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Posts posted by dna

  1. Is Edgar dead?

    I could've sword I saw his parachute from episode three, but when Shin finds his 0D in the jungle Shin calls out his name?

    Then a bunch of birds and snakes crawl out of the canopy with some spruts of dark brown liquid and he tells Sara not to look.

    I was watching the raw, so maybe I'm wrong.  What went on in that scene?

    That's not his VF-0D, just another one that was downed. Shin was just calling out to see if the pilot of the zero was still alive and say that he was an ally.

    Ah. I was wondering about that myself.

  2. Seriously. What's your problem with any form of protection? What would you like to do with these scans if he didn't protect them? I can look at them just fine, and put a bookmark on them so I always know where to look. Do you want to put them on your own website? Do you want to make RPG stats for them or something? Maybe you want to turn them into a Robotech creation? Please, tell us why Nanashi should remove any sort of protection.

    Did you actually read the quote you referenced? Where did he say that Nanashi should get rid of all his copy protection?

    But way to go with the rabid attack.

  3. Maybe they went supernatural with M0 so that Harmony Gold wouldn't be able to integragate it into their cockamamie story they call Robotech :lol:

    Way to go with the zing!

    Except that it would make it EASIER to integrate with the protoculture concept :rolleyes:

  4. Yes, I would buy a HG Macross 7 but if only the voice actors for Max & Miriya(Robotech version) would reprised their roles. Also, no damned narrator!!! I'm not stupid I don't need a walkthrough a tv show; sheesh......... ;) I also wonder if HG could be able to link DYRL into Robotech. Maybe Macross 7 but I don't know about DYRL.

    I think Reba would be the deal breaker for me - if she's in, then I'm in.

  5. Here's the pic for size comparison. There's some kind of filter that got turn on when I took the pic (not used to the camera yet). And about the dealer, he main deal with asian live action films. His booth consist of 80% DVDs and 15 % toys and 5% t-shirts. So I don't think he really knows, but then again, it has to be boot leg, I'm going to try and meet up with EXO and let him to check it out to see if it is.

    It looks dead on though, even down to the stampings on the underside.

  6. I for one say it's a good idea because it exposes G4 programing to TechTV watchers and vice versa.

    Except that G4 programming sucks ass. Tech TV might have been past it's hey-day, but it was loads better than G4. Did I mention it sucks?

  7. What did Kawamori (and Bandai Visual) say when they were at Anime Expo when they were here?

    Shoji Kawamori personally asked us to buy Macross Zero. He was asking us to support them.

    Who should we support? The people who made Macross or those who take it, screw it up and then call it their own?

    I say we boycott Harmony Gold and buy Big West's official products.

    If anyone needs some help aquiring official Macross items-just ask. I will help.

    If Kawamori wanted me to buy his product, why doesn't he make it easier? Even if he can't release state-side, he could still make a region free disk we could import. Even better, that would have real translations.

    By not doing this, Kawamori and Bandai Visual are telling me they do not want my business. This is why I don't bother to buy R2 copies and instead patronize bootleggers.

    I have no problem with giving HG my money if they make a product I want.

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