between you and Kicker, you collections blow my mind. I'm looking forward to this holy grail though...

  4. So I'm embarking on my first ever custom paint job and I'm looking for recommendations for brushes, paint, and techniques.

    This is a small job and I won't be touching the 1/48 itself, just the side, neck, and intake covers. The Valk is a 1/48 VF-1S Roy. I'm looking to get the covers to match the Valk. Is there a recommended yellow and black for this?

    The material I'll be painting is resin, the side and neck covers are recasts. The intake covers are factory material.

    Thanks for your help guys, I appreciate it.

  5. Ok, so I'm at a dillemma guys. I got Mass Effect III as a gift, but I've never played the first two. I've heard about how awesome they are as games though, and would LOVE to play this one. I'm wondering if just reading the wiki's and stuff on this (for like 5 hours) should be good enough to catch up and stuff, and thoroughly enjoy the game.

    Or should I just trade it in for something else...?

    I say play them. It's a great series. Right from the beginning when Jenkins runs into battle with the WOW reference everything is great.

  6. Well I just got some bad News. My sister had to change her wedding plans and guess what? She picked wonderfest weekend. So it really bums me out that I can't go. But Thor will still be at our table with some of my macross goodies and his as well. Well there is always next year!

    Did you ask her if she understands how selfish she's being? If that fails there's always the 50% of marriages end in divorce, so I'll just go to your next one angle. I've tried both with friends and they're not guaranteed to work.

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