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Posts posted by mrhillz

  1. So, in this bizarre what if world, are Valkyries all just Jetfires without pilots? I imagine the answer is that there'd be a whole lot less death, no destruction of Earth, a lot less singing, no romance, and a lot of Starscream whining.

    I never said anything about pilotless Valks, I'm going at the idea that the SDF-1 Macross was a cybertronian ship instead, where they learned the transforming technologies from, etc.

  2. If I posted this in the wrong forum, could someone please move it?

    Hi, I posted this on a transformers message board a little while back, but I figured that since everyone are macross fans here, the results might be a bit different. Basically the question is-

    What if instead of the invading 117th Zentradei fleet invaded, it was made up of Decepticons instead. Ignoring for the monment that Transformers is a Super Robot show as opposed to Macross being a realistic robot series.

  3. I see...so that means GBP is on their way to come?!?!!

    i guess i will wait...until then..to get a 1/100 toynami.

    although i really hope they design the GBP a little better than the S/S parts..(the back pack looks risky.)

    gonna wait till then...if they dont make a GBP.. i guess i will go for the HI Metal..

    And of course, if i get any of those, most certainly i ill post some photos~

    I think a GBP armor would really make mine worthwhile, the toynami one is my only valk to date, until I get the 1/48, and I'm not that big of a fan of it at all.

  4. This would be my first Yamato experience. I"m really looking for a 1/48 of either of those, It honestly doesn't matter which version of the VF-1 it is. I'm looking to spend $130-145 at most on one, preferably from a seller in the US/Canada. I don't know the prices that well but It seems a bit reasonable to me.

  5. I have a feeling that this has been more or less posted already, so please lock and send me to the right direction if it has.

    So, what's everyone's favorite Macross series? Mine would have to be Plus. It was the one of the first OVA anime series that I really got into. I remember getting the first volume dubbed on VHS waay back in the day, and actually got each subsequent volume when they came out. You know the big cliffhanger at the end of Episode 3? Just imagine how myself, and probably others felt when the credits started to roll. I purposely wouldn't let a friend borrow the series, until I relented. He said his mom actually came down to the basement to check on him when she heard him screaming after seeing the cliffhanger ending.

    So, what's everyone else's favorite series, and do they have any funny stories as to why?

  6. Announcement of Yamato's 1/60 VF-4 Lightning III?

    We can only hope, such things would rock so much. I'm waiting on the eventual remold/repaint of the hi-metal vf-19 to the yf-19. How much would they have to do besides get rid of some of the antennae and change the wings?

  7. If this isn't in the proper forum, please move it to the correct one.

    Well,it's possible that movie 2 will the the last of the Macross Frontier storyline. Where do you think Kawamori go next? I would personally like to see Isamu's or Hikaru/Misa's kids in action. I seriously doubt that it would be the latter, since Shoji Kawamori has said at least once that he has no real reason to revisit them, but who knows - maybe he would cave in to fan demand. Anyone else have any thoughts?

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