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Posts posted by ae_productions

  1. Hey! I don't have a sticker sheet for sale, but I can scan it for you if you want a high quality scan.

    Once you have a scan, you can take it to a print shop to get water decals or high quality stickers made.

    But, if you'd rather hold out for the real deal, that's cool too. Just putting it out there if you need it. Contact me.


  2. You know I was thinking about this same topic the other day. I thought damn, I spent a ton on these figures, what if I ever wanted to sell them? Am I screwing myself? I have friends come over and ask about different stuff in my collection, then they ask about the prices I paid for some, and they usually call me a moron. It hit me the other day, I really don't give a poo what they're actually worth, what they will be worth, or whatever, I got them for me, I'm a damn nerd and I love it. I really don't see what collector's like us should be contemplating, I'm sure maybe a couple people bought their valks as investments, to sell later, but for the majority we don't plan on selling anything unless we fall on hard times, so basically I see no real purpose in giving anything in my collection a price tag or value.

    Damn. That was spot on.

    My wife basically told me the same thing recently. And that is awesome. She understands that they make me happy, and she supports that (even if she doesn't understand the hobby itself).

    I do have some friends who do NOT understand my collection. Yet, they'll drop 2 grand to get a single ticket for the big football game. In 4 hours, their adventure is over. Mine. Well, they'll stay with me for the rest of my life. (Hopefully).

    To each his own, I guess. Point is, do what makes you happy. And if people don't like it, you just gotta be a honey badger.

  3. I think a lot of it really has to do with 3-4 straight releases of the same thing, but with missiles. Let's be honest, I already have 3 Reguld's... I want something else now. I do want a Light Artillery & a Tactical - but I really want that Glaug first, and the other Valks.

    Make a business plan out of it! Don't release the same thing back to back to back. Like (no particular order here) Standard Reguld, 1/100 Valk (VF-1D), Glaug, 1/100 Valk (Elint), Heavy Reguld, 1/100 Valk (Ostrich), Light Reguld, 1/100 Valk (TV Max), Reguld (Tactical), Valk (TV Kaki), etc...

    Release 1 a month or every other month. Do what Mattel did with He-Man, and now Ghostbusters & DCU - offer a subscription. Commit to 1 year of the line. If it works - continue the line. If it doesn't, well, at least you satisfied the core of your market.

    Even if they went deeper into the enemy mecha, there are enough characters and deco's to justify costs as each mold would get at least 3 separate releases out of it. There are still at least 5 Valk deco's, Nousjadeul-Ger, Queadluun-Rau, Gnerl Fighter Pod... the list goes on. At a $20 - $30 price range (which is great) and enough of a product line, the line would generate interest on it's own. Then you'd have all of us talking about the releases getting more people into it.

    Just mho rant & 2 cents!

    I have to disagree.

    The Mattel MOTU classics line has turned into a butchered over priced market driven by scalpers leaving most of the fans in the cold, forcing to buy prices beyond the already inflated Mattel on-line price.

    Toynami has the right idea about their 1/100 line. It's inexpensive. Customizable. And let's face it, the most fun you'll ever have for 20 bucks. :-)

    I do like their enemy mecha. But, I agree that the line should have been broken up.

    A great example of this is Beagle. They had an amazing product with their Mospeada Bikes. Had they released the Fuke (or even Yellow for that matter) as the 1st or second release, we probably would have had 3 MOSPEADA releases instead of 2.

    Saturating a market with the same mold only works in Transformers, GI JOE and Star Wars lines. :)

    Many bash Toynami. But I still support them. Some of their products are fantastic. This includes the 1/100 line.

    And, even though I am a little tired of the Regult/Battlepods, I have made several purchases of each hoping to help pave the way for the Glaug, Elintseeker, GBP, Super Ostrich and the VT-1D 1/100 toys.

    I agree that everyone has a right to express their opinion. But if you hate Toynami and/or Robotech, then to paraphrase another member....go play in another sandbox. :)

  4. I think when I'm gone from this world, my ashes will be put into all my valkyries, and launched into space. Talk about piloting a Valkyrie in real life...kinda.

    Win. That's as close as we're probably going to get. Ha ha!

  5. So the oxidation process cannot be stopped. Thanks for the input

    Well, it depends.

    Keep your toys out of direct sunlight. When you are storing them, be sure it's in a dark place. I use a black plastic storage bin.

    If you smoke, wash your hands before handling the plastic. And DO NOT smoke anywhere around your toys.

    Take these steps, and it should help prevent oxidation. Keep in mind, there are thousands of different plastics used throughout the years. Different plastics will oxidize for different reasons. But if you follow the tips above, you will defiantly increase the lifespan of your toys.

    Once the oxidation has started, there's nothing you can do to "fix" it. But, if you follow the steps above, it usually won't turn any more yellow than it is now. Usually, but not always. Again, different plastics...

    Hope this helps a bit. Sorry this happened to your fighter.

  6. Everyone shut up about a v3.0 :lol:

    Does anyone else see a matte finish on this?

    For a Stealth fighter? That would be proper! Can't wait for this fighter! I told my wife this is all I want for Christmas! :) I've never seen Macross 7. But I got the old BanDai, and it became one of my favorite Valks. I have such high hopes for this toy. I hope it's as good as the 1:60 v2 VF-19. That toy is rock solid. For a Yamato first release, that's unheard of!

    Is it December yet?

  7. Thanks for the heads up.

    I've seen DYRL a dozen times. I honestly never knew the Valks were grey! My wife says I'm colorblind. Guess this confirms it. :)

    It does make sense now that I think about it. The BanDai 2002 ReIssue Chunkey's were all grey (except the DYRL 1A and Super 1S). And my DYRL Yamatos are an off white.

    Regardless, good information to know.

    These would be great to customize. I missed out on the no color 1S. The eBay rates are so absurd it's turned me away from the v2 1:60's. For now. I hope Yamato reissues them next year for Macross' 30th Anniversary.

    And I will be picking these up. Don't want to miss out a second time!

  8. I'm a huge fan of the Hi-Metal toys. I think they're well worth MSRP. I'm really bummed to see the line die because with the newest VF-25 V2 toy costing 75% more than original with shipping and currency fluctuation, now seems like the perfect time to invest in a smaller scale line with a much lower MSRP. As far as Toynami goes, they weren't sophisticated enough to deliver good Robotech merchandise and they shot themselves in the foot with the brand and now can't make money with it. Since they can't make money with it there's no incentive to release the toys even if there is a minority still wanting their remaining products badly. I'd love to see the Glaug and the 1/100 VF-1 toys make it to release... but I know there aren't a whole lot of people like me.

    It is too bad about the hi-metal! That line had a lot of potential. And oddly enough, from what I have been told, it sold decently. Curious as to why BanDai pulled the plug? Do smaller scale figures mean smaller profit margins? Obviously. :) But I would think QUANTITY would make up for that? With the market being as bad as it is, it's a little easier to swallow to spend 100 bucks on a Hi-Metal toy than 300 on the 1:60 VF-19! (Apples and Oranges, Yamato and BanDai)...

    As far as Toynami goes, I have heard the line is still alive. Steve Yun said at one of the conventions this year that the line was still going... But, sometimes what he says and what happens, are two things entirely. (But not always his fault).

    Toynami had some pretty promising releases on the horizon. With the Elintseeker, Super Ostrich, the GBP and VT-1D...not to mention the glaug...

    All releases I know many fans would love to get their hands on.

    Time will tell. I hope we see more.

  9. In grey please!

    I mean no insult, I'm only asking.

    Is gray better than white plastic?

    Does it have to do with yellowing (oxidation)? Or is it just easier to paint from a modeling perspective? Or, is it just a matter of looks?

    Just curious. New at the modeling thing. Well, not new. I use to model a lot when I was a kid. But that was a long, long time ago.

    And, there's always a lot to learn about these things regardless.

    Thanks in advance for the insight!

  10. VALK009: You came through for me with an insane hook up. I will NEVER forget that! If Robotech.com doesn't ship overseas, I'll pick one up for you and I will ship it to you. Exact shipping + price. Should be around 230 USD or so shipped.

    505thAirborne: Sure thing! I will PM you the second after I put my order in! I heard Christmas from one source, then I heard October from another. I check once a day and will PM you!

  11. I really wanted to jump on the BanDai Hi-Metal's, but they cost way too much IMO, which held me back all together.

    I sure hope Toynami release the Glaug, Elint & Ostrich.

    The hi-metals are really awesome. But, the line is dead. And, even if you did decide to start collecting them, most of them are really difficult to obtain if you live outside of Japan.

    2 of the 7 figures (including the fastpacks, sold separately) are "mass" release. 5 of the 7 releases are web exclusive, Japan residents only.

    So, considering these factors, it may not really be a good time to collect the hi-metals. Which, is too bad. Because for the size and scale, they are AWESOME.

    Just my opinion. :)

  12. And then Version 3 comes out :D

    No! Don't cure this release with your prophecy's of doom! Ha ha! You're probably right! Seriously, that's been the formula since Yamato has entered the scene.

    Why expect anything different???

    I just hope it's good enough toy to want to keep. Enough for me to NOT want to get the inevitable v3. Or v4. :)

  13. Such a marel of engineering. My grandfather was a grunt. He'd joke with his airforce buddies that he couldn't believe some of "those metal contraptions" could fly! :)

    Love the Fa-18. That plane is badass. It's startling that such a large craft has such a claustrophobic cockpit!

    Never been on board a Navy vessel, but been close a few times for work. The "awe" factor never goes away. They're a sight to behold. Those pictures are awe-inspiring, but I bet they don't hold a candle to the real thing.

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Upper shoulder rotation was also a problem for my yf-19. Overdrive shipped me a set of complete arm/shoulder replacement, and even these were as loose as the ones I intended to replace.

    That bites.

    I don't have the 19. But, is there a way to partially take that shoulder apart? Add a drop of superglue to an unseen area to add friction (tightness)? I've had to do this trick with several of my Transformers. It's a great fix to tighten a loose joint. Instead of superglue, I've also heard of people using clear nail polish (which doesn't last very long), or future floor sealant. Now, once it dries, if you put too much glue on, you can sandpaper or dremmel the excess glue to a tightness you are happy with.

    Just a suggestion. Hope it helps. Again, don't have a 19, so don't know if this is viable or not.

  15. Hasbro needs to do this next! Brilliant!

    Seriously, Hasbro could really milk this thing.






    With a little re-tooling we could have...




    Makes me want to jump in on the customs! :-)

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