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Posts posted by dna

  1. M7 first, then Galaxy (which I thought was kinda weak, but nicer production values) and then D7. I think I like D7 the most, but if you don't watch M7 before that, you'll be just WTF? Chronological is the way to go.

  2. I don't like the looping stock-footage mecha animation in M7. You know what I'm talking about. The VF-17 and the VF-19 were primary culprits during transformations/posing. The Soundforce mecha, too. It's like they took a cheap page from magical-shows like Sailor Moon to come up with that repeating animation-footage. And the way they made Milia's VF-22 blush and giggle and stuff in one episode (i think it's in the extra-episodes), C'MON! That's really crossing the line there.

    I don't remember Macross-TV having as much looping ridiculously-looking stock-footage of transformations (if any at all) and other stuff like the stuff you get in M7.

    You need to rewatch some Macross then. They have plenty of it. And the looping animation you mention in M7 is actually not too bad looking. If you wanna complain about loop animation in M7, then complain about the poor VF-11s that keep getting blasted every episode. Not only was it badly shot, it was bad quality.

    And when you mention Magcal Girl anime in conjunction with M7, you're supposeded to mention Basara and the monster of the week, not launch scenes.

    Get your complaints right!

  3. Well...yes and no. Some of the animation was very nice (although not as good as Evangelion, which debuted a year later), but the one thing that always galled me about M7 is that the animators have NO idea how to show someone playing a guitar convincingly. I mean, it's a small thing, but I get tired of Basara only playing one chord for an entire song...

    Lol, I have seen very few shows that have somebody who actually looks like they can play whatever instrument they have.

  4. Most of us can withstand and tolerate the bad stuff in SDF-TV. It's just that prolly more than half of us cannot stand nor tolerate the same things in M7.

    And this makes sense because...?

    Especially considering M7 was a mid-90's release, so the sophistication and technology were available for M7 that SDF-TV was just lacking as an early 80's release.

    It's all about the money. I tolerated it in SDF M cause the story was great, and there is a measure of great art. Same thing goes towards M7.

  5. No, that can't be it. I watched the first 20 some episodes within the course of 3 days

    Lol, I watched the entire series for the first time on a weekend.

    There is no such thing as too much Macross.

  6. You can have some problems with capturing screenshots unless you turn off hardware acceleration (assuming PC not MAC).

    Just if you don't know what I'm talking about, right click the desktop and choose properties/settings/troubleshoot. Move the slider off.

  7. I liked them both  :lol:

    Ok, maybe I`ll go for the design concept, is much more meaner compare to the one in M3.

    If the VF-14 is later incorporated into the Varauta valks, shouldn`t Max as the Mac 7 fleet commander realized that the Varauta had connection with the UN? Since he DID fly the VF-14 before, sure he should remember one thing or two when he encountered the varauta valks.

    Max:" Hey they stole my old valk.........?"

    Stupid question here, where can I find Mac 7 plus spiritia dreaming?  :D

    The Varuta Valkyries were changed to such an extent that they only bare a general simularity.

    I just count it as one of the plot holes. Somebody there should have at least seen some similarities.

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