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Posts posted by NSJ23

  1. In case none of you have seen this on various deal sites, Dell Home has

    1gb Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo's for sale $95.19. Since its Dell Home, no tax

    for most states (one exception being CA, sucks ). Get em while they last! I just

    ordered mine...

    Dell Home - 1gb Mem Stick Pro Duo

    Finally, I can start putting episodes of 24 and Scrubs on my PSP

    Well my ship date changed from 4/25 to 5/17 but It wasn't cancelled so I'll wait and see what happens. :angry:

  2. I dunno what you guys are whining about. I just got a Windcharger, and the amrs move, the knees bend, and he looks awesome. I love how much sleeker he looks... very cool. And yes, I WILL be getting a gun barrel.

    Yeah, I ordered one. I hope I get it soon. ;)

  3. Hey A7, WCW never used staples center. They had the Great western Forum

    Actually, according to the TopWrestling staff, WCW used the Forum, but moved to Staples Center on their final year of existence.

    Ok, I didn't follow WCW much in that last year, not until I heard that Vince was taking over. I had alway thought the first Wrestling show at Staples was the steph/Test/HHH wedding raw(I was there).

  4. Overall I still think it's awesome that both lines exist and that people can pick and choose between them based on their financial situation and their interest in the character.

    I agree, I have 8 (4 Alt : Sideswipe, Tracks, Jazz, & Windcharger, 4 BT : Smokescreen #7, Hound, Streak, & Grimlock) I love having a choice based on my funds at the time of purchase. ;)

  5. i cant believe they didnt even give ultra magnus a new head :(

    definately a pass.

    why would they give magnus a new head? under the armor he looks just like convoy...?

    I've only ever seen transformers the movie which is what got me hooked when i think i was about 7 yrs old.

    Ultra Magnus is completey diff in the movie, in the series does his "brain" get put into primes body and he gets a new paint job???

    I don't think they ever showed Magnus in bot mode without his armor but I didn't watch the cartoon too much. I just liked the toys.

    That is what UM looks like under the armor in the Transformers comic. Just like Prime but White. They never showed him without the armor in the movie or cartoon. Only in the Dreamwave Comic.

  6. ok, can somebody tell me if this is an official product?

    Complete Transformers DVD collection


    I'm guessing bootleg. I can't think of a single reason why a company would release any of their DVD catalogue as Region Free. That just goes against region coding which they enforce with a vengence.

    So far at TW2005 it's been confirmed to be a official Chinese release not a boot-leg. but it being region free is kinda' strange.

  7. Well, I finally got Grimlock. Took me 30 minutes to transform him first time around (I refuse to read instruction manuals), but I managed to figure out his transformation. Glad I didn't get the BT version, as I would be dead-pissed by all the scratches that would've occured.

    Here's a Happy New Year greeting to you all! Now for some Rum & Coke...


    I love Capt. Morgan's, but I hate those dumb ass advertisements. But that's a great pick A7.

    Damn, I guess I should have waited a little longer for Alternator Grimmy to show up, I just bought the Binaltech one. Not that i'm mad about that but I could have saved a few dollars.

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