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Posts posted by NSJ23

  1. Don't give anybody any ideas. We have enough trouble with the whole trukk not munk thing. Then there's always the G1 purists who argue over which continuity is canon. The Cartoon, the Marvel comics, the Dreamwave comics, or hte Japanese cartoons.

    *is a card carrying member of the organic TFs suck club*

    Yep, With TF's It's not Company Vs. Company. It's Fans vs. Fans.

  2. How Come all the "New" Finishing Moves these losers do now are all rip off of the Stone cold stunner? The RKO is the worst finishing move I can think of right Now.

    I glad to see Shelton Benjamin win the IC belt, but it was disrespectful of the WWE to give Chris Jericho that Belt in the first place. Once you have have been the World Champ and the 1st undisputed champ at that. The lowest title you should hold are the Tag titles.

  3. I also don't have time for the PC or GC games I have alone. New handheld holds no interest for me.


    I have far to many games on my PC, PS2 And Game Cube that just sit here and collect dust do to lack of time. So I don't have time for overpriced Will be marked down in 6 months handhelds.

  4. Season one has been on DVD for a While now, it's about $70.00 at Deepdiscountdvd. I'm still waiting for two. This has been my favorite show period for the past 2 1/2 years. 

    According to Amazon.com it will be released on October 12th.

    My bad, The pre-order has been up for about a month and half. :unsure:

    Watched lost again tonight of the new shows this and father of the Pride are my favorites

  5. The Wire - If you have HBO, you're probably like I was before this summer. You watch the Sopranos, simply because every now and again it's incredible. You may watch Six Feet Under or Deadwood, because you hope it'll be the next Sopranos. You watched Carnivale, scratched your head and said, "huh?" and maybe watch Curb Your Enthusiasm when it's on. Then there's that TV show that all the critics rave about and nobody you know ever watches. The Wire.

    So, you sit down one day and watch an episode... and you have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on. There's cops, but they aren't like the TV cops on every other show... they don't always get their man, they are often complete wrecks, and they seem to deal with their own inner department politics as much as they do criminals. Then there's drug lords... who don't live on yachts or sip crystal as they discuss cliches about "the hood." They take economics classes and they live in the crappiest places in America and they fear competition almost twice as much as they do the police. Then you have dock workers and their union... huh?

    I tried to watch it and gave up after about 15 minutes. Eventually, I had heard enough praise to get on hbo.com and figure out when they were going to start airing the repeats from Season 1 in order and began watching. The show demands that from its viewers... it's more like a novel than TV. The plots are insanely intricate and the reality of it is undeniable and depressing. But once you take the trouble to watch it... the show is better than anything else you've ever seen. Season 3 started last week and it's incredible.

    But I'm telling you not to watch it.

    Instead, get HBOonDemand and watch the first 2 seasons. Download them off of the internet... anybody with BitTorrent can. Wait for HBO to release DVD sets of the first 2 seasons (a complete shame that they haven't already) and rent them. Or wait until HBO begins showing old episodes on HBO2 later this year.

    Normally, I'd never ever recommend anyone go through this much trouble, but this show is just that damn good.

    Recommended: To anyone that enjoyed Homicide or Law & Order. To anybody that is related to a cop or has been a cop. To anybody that likes great television. To anyone who's ever wondered why the War on Drugs could never be won. To anybody that reads books.

    Season one has been on DVD for a While now, it's about $70.00 at Deepdiscountdvd. I'm still waiting for two. This has been my favorite show period for the past 2 1/2 years. :D

  6. Its gonna be in Black and White, except for certain things. for instance, That Yellow Bastard will be Yellow, Blood will probably be red, and so on. looks awesome. the casting looks dead on. Mickey Rourke as Marv and Clive Owen as Dwight. the Ladies are gonna rock this one. Jessica Alba, Carla Gugino and Rosario Dawson.

    If You haven't, read the Trade Paper Back Collections. these things kick ass.

    Isn't rourke a little small to play marv?

  7. For the most part, NWA-TNA is crap. They did sign a deal with a FOX Sports affiliate, but who's watching? Some areas have the show on a weekday at 3 or 4 (when everyone's at work). Others have it at 4 or 5 in the morning (like anyone's actually gonna wake up that early).

    Yeah the moves in the X-Division matches are cool. But besides that it's worse than the WWE. Since It came on so Early I used to Tivo it. But I stopped wasting hardrive space. <_<

  8. strange, I thought the VF-1D was supposed to be among the most solid 1/60s out there (where any of the super/strike valks are the worst), virtually everyone else here has had nothing but good things to say about the D.... sounds like a lemon to me also.

    Nope the legs on my VF-1D are worse than those on my M&M Supers.

    So i guess I got a lemon. <_<

  9. Ok, is US version of Hero going to be subbed or dubbed(I really hope not)?

    If subbed I'll buy the region 0 DVD I have been thinking about buying on E-bay for a year now.

    Anyone know how the english subs on the DVD are? :ph34r:

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